Stop being both funny *and* accurate. You make the rest of us look bad. #resist

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He's empowering us with material to watch the Left squeal when we force them to look at reality and truth.

There's a reason people despise hypocrisy, especially when it involves their pocket book. And its why memes work; hypocrisy is base material for mockery and humor.

Two very powerful tools to control the plot. They're force multipliers when combined. And it's a tool to allow them to expose themselves as fools and/or cry babies

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"Reality is a construct."

From the Book of Post-Modern Constructivist Inanities.

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Yup. It's not the end of the world; just the end if the illusion.

Every day of our lives has been April's Fools Day...we just didn't know it until The Scamdemic.

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Groundhog Day. Every day. As for its perpetual 24-hour repetitive cycle, I am pretty sure it began around 2008.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

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How could I forget these immortal words? Added them to the end of the post.

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Never gets old saying that stuff because it's so damn true.

"The war is meant to be continuous."

Make reading 1984 mandatory again.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. DIVERSITY is strength.

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Cultural Diversity is camoflauge for ideological uniformity.

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Diversity is a euphemism for mediocrity.

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Indeed. It almost culminated in Bidencide

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I keep noticing how everyone’s a Nazi and a fascist now, except the people who actually strangle Jewish babies with their bare hands. They are “freedom fighters,” but Elon did a salute once so he’s the real Nazi. It’s absolutely insane.

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Who "strangled Jewish babies with their bare hands?" Did you really fall for this shit?

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Sorry for the length of post. I'm so pissed I can't help myself.

It's all a scam to make money. Zelensky and Putin had it all worked out...but no the war mongers insisted on Nato for Ukraine.

Does anybody think Zelensky would turn that down? Why would he? His country is getting billions from us and he's skimming. And then we'll give him billions to rebuild his country.

It will all end with what he and Putin agreed on:

Ukraine gives a little land and they don't get into NATO.

But billions will be made...maybe trillions if it drags out 5+ more years. They played to his ego and wallet.

Seems obvious

When the EU was formed, the economy was almost the same as the United States in 1999. It’s only 60 percent of the U.S. economy now, GDP-wise. It’s failing in every aspect. Germany’s becoming deindustrialized.

Failure is the twin of censorship.

SO let me get this straight - the maniacal tyrant Adolph Hitler, the brutal Gestapo, a cold blooded military war machine, and cowardly politicians of The Reichstag were persuaded to carry out Holocaust by free German citizens practicing free speech?

I mean Germany has gone so far in avoiding Nazism that they resorting to communism by shutting down free speech

You have to be kidding me, the Globalists, who have turned much of Europe into no-go zones and Ukraine into a crucible of cannon fodder, have the gall to lecture Trump on foreign policy. Give me a break.

So now one of the overlords is threatening Trump that he'll be denied the Nobel Peace Prize for making peace? Which just proves these prizes have never been about peace or science, just politics. How else would Obama get one just for getting elected?

Trump doesn't need the Nobel prize. These are the prizes POTUS and his supporters want.

The "Prize" is that we are no longer apologist and suckers on the world stage - to be respected again

The "Prize" is that we have the most lethal, well-equipped military in theworld.

The "Prize" is that we have a balanced budget, no federal debt, and a booming economy Etc. Etc.etc.

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I was sad and concerned to read the results of the German election. Yes, there was positive movement. Time will tell. I’m very concerned.

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They had what “all worked out”?

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Just what I said. Read again

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One Prize was Secretary Wright publicly stating that the USA will not follow the German plan on energy and that doing so is economic suicide.

I mean, we've been saying it for 20 years, but it's been shouting into an empty room. He had a real audience. For cause of Germany's 2+ year recession one need look no further than their "energy policy".

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Just sent this to most of my family. This very accurate piece is written in my favourite style! Good black sarcastic humour. The fact that it is so accurate is a great bonus. Enjoyed very much with my morning coffee. Thanks.

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I think, technically, it's satire, but all that really matters is how great it is.

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Fact-based satire, and the re-birth of honest-to-God humour in the United States. It arrived sooner than I expected.

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Instead of hammer and sickle stars on your EU flag, I suggest evil clowns.

