Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

WTF is a "nondenominational Seder"? Is that just lunch in the spring?

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov


Really nice catch on a white female college grad randomly deciding to study Arabic in Cairo and Syria followed by returning to get a series of decently paying job -- which is implausible on its face if one were not part of a three letter agency.

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Those kind of people are why I don’t listen to NPR anymore and stopped donating to Wikipedia.🤮

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

It’s going to be pretty weird to explain to our grandchildren how our society was destroyed not by foreign invaders but by our own affluent white women.

“Your grandma did it kids.”

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Sounds like NPR wants to become MOAR NPR!

Republicans should hang their head in shame that they have not managed to defund NPR yet. The raised pinky finger RINOs actually support it!

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I was a loyal monthly supporter for almost two decades. In 2021 I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and defunded them. I occasionally tune in on the way to work mostly to hear what it is that they are still discussing... they never asked me why or canceled my membership (neither did the NYT, the Atlantic and the Economist that used to be staples in my house)

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Is it just me or does this woman look like/remind anyone of that pathetically drunk, Hollywood maven, Chelsea Handler? Thanks for the laughs. From the angel wings comment to three cats named Vagina, I had a good chortle-fest.

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NPR is a neoliberal propaganda outlet. These people are not “commie’s.” They’re exactly the people who’ve traditionally helped the establishment destroy radicals and iconoclasts who had the guts to fight corrupt abuse of power. They’re money grubbing, nihilistic, paid off, self centered careerists who support every war, worship fame & celebrities, helped throw Julian Assange under the bus, help do the bidding for the military industrial complex and neocon psychopaths at the state department. They’re passive consumers of information who fall for every lightweight, feel good crap story NPR feeds them. They’re brainwashed by universities who indoctrinated them on what, not how, to think. They aren’t trained to critique power or challenge cultural assumptions. Sheep. Low info sh..t libs with “hate has no home here” signs that mean nothing. Here’s my idea for a daily NPR segment;

“Today on all things inconsiderate; we welcome an old British man who smokes a pipe and talks for 4 minutes on the history of tank warfare and says Putin is losing.” This segment will be presented as a chess game you can enjoy while drinking tea. It may be disturbing to some listeners so we’ll warn ahead so as not to upset you.” Then; it’s on to the 55th anniversary of Sesame Street and the positive impact Oscar the grouch had on minority kids.”

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

My God, Yuri, how the fuck do you READ that vomit???? I do appreciate the breakdown though. It's important to know thine enemy.

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Back in the day when I was still a lib, I loved NPR and thought it was so “fair and balanced” hahahaha. Now it is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Cringe

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This chick is so obviously connected with intel.....& I find her beyond cringey. Unfortunately the women around me - nice but clueless, listen to NPR & would find this fake a “powerful” woman. I can’t stand that description & women that use it or want to be referred to as powerful are lacking in self confidence. Do the reverse, do I need to refer to my husband as a powerful man?

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That wedding “announcement” is a real trip. If you didn’t any it was legit I’d swear I was reading The Babylon Bee.

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Such an odd sentence. The sum total of the family lore of standing up to the oppressive British empire was the following:

"He spoke of his aunt, who, as a schoolgirl during colonial rule in India, briefly stepped foot on a road designated only for the British."

If there had been ANY more to the story it would have been printed. So we can conclude that the aunt lived a privileged life if that is the most enduring memory of life in British-occupied India.

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Jan 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Parents and future parents don’t raise your daughters like Katherine Maher. It really is that simple.

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E. Jean Carroll, the world's most expensive whore.

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Jan 29Liked by Yuri Bezmenov


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