How To Visit the Tiananmen Square Massacre Museum in NYC - EXCLUSIVE PHOTO EXHIBIT
Yuri's guide to the world's only museum commemorating the events of June 4, 1989
Comrades: Never forget Tiananmen Square.
Last month, the Tiananmen Square Massacre Museum opened in NYC. It is now the only exhibit in the world dedicated to the events of June 4, 1989 because the CCP shut down the Hong Kong location. The museum is located on the 4th floor of 894 6th Avenue and is only open on Sundays and Wednesdays from 12-4PM (website here). MSM pieces about the museum were suspiciously muted and provided no details about how to visit.
Fear not - Yuri found this hidden treasure. I was fortunate to meet the museum’s leader, FengSuo Zhou. He is a living legend who was one of the student leaders at Tiananmen Square. For the crime of giving a speech about free speech, he was imprisoned for a year. We are lucky that he survived and was able to flee to America in 1995. FengSuo remains dedicated to teaching the world about this shameful event. In the photo below, he is pointing to an old newspaper article with pictures of him and other dissidents on the CCP’s “Most Wanted” list. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) is the gentleman on the left. More elected officials and students need to take field trips here.
Today’s post features ~30 photos that I took of the exhibits. They were hidden for years and smuggled out of China at high risk. I am making this post open to all without a paywall, but would appreciate any upgrades or shares. The world needs to know about the CCP’s heinous crimes against its own people and the continuing complicity of Western leaders in their silence and cooperation with the CCP. LinkedIn and Zoom suspended FengSuo’s accounts for continuing to speak out. I am happy to share that FengSuo is now a Yuri reader. Please like this post if you’d like me to interview him in a podcast.
How To Commemorate the Tiananmen Square Massacre of June 4, 1989
FengSuo used an old school mimeograph machine to mass produce samizdats that were distributed amongst dissidents:
He drafted this letter about the freedom of the press, which drew upon the wisdom of the American Founding Fathers and Bill of Rights:
Guangming Daily was the only independent newspaper ever printed in China under 100 years of the CCP’s iron fist. Sadly it only lasted for 2 weeks. Our modern equivalent is Substack, Tweets, and memes:
The movement was far larger than Tiananmen Square - 100 million people in 100 cities participated in demonstrations over months:
The bravest souls, every bit as iconic as Tank Man:
Reporter Jiang Lin’s bloodied shirt:
Battered and bloodied student flags:
Students signed the flag with sayings like “Carry on till the end, no regret even in death”.
Free Hong Kong reporting on the carnage:
Artwork commemorating 9-year-old Lu Peng, the youngest victim:
Pillar of Shame - “The old cannot kill the young forever.”
Executed prisoners:
Solidarity in the USA:
Solidarity in Hong Kong until COVID/CCP ended the vigils in 2020:
Has Taiwan already fallen without a shot being fired? This is their cultural center near Grand Central Station:
Remember the heroes who died for freedom:
“CCP hardliners falsely claimed that an insurrection was underway in [the nation’s capitol]...” That rings a bell.
Dr Joseph Mercola’s (one of the CCDH’s “Dirty Dozen” misinformation spreaders) bank accounts were frozen by Chase, along with several officers of his company, and some of their families. No explanation was given.