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No. The reek of post modernist neo-marxism pours out of the EU like coal smoke from China. Go with the Soviet hammer and sickle, Yuri...

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For giggles, I hope the fearsome Europeans launch their campaign in June, like Hitler (6/22) and Napoleon (6/24). Split the difference. June 23 it is.

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I can see it now, The Trans-European Army launches a massive border crossing into the Russian frontier in sail-powered infantry tanks, getting off to a slow start due to unexpectedly light winds....

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Or they could be real men like Charles XII and invade on Jan. 1. That would be even funnier. Other than Iceland, every NATO country has invaded Russia at least once or participated in Napoleon's or Hitler's debacles. Some like the UK and France came by sea but they don't really have navies any more.

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SO well done. 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂

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Wish I could link this to the WSJ comment section on each article the Forever War supporters are out in force on.

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You should just copy the text. WSJ has turned into the Warmonger Shrieking Journal.

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But! But! WSJ loves to hate Trump. Also loves to hate Musk. Anything Trump or Musk do, together or independently of each other, is bad. Reading such material lets me know I am truly getting the big picture.

I suspect that WSJ is for sale. It is just a masthead at this point, no doubt staffed with first year Columbia School of Journalism graduates.

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WSJ crossed Pravda-light during the plandemic.

I canceled my subscription after 30 years because of their propaganda.

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So good. Laughing and crying at the same time. Days from now it may be mostly crying.

How did the world get to be so stupid? I am too stupid to figure this out. Someone must know.

In the meantime, the U.S. should send some billions to Zalensky, in much the same way as a mother would offer her infant some Goldfish crackers in church, to stop the screaming.

Just a thought.

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The immigration situation is stupidity writ large.

The Ukraine situation is tougher and folks complaining about Trump simply lack analytical skills.

The Trump criticizers can't seem to get past the blame part of the equation. Putin was bad. Putin should not have invaded.

But given the situation as it now stands, what do they want to do?

1) Send more money as we have been?

2) Send USA troops on the ground to Ukraine?

3) Encourage the EU to do #1 and/or #2?

4) Quietly stop doing anything and stop sending money/weapons.

5) What Trump is doing.

6) Something I haven't thought of.

A majority of US voters have zero appetite for #1 or #2 at this point.

You always have a choice, but sometimes all the choices are pretty bad.

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Excellent weaving of at least two major issues into one satire. Mencken would be jealous, I suspect.

Love the images at the end. Especially the defense ministers.

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A Mencken quote:

“ democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserves to get it good and hard”

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Yeah, I agree, that's a meme that will end up on the podium.

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This one's an absolute banger! Love the image of the defense ministers.

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I'll add a quote from Randolph Bourne: "War is the health of the State." Unlike Bourne I'm no Progressive, describing myself as to the right of Attila The Hun. Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex sure seems prophetic today, though. I loved your comparisons of defense ministers! (Forgive me ladies, but I bet they're ready to unleash Hell one week per month!)

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The one on the far left looks like Mr. Spock with that ridiculous hairdo.

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Ike's warning was prophetic, timely and ignored by all but a few. The urgency arose out of the United States, "the Arsenal of Democracy" having developed a massive military and manufacturing apparatus needed to prosecute an enormous world war on multiple global fronts...and what happened next? The rise of the Soviet state and communism, resulting in the Cold War. And instead of beating those WWII-era spears into ploughshares, we ended up making newer, better, more expensive "spears". (and expending them in multiple 'regional' wars). I could go on, but we are now all too aware that the cycle eventually leads to bankruptcy, as it did for the soviets when they discovered they could no longer outspend the United States and collapsed. As we teeter on the edge of insolvency - with China slavering and drooling in the background, we hopefully await the implementation of Trump-led policies that will alleviate the crisis.

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Great writing.

Sad, brutal, real... hit the spot... below the belt. Truth needs to be told.

Nicely done, comrade!

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We can also call this new fighting group the "Yuri Peon Army".

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An obvious solution to this need for a new European army is to conscript each and every one of the Middle Eastern and African immigrants to Germany, France, etc., legal and illegal, and allow them do the fighting. If they do not serve, they and their families have to return to their natal hell holes. One way or the other, round 'em all up and move 'em all out.

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