Yeah...well...Yuri, we can take solace in the fact that we weren't sheep.


1. We were not afraid to be wrong. And we were not afraid to call WRONG wrong. We were willing to stand up to social tyranny. In other words; we had balls.

2. Curiosity

3. Empathy

4. We were willing to pay the price. Many, many people feared losing something (job, social relationships, Costco privileges,etc). The fear of losing something is the biggest motivator known to mankind. It will launch a thousand hideous ships of terror.

5. I suspect most accepted how it would end; knowing that resistance was done for your freedom but also that of others...and that there would be no credit and everyone would choose to learn nothing and want to move on and that we would be accused of not moving on.

6. Knowing that the only thing worse than being shamed was to be a coward

7. I also suspect most of us simply could not pretend that nobody else was pretending

I often wonder what separated folks who saw through the nonsense. That's my best guess. Feel free to correct me.

And you know what? What wonderful qualities We The People have here. It always comes down to the few to fight tyranny.

History has been thrust upon us. It's on us...and up to us; I pray it's in us.

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"1. We were not afraid to be wrong. And we were not afraid to call WRONG wrong. We were willing to stand up to social tyranny. In other words; we had balls."

There are 5 words I TRY to keep uppermost in my mind. But..I...Could...Be...Wrong.

"2. Curiosity"

WHY? Is Rapidly becoming one of my favorite Words.

One of the things I have noticed is people on The Left, while not Stupid (no more so than people on The Right) are ignorant. They Don't know what we Really Say, and Why we Say It. What is worse no/very little interest in finding out.

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Yup. Smugnorance

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I'm Stealing That word! :-)

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40 years of listening to anti-nuclear propaganda in the media and knowing it was lies had already immunized me.

The covid, and climate change movements are all built on the same methodologies. Shadow fund a bunch of NGOs, pay the media to lie non-stop, always have a paid liar ready to jump in front of the cameras, finance "demonstrations", make it seem like the "in" thing so that it's "unthinkable" to speak against it.

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This sentence - "What wonderful qualities We The People have here. It always comes down to the few to fight tyranny." - puts me in mind of Paine's opening lines - "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW. deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

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15 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

The circle of abuse picture towards the end of your article is chilling. Literally every sign of being in an abusive relationship was shown during the Covid "crisis".

The sad thing is that so many not only wouldn't recognize that the government abused them, but many still cling to their Covid talismans and others have conveniently forgotten what happened less than 5 years ago.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Hopefully, your uncle will actually get to live in a free country. I have my doubts

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I hope that we get to live in a free country too.

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Super helpful, Yuri. Thank you so much. Shared with family and friends. Restacked!

Very clear tutorial on How to Follow Biderman's Chart of Coercion!

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I try sharing these types of things too. Only problem is those who are already brain-broken are hard (if not impossible) to convince. I guess I'll just have to hope for change in them.

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Yup. We can just keep trying!:)

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Ah, Biderman's Chart of Coercion, born from witnessing Communism in the Korean War.

I can recall that during the early days of COVID Mania, when I had figured out it was a Psychological Operation, I posted on the British site called TCW (The Conservative Woman) all about Biderman and Lifton and others of that ilk.

I was banned from posting again. Apparently their editor Kathy Gyngell thought she knew it all. Though she had never heard of Biderman or Lifton. Or Psychological Operations. And she did not like competition from those who knew. Hah!

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Gyngell is up her own arse. CW had some good stuff but felt formulaic. Overton springs to mind

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

The funniest point here, Paul, is that TCW advertises itself as "Defending Freedom". But apparently Kathy G. is as much into Cancel Culture as the WOKE, when it suits her to cut-off someone's free speech because it might make her look like the lesser party.

Kathy G. reminds me very much of Peter Breggin in that way. Two of a kind. And I have been cancelled by both of them, for daring to know things which they did not.

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Sounds like a Narcissist.

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Well, privately I did wonder about that.....

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12 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Kathy G. has her good points, but she really needs to be seen as top banana, and no one gets to show they know more than her!

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This coercion schema you lay out sounds similar to grad school. Now imagine that an entire governing class has been put through the Diet Coke version of this to get credentialed by the faculty who thrive the most in such a system.

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Thank you for the trip down bad memory lane and the concurrent looksie into what's being done to us in real time to break our will individually and as a society. The real disaster in NC is the non-response by FEMA and the federal government generally to the hurricane attack. The failure to respond and to obstruct private individuals and groups from responding was as planned as the anomalous hurricane that travelled inland without any diminution in size and force. I have also heard that the real estate vultures are already on the ground offering the victims fairly hefty buyouts of their homes, none of which have flood insurance since these types of floods don't happen in mountains. I guess it will make the lithium extraction simpler if the residents sitting on top of the mines are removed first.

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Oh, there's also a rumor that any property sellers in NC will also get a free trip to Maui to visit with their compatriots who were burned out of their homes and town by a mysterious fire that some tin-hatters think was caused by DEWs. I need to take a break to adjust my Reynolds Wrap head covering.

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More people who care to admit went along to get along for financial reasons that being dependent on their bread and butter.

Debt slaves in the end will comply or risk the loss of their homes and luxuries.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Fantastic Stack, Yuri, as usual!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

“The media wants to turn it into fear. There's floods, there's AIDS, there's murder, cut to commercial, buy the Acura, buy the Colgate, if you have bad breath they're not going to talk to you, if you have pimples, the girl's not going to fuck you, and it's just this campaign of fear, and consumption, and that's what I think it's all based on, the whole idea of keep everyone afraid, and they'll consume".- Marilyn Manson

A lot of Americans still have the “it can’t happen here” mentality and are in denial that it already has happened here. In many ways Covid was the biggest social engineering experiment and the biggest test of dictatorial power in the west that has ever been attempted. It passed with flying colors; when you still see people masked on a beach and people wearing face shields in their cars by themselves with the windows up, you have succeeded in re-education.

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"Vote out the people that did this because they will gladly abuse power again."

Comrade, when you hire an exterminator to remove roaches, rats, or mice from your house, they don't just gather up the pests and put them out on the front lawn because the pests will eventually just re-enter the house. I'll leave it at that...

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not even to mention that the "good" side was in it as much as the "bad" side

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This info is a history lesson that everyone needs to read. Thank you.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Call me naive, but I always thought of our government as a fairly benign entity, excluding the wars overseas of course. Even many mistaken policies seemed well-intentioned to me. The pandemic response changed all that. It absolutely had all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship. Walz is just one example of a politician whose covid policies didn't seem to harm his popularity. My own governor, who forced parents to mask toddlers, was re-elected, to my amazement.

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Love the "I need a VP dumber than me" meme. It explains very clearly how we got to where we are now... Although why folks elect these idiot bozos in the first place remains a mystery. I guess not that mysterious. Our rulers keep offering two idiots in each election. You get a moron either way.

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Well done on this one, mate! Great to have something structured to map the coercion tactics of 2020 and beyond to.

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..re: isolation & 'social distancing': sometimes it pays to be a loner.. 🤣

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