Note to Elon (and maybe Trump). The problem with NATO isn't that the Euros underfund. The problem is that it exists at all. The underfunding issue is a Cold War complaint. The Cold War has been over for 35 years.

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“Boomerwaffens” — what a great term! I may know an eldery couple who resemble my parents that fit the term! 😅

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“I am extremely pro immigrant, being one myself. However, just as when hiring for a company, we should confirm that anyone allowed into the country is talented, hardworking and ethical. De facto open borders is as insane as allowing anyone to join one of your companies without even going through an interview.”

It is truly concerning that this common-sense stance is debated in our county. US citizens must jump through hoop after bureaucratic laden hoop to immigrate to countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, etc. But the land of the free, and the home of the free?

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…

NOT your criminals, murderers, and rapists.

Nope. You can keep those.

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you know. i would bet that DEI has caused some to be hired with no interviews

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Example: I know a wonderful person from Japan who worked at our company 15 years and it took that long to get citizenship. Legal immigration and legal citizenship path is a brutally slow process. BTW- no government benefits for this legal immigrant.

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Noted how any allowance for continued short-term usage of fossil fuels while we pursue solar and nukes = climate denialism.

Fallacy of the excluded middle.

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What an ironic statement that twit Khosla opines about Trump: "someone with no values", coming from a person with CLEARLY no values, because he has indeed been De-moralized (spelled so as to distinguish from the colloquial and preferred dictionary meaning as synonymous with disheartened). Khosla is looking through a glass opaquely, not darkly.........strains out a gnat while swallowing a camel......

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This is the opposite of copypasta. What's a term that has more flair than incisive writing?

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The "mommy, I don't want to go to war" meme is spot on. I personally feel the pain as the exact situation described is taking place with my grandchildren.

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Go Elon Go!! At least discussions are happening!!

2 notes: 1. Thanks for the boomerwaffen word!!! I know some.

2. Any 1 that sincerely believes the climate green we all die in 12 years that we need spend trillions of dollars to prevent a climate catastrophe is net zero

Credibility. The more money you have does equate to intelligence.

Hoping Elon does more of these.

Let them eat their words.

“ just answer the fcccknnn question? Man.

Being compromised puts you on the blue team.

Trapped. Limited in light, Truth honesty.

I’m not a Democrat? Lol

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Thank you 👍

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Owns? Title typo?

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Pwns is an Internet slang term ;)

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In Mrs. Miller's defense, she only recognizes pwn3d.

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Relative to Khosla's Climate Alarmist religion, it would likely be useless to get him to read the recent paper by Nikolov and Zeller mathematically linking convincingly recent warming trends to a 6% decrease in Earth cloud cover albedo in the last 40 years. For those who lack perspective on this, all increased temperature rises are completely predicted by this reduction in reflective cloud cover - a 6% reflectance reduction is a MASSIVE increase in absorbed short-wave (UV/Vis/NIR) solar radiation, straightforwardly leading to recent surface temperature increases.

IPCC climate models are wholly negligent in accounting for cloud albedo, instead using the strawman poorly correlated increase in anthropogenic CO2 as justification for anti-human governmental policies.

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Glenn Greenwald got the Vance dossier right. It's all based on publicly available sources, so who should be worried about it being dissiminated. Only issue was about home addresses and social security number not being redacted - which is a minor issue to correct

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