Amazing work here.

This was a far more seminal moment than most realize.

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In 1931 Williiam Faulkner wrote "Dry September". It is a short story about claims by a white woman that she was raped by a black man. The gist of the story is that her claims were not believable, but a certain contingent of people wanted to believe them. In the end, the black guy is "delt with". After all, regardless of specific facts, blacks need to be always taught their place.

It's close to a hundred years later, and it's still the same, but in reverse. Now, it's those white, privileged men who must, regardless of facts, be continually kept in their place. The hatred is still the same. The rejection of rational thought is still the same. And it's still democrats. Thee KKK was made

of democrats, and the progressive movement is made of democrats.

People are inclined to think it's a contradiction of terms for me to say that the progressive movement evolved out of the KKK. But it is the same party, the same personality types, and the same mass hysterics by people who would fit right in at Lord of the Flies.


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Very insightful!

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Privileged white men are under equitable attack akin to KKK attacks to black Americans 100 years ago? Lmaoooooooooooooooooooo. You and fake Yuri are right. These negroes have entirely TOO MUCH power 🚫 something must be done!

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I don't remember saying anything about the "negroes" having too much power. Nor did I imply it.

The sure sign of a bigot is when they find a reason to hate someone for what they imagined that they said.

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I don't hate you, I just think you're stupid. Here's a "reminder":

After all, regardless of specific facts, blacks need to be always taught their place.

It's close to a hundred years later, and it's still the same, but in reverse. Now, it's those white, privileged men who must, regardless of facts, be continually kept in their place. The hatred is still the same. The rejection of rational thought is still the same. And it's still democrats. Thee KKK was made of democrats, and the progressive movement is made of democrats.

This implies that the power structure of old, i.e. privileged white guys, are now at a disadvantage due to the "democrat KKK" flipping the power structure NOT ONLY in favor of the marginalized class that's the subject of this post but against the actual power structure that empowered the KKK.

In short, the KKK is now attacking itself on behalf of the people the used to fight.

I was gonna imitate a fake deep quotation here like you the real attempt you made but I'd rather explain the joke...

And to any other armchair revisionist history buffs... we see you for all that you are and all that you've ever been. Lol

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You play the perpetual victim perfectly. Funny how those that do rise above, never play that victim card.

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These negroes have entirely too much power thanks to dickheads like yourself. Because the color of the skin of the “victim” shouldn’t matter. But it does, to you. The real victims, the white rich boys, don’t deserve justice in your perverse little world. Eabod.

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Lmaoooo boy fuq u. The issue is ppl like you making assumptions about things you obviously don't study. Regardless of color, if I'm taking a MONSTROUS ass whipping for 500 years, I'll be damned if I take lessons on civility from such loosely structures chromosomes such as yourself. Scoff to your emotional outbursts... NONE of you actively work towards any solutions for the true equity humanity deserves because you'd lose your position... you can't handle real competition. You just complain when the marauders from the other side fight in their own unfair way. So go facade as if you care about equity or "real victims" you just wanna keep your advantages. I feel you, though... I do... if I couldn't compete I'd complain too. And I know you can't compete because every white boy that was TRULY valuable or talented never concerned themselves with propagation... didn't need to... but you.... lol hold on tightly fool, you'll see your true allies soon 😄

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You are one racist fuck. Go blow sharpton on farcebook, and make sure you don’t open a book. Your racist black ass is obviously butthurt for being called out. The solution is simple, stupid. Rise above. Sounds like you’d rather roll inthe mud with your democrat brothers. You ever hear of the real heroes of your race? Why do you think that might be? The Thomas Sowells, Walter Williams, Ben Carson’s? You don’t hear or know them because the white liberals you blow have made sure you don’t get educated. And yet here you are, sounding just like them. That’s my problem? I don’t think so. You guys have these dopey bastards bending over backwards for you, in case one young black might show some interest in learning, out of 1000. And y’all squander that instead, and follow Lebrun James. Worthless piece of shit that he is. That’s on you, loser.

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Actually, his point is that the values and tactics of progressives has not changed. Different time and circumstances but the same commitment to ideology and indifference to justice. It is your "racist under every bush" mentality is the joke that has become apparent.

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60 Minutes’ Ed Bradley did a segment on this case which was very good. There were actually 2 strippers, and the accuser’s partner was on the show flatly denying a rape took place, with video showing her friend was actually forced to leave and kept trying to get back into the house. Two of the accused players had video showing themselves elsewhere (one at a bank, one at a gas pump) at the time the alleged rape occurred.

As a Duke Med alum from way back, I was sickened by the letter from the 88, and so proud of the coach, who stood on principle and was thrown under the bus for it (anyone else old enough to remember Lefty Drisell?).

Thank you for the snippet from Whoopi Goldberg. I don’t have much use for her usually, but bless her for telling Sharpton what I still believe - he owes the players and their supporters a huge, groveling apology. I’m not holding my breath. (She also stood up to the mob wanting to lynch Ted Danson for the blackface incident at her roast.)

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How many Duke alums stopped giving after the scandal? Incredible how much clear cut evidence exonerated the players, yet the DA and media kept steamrolling with a fake narrative. Glad truth won in the end, but at what cost?

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Too many people don't know the players were exonerated and the accuser went to prison for murder for it to ever be right.

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This was the first time I remember reading that she is in prison for murder. Granted, not a big news reader in the ‘00’s but I’ve read much about this incident and don’t remember that she went on to murder someone. Probably would have if I’d watched that 30 for 30 which in my opinion were some of the best productions ever to come from espn.

