Walking the NYC streets with my early teenage (pre Obama) son we we approached by a Democrat solicitor to register us with the party. Right then to the solicitors astonishment I told my son: “Don’t listen to him. These are bad people”.

This nightmare has to run its course. Good family values is a hopeful start.

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The streets of NYC reek of marijuana. Most people you see in the city are on some kind of opioid. It's the only way to survive in the city.

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It used to be, the streets of NYC reeked of cigarette smoke. Was that better?

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Definitely better!

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Yeah? I used to be the lady smacking down smokers in bodegas. (One of them, anyways... :-) It was disgusting, stinky, nauseating. Mindless. The way we put up with smoke in elevators and airplanes and everywhere! How was that BETTER?!

(Referring here to your "reek of marijuana").

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"we were approached by a solicitor to register us with a party" I fixed it for you.

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Don't forget the Chinese biolab found in Reedley California. https://www.newsx.com/fbi-and-cdc-raid-chinese-covid-biolab-in-california/

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Great history lesson today. Much appreciated. Now a little history of my own. In the mid-70s we lived near Boston MA. I was a young housewife and new mother, but took the opportunity to volunteer as a docent at a famous nearby museum. The source of its collections was in good part the items that the Age of Sail in post-Revolutionary American clipper ship captains brought home with them from their lengthy trading voyages to the Far East: Chinese Export porcelain, silk fabrics, and other luxury goods. What the Americans brought to trade at Canton were rough goods, like furs and a plant that grew wild in the New England woods -- ginseng.

Yankee traders were confined to the port cities and had to deal with the Chinese 'boss' of the place. One famous entrepot was Houqua and his portrait graces many a Yankee dining room in fond remembrance of the 'good old days'. Yes, the Americans were involved in this trade, but it was the British trading companies that monopolized opium, carried by them from India to China. There were Americans who got involved in this disagreeable practice, like the Delanos and the Russells, but the Brits were the main dealers. Indian exports also included cotton goods, like calico. This was just before the cotton gin was invented in the US and cotton became King in the US South.

My other historic tidbit re the Chinese Century of Humiliation is that my mother (b. 1902) and some of her relatives escaped the Russian Revolution shortly after it happened in the late 'teens (c. 1918-20). They were fortunate to find a way out by rail through Eastern Siberia and into China. Her family was prominent, doctors and military officers. As with many other so-called White Russians they ended up in cities like Harbin in Manchuria, Tientsin and Peking. There were established "European Sectors" in those places, whether the Chinese liked it or not, and life was quite pleasant, schools were good, recreation available. Lots of native Chinese servants to serve as "Ammas" (child care Nannies) and Boys to do heavy work. Once there was a great commotion in the kitchen and the Cook was yelling at Boy; turns out Boy was discovered to be hosting a tapeworm and summarily fired! Another time, my grandmother ("Babushka") was riding in a rickshaw and saw another such vehicle, where the British officer passenger was beating the rickshaw operator with some sort of club. My grandmother screamed at him to stop (she spoke four languages, English being one), saying "Stop that, you British dog!" My mother was in the rickshaw with her and told me the story many years' later.

Babushka died in April 1953, outliving by a few weeks, Joseph Stalin, the man responsible for arresting her beloved husband and sending him to certain death in a Siberian prison camp in the late 1920s, along with millions of others. Our family learned that my grandfather had been "rehabilitated" by the Soviet authorities in 1954. Prior to the Revolution he had received several awards from the Czarist govt for his veterinary work, studying cattle plagues like anthrax and insuring the sanitation of the Army's meat supply during WWI. He also received a kind of knighthood from the Mongolian government thanking him for his assistance to the Buryat peoples, nomads who rely for their sustenance on their animals.

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You have a very interesting family. Thank you for sharing.

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A minor footnote to your story: still today there's a US tea merchant based out of Massachusetts named "Mark T Wendell" which long ago actually traded with the legendary "Hou Qa" you mention. in their "About" page they mention him favorably. they named one of their teas after him: https://marktwendell.com/about-us

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I know some younger Wendell descendants in the Boston area. They're hanging in there!

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Last I checked, China did not invade the United States, burn the White House, and force the American government to allow them to import and sell dope. Come to think of it, I don't recall any unequal treaties, either.

That said, the real root cause of the Opium Wars was that the rest of the world was running massive trade deficits to China, as the West made little that Chinese people wanted, while China made things that Westerners did want.

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Good point. All the parallels are there, but modern warfare is very different from the 1800s.

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Didn't the Roosevelt family make their first family fortune trafficking opium into China under the protection of the British flag?

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Yes - it's towards the bottom of the piece and the Wikipedia entry for opium wars:

"Some American merchants entered the trade by smuggling opium from Turkey, including Warren Delano Jr. the grandfather of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is sometimes referred to as the Old China Trade."

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Probably everyone here knows this, but allow me to point out that RFK Jr's grandfather Joseph Kennedy was a prohibition era bootlegger (and later the US ambassador to Britain)

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Fine historical comparisons comrade. Jeremy's left brain low frequency constitution can't handle simple pattern recognition—short circuits the programmed normie. Bitcoin as legal tender, criminals detained and incarcerated, cutting regions from 240 to 44 to slice the tax burden of citizens, a President who openly mocks the empire of lies... El Salvador is looking like the ultimate safe haven for sensible patriots seeking refuge from all the prepared demoralization. By 2030 Bukele will need to build a wall to keep Americans out.

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Ignore Jeremy, that was pretty good.

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"Unrestricted Warfare." The two Chinese colonels told us their exact gameplan:


They could've just stopped at General Tso's Chicken to destroy America, but here we are.

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True that.

I made the same point last year here: https://poetslife.blogspot.com/2022/09/fentanyl-ccp-revenge-for-opium-wars.html

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Alternative perspective: the only defence against GAE are soft-authoritarian societies that safeguard against American propaganda.

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They paid attention to what worked and are using it on us!

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Bravo Sir!! JP Morgan owned some boats that some smack was on curiously in our recent last century if you want to dig into it too. Bravo!! More people need to continue to begin to really, for lack of a better term, evangelize this. As a Christian when I see video of Kensington and Cali it's like modern Leprosy and in a waiting room you look around and know what parents are handing kids with the devices because they can't stop looking at theirs. 64% giving up the vote for tiktok. SMH. We're in big trouble. God help us. While big tech and elites send their kids to Waldorf schools that big tech executives started. Use tech don't let it use you!!! Love your article. Generations lost. Weakened over time. Mao didn't have an issue killing 20 million of his own and Xi is the biggest dope boy in the world.

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Excellent! Right on point. Payback is a bitch

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Natural selection. Smoke/inject drugs, die of overdose. I actually think we don’t need to worry about those addicted to it anymore.

Cruel and inhumane, I know, but somebody had to say it...

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Since 'The City of London' is the handler of illicit MONIES DERIVED FROM CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE...Perhaps, it's high time to hold the Central Banker Family Mafia perpetrators; in support, funding and laundering ACCOUNTABLE.

That's were all the evil begins and is maintained.


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"and covertly sold it on to American smugglers."

I believe you meant overtly, there's nothing secret about it

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