Oh my God Yuri, that’s good. And the list goes on and on. History is now repeating itself, the Marxist world is throwing the Jews under the bus, again. And the public are feeding the appeasement crocodile, hoping it will eat them last.

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Appeasement crocodile .... perfect addition

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'feeding the appeasement crocodile' niiice! is that yours? may have to threaten to follow you.

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I think Winston Churchill said it in the 1930’s

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Karl Marx had something in common with 80% of the leadership of the Anti-Russian Revolution (Lenin*, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Radek, and more), as well as with the leadership of the Frankfurt School that invented "Cultural Marxism" which has morphed (deliberately) into DIE, etc, as well as with the major sharedholders of mass media (BlackRock's Larry Fink), Shari Redstone of Paramount/CBS, Brian "Roberts" of Comcast/NBC, Bob Iger or Disney/ABC, David Zaslan of CNN, etc.

The majority of the people pushing variations of Marxism and Cultural Marxism, and the creators of its intellectual roots, are overwhelmingly ethnic Jews.

From Marx through Bob Iger's Disney, this is a Jewish movement and always was. The fact this blog does not recognize or discuss this fact suggests that the author either needs to do more research (Behind Communism by Frank Britton, Jewish Supremacy by David Duke, the blog Taboo Truth here on Substack would be good places to start), or the author knows about these facts and is doing a form of disinformation himself.

Consider that DEI rewards people for punishing Whites, but protects Jews, consider that 'conservative' media is silent on antiwhitism while relentlessly demonizing "Nazis" and "White Supremacy" and 'antisemitism'.

The Woke, antiwhite cultural complex is a Jewish creation, and serves Jewish interests. If we wish to stop it, we need to name the Jews and highlight their ethnic loyalty and double standards.

We should not attack Jewish people 'racially', we should instead attack their very bad ideas and hold them accountable for them in exactly the same way people feel justified critiquing 'White Supremacists' or "Nazis."

If you have ever condemned 'antisemitisim' you should be willing to condemn antiwhitism, and if you have ever critiqued a 'White racist' you should be equally willing to critique a 'Jewish racist.'

If you do both of those things, you will find yourself relentlessly noticing and discussing Jewish Power.

[*Lenin was ¼ Jewish through his maternal grandfather, and notably his first act when siezing power was to ban antisemitism - because that gave them the cover they needed to slaughter the ethnic European elites en