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Yep, she was a real prize. She's probably out by now, though.

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I have found it amazing for a long time that people are able to act like it's a negative in America today to be black. I mean look at the Claudine Gay situation. She's being oppressed because she's no longer president of Harvard and has to settle for a position as faculty earning $900k, despite plagiarism and little academic record? How brutal.

But in a way they do have it rough, just not the way that leftists think. Jason Riley captured it when he wrote either a book or an article, I forget which, saying 'Liberals, stop helping us.' Because it is their 'help' that is keeping the black community down. Cultivating a victimhood mentality, never taking personal responsibility.

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The year after the Duke Lacrosse scandal, one of the accused transferred to Brown (where I was an undergrad) and was essentially treated like a leper: even after he'd been cleared, everyone I knew hated him anyway. Almost ten years later I saw the law professor K.C. Johnson deliver a talk on the case at Columbia Law School, and even then students were booing and hissing him -- even after the story had fallen apart, to contradict the narrative made one a bad person.

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Good work Yuri; it's important to keep this case known and especially name the arsonists who inflamed it. To me, there was a predecessor case that involved some of the same people and established the template: Tawana Brawley in Dutchess County, NY in the late '80s. Rev Al Sharpton parlayed that hoax into national prominence from which he has never returned. I always remember a scene in Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" where two characters are standing in front of a graffiti covered wall in Brooklyn featuring a statement like "Tawana told the Truth". The narrative was implanted and continues to metastasize.

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The Reverend Al was right in the middle of that one, too.

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"Reverend" LMAO...

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That was said with irony. I was living in NYC when “the reverend” was ginning up hate against Jews.

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The accuser, Crystal Mangum, stabbed her then-boyfriend to death in 2011 and went to prison.

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Yes I mentioned that she was sentenced to 14 years for murder. MSM memory holed it.

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Sorry. I missed that. Should have read more carefully.

MSM memory holes everything related to this fiasco because it's such a red pill. Envy based identity politics is a very ugly thing.

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Lies by omission are the worst kind. There’s no chance of the liars being called on it.

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KC Johnson is one of the best professors I ever had, and he was almost hounded out of academia, despite a stellar academic resume, because all the far left profs hated him. I don’t even know his politics except that he’s not woke. Anyway, it was a big thing back in the day, look it up, will tell you even more about the state of professors today than the Claudine gay fiasco.

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Modern-day Salem Witch Trials...We never learn.

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Oh Tovarisch, you always miss the real point. It does not matter if these allegations destroy lives, reputations, and futures. If we don't address these issues, then the North Pole will be ice free in the winter and penguins will drown. Do you hate penguins? I think the answer is self-evident.

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When enough people no longer accept as truth what the corporate media puts out as “news” these types of social movements that create criminals to fit their narrative will end. I see more people that accepted the “pandemic” narrative that now know it was billshit and its roots nefarious.

This substack, and the numerous other substack authors are cutting through fog of lies daily. You can’t keep the truth hidden forever.

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"You can’t keep the truth hidden forever."

True - but has it not been proven that the core of 'woke' concludes truth, any truth, to be of absolutely no relevance.

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As "woke" is more or less a child of political correctness in general, it is nothing more than lies that we have experienced with pc for decades. You can follow this line of reasoning or philosophy to Marx and the communist ideal, this isn't new. Marx was a satanist, by his own writings this is revealed. Ultimately all of this nonsense "they" purport as truth are lies. What they call evil is good and vice versa. We have been warned about these times.

As I said, Yuri and many other writers and podcasters are blowing up "their" narrative. Truth, when exposed to the masses will overcome the lies. It's only been a year or two, "they" have had decades. My only concern is that as people become awake to the lies, these monsters will lead the world into a major conflagration. That's one way to avoid the punishment they so richly deserve.

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I follow lacrosse very closely and when this story first broke I knew something didnt feel right. Like Covid lol. What was done here was a manufactured witchhunt. The punter that was drafted in the first round by the Buffalo Bills Matt Araiza has just been cleared recently after being kicked off the team. His charges were very similar, his accuser dropped charges over one year later when video evidence proved he wasnt even at the scene. Sadly this will continue.

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Race hucksters are virtually never held accountable for their actions. As you pointed out even when the truth is revealed, it’s too late to truly remove the stain.

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Look at the poor white cop in prison for murdering a black druggie thug piece of shit, because to call him a piece of shit and exonerate the cop that did nothing to bring about his death won’t fly. Even though it’s a fact he died of an overdose.

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Look at fucking Al Sharpton. A criminal if there ever was one

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Yuri, thank you for this post. Wanted to mention that you are using DIE instead of the correct terminology of DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion). Not sure if its intentional but it should be changed to DIE for what it is doing to this nation. DEI relies on what Marx said in one of his letters..."the relentless criticism of all things".

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How is their anti white racism not abusive to their white spouses, in particular?

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Freud would have a field day with the anti-white commissars who are all married to whites.

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I mean, I assume the spouses are into it. Maybe they get off on groveling.

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Funny. Same thing happens when after revealing leftist propaganda for what it is - as pure, provable falsehood, everything goes silent. The hysterical drum beaters and Molotov-throwing anarchists slink back into their parents basements. Nothing to see here. Move along.

And so they go on to repeat their error, costing more people their lives and livelihoods.

There really needs to be accountability - thanks for reminding folks.

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