Another spot on, scathing commentary of the hypocrisy and toxicity of the left. These participants are like hamsters on a doom-scroll wheel, in a cage they’ve created themselves.

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Brilliant description!

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Thanks, Ryan! (Inspired by the content & an extra-strong cup of coffee.) ;)

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And best of all, it was hilarious.

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I remember when UNC-Greensboro set up the Women's Studies program with money donated by my formerly Republican father in honor of my formerly head -of-the-Republican Women something or other -turned democrat stepmother for a birthday present. I remembered , when I got over my revulsion at the whole thing, "This movement is not going to prove to be a good thing."As a woman, I think women unwittingly ceded their true power during the "women's movement". They looked at the world through a very jaded, narrow lens. After so many years, MY now very jaded narrow lens sees them as having cut off their noses to spite their faces. Whatever common sense they once had has been allowed to shrivel and mummify through disuse. JUST MY EXPERIENCE AND OPINION!!!

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Seems to me they reached within themselves and pulled out their considerable personal power and handed it to these ugly, stunted demagogues

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"ugly" far deeper than skin, and unattractive, throw in mean and stupid is where this cult dominates.

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My mother's sentiment about the women's movement was that is was the worst thing that ever happened to women!

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And so any of them are women - slightly overweight, not very pretty, and with the look of having a large chip on the shoulder. Definitely not the kind of woman any man would want to have around. Gotta feel kinda bad for the poor demoralized females.

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I do NOT feel sorry for them! The whole women's movement was driven by already fragile egos.

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Helen Reddy ought to be shot! Oh, she died.

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Actually, I know quite a few who are thin and attractive, but no less misguided.

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not all.... Some of my acquaintance are very good-looking; and very artsy... say, performing in regional theater productions...

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The amazing thing about these soul-less drones is that they can have multiple Ivy League degrees, multiple homes, millions in the bank and lucrative sinecures where they do nothing but preach to the choir and pat themselves on the back...and yet still imagine themselves as oppressed fighters for Justice battling the Man and his patriarchial systems.

No wonder they're all women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the reality of who they are as people and their narcissistic self-image are so discordant that one ego bruise is enough to crush them mentally.

Academia is run by a Cluster B matriarchy, which is why it produces nothing but florid performances of emotional incontinence.

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A brilliant summation of the self-reinforcing echo chamber these narcissistic buffoons populate. The real tragedy is revealed in the perpetuation of the "disempowered woman" as helpless victim mindset, in the next generation of leftist acolytes.

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Graduated from Barnard in the early 80s. Can confirm that it was one of the original longhouses. Alumnae engagement always aimed at audience of predominantly "radical" (while very financially comfortable) rabidly pro-abort, pro-female domination women. Funnily enough, male trannies now admitted as students.

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The “Women’s Movement”, with all its various monikers, delivered this cluster of women “leaders”. Enjoy the trash in your self-constructed HELL. You haven’t had a clue for decades.

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Excellent work!

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You can tell the strength of a society by the quality of the people it chooses to lead. Our leadership is feeble and deranged.


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They will never learn! So much for a institute of learning. 😜

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We should allow private parties to break up this academia nonsense. By any means necessary as it were.

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"The Dean will not even LISTEN to any ideas that she perceives differs from hers."

Always have a happy chuckle when we get to the inevitable mewling about how "this is the worst sort of discrimination, it's against US!".

Autophagy is indeed very healthy.

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Is Dana Carvey playing Ina Drew?

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Femino-Marxism. Likely the most destructive societal force in the last 150 years!

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Women need to have their own nation, reciprocally giving men also their own nation, that we might have a diversity of nations, giving also further rise to that of women speaking to the nation of men but not having to speak with the nation of men: the original Barnard mission statement.

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I’m truly starting to believe that women cannot, due to their nature, be good leaders. If they could, name one.

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Margaret Thatcher. Gilda Meir.

I agree though, these are the exception rather than the rule. I work in a professional environment, and every woman I work closely with (yea, some might say this says more about me than anything, har-dee-har-har) , has cried at work about work - to include in meetings with both junior staff and senior executives. I believe women's predisposition to these emotional displays definitely effects both their judgement and hence leadership.

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Women can be great leaders at work, as long as there aren't any other women around. Once you have women interacting with each other, all of their issues come to the forefront. In practical terms, this means men must lead at most organizations if success is the desired outcome.

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My experience is that their reaction is more related to conflict than sex. When there is a decision to be made that's easy, no problem. But when there are difficult decisions; the ones that have significant opposition is where women seem to let their emotions get control. This leads to making decisions that try to please everyone while pleasing nobody and round and round it goes...

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Joan of Arc.

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Maybe I should clarify. My bride had been director of nursing everywhere she worked. Because she is a leader,a great leader. But after being with her,for years,and seeing how she was treated by her peers, also mostly women or gay men, and how the good admins loved her, it made me realize that men dont have to put up with the same bullshit that women do. And that’s because of their own sex, not the men.

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They actually can be as long as they aren't bound by the victim mentality. As an aside, in the place I used to work (a law school), the women got along fine. It was the men on the 5th floor in the computer department who were always having squabbles and "not talking to each other" for various silly reasons.

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The only people women are good at leading are children - prepubescent children, to be specific. And that's exactly who nature designed them to lead.

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Protests wearing Palestinian garb is pro-Hamas? No, it’s pro-Life, Anti-War, Anti-Genocide, and maybe in some cases Anti-Zio.

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Palestine, and the Hamas terrorists it worships, is just one facet of the third world death cult. Remind us all again, why none of the other muzzy countries around them will take in their refugees? Oh yea, it's a two-fer; they get to keep the news cycle dominated by poor refugees being persecuted by big bad Israel but know damn well that those refugees would only sow discord with their own followers of the pedo prophet.

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Palestinians are just the latest in the pound-puppy victim brigade. Do they have their own stripe on that ugly oppression flag yet?

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Islam is an enemy of Christianity and the West founded by a ruthless, pedophilic warlord. It is a backwards political ideology despite any positive traits it may profess or embody.

There is no reason the West can't be "pro-Life, Anti-War, Anti-Genocide, and maybe in some cases Anti-Zio" without the assistance of Islam and, in fact, historically has been before the destruction of the Bolsheviks and Vatican II.

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So, when does the killing end? Zios are ALWAYS the victims . Please explain why the indigenous Jewish peoples, Palestinians and christians co-habitated peacefully until after WW2 when the Israeli colonial project began with the movement out of Europe after the Holocaust. Hatred is not enough to explain tribal warfare’s historical roots nor is hollow rhetoric that’s been debunked a 100,000 times or more today and in ‘48.

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I am not defending the genociders. They are usurpers and a synagogue of Satan. I am simply saying Islam is not to be allied with or trusted despite any positive they may give or produce for a cause.

Historically, the West (and Russia) were anti-zionist. There is no reason to rely on Muslims who also happen to be anti-zionist as we are quite capable of our own thought and action. Will this happen? Likely not as most of the West are brainwashed with WWII rewrites and act as Zionist bootlickers.

Islam needs to be eradicated from Western (i.e. Christian (despite the Great Apostasy upon us)) nations and Zionists need to be returned to their historical role of diaspora until the blindness is removed from their eyes.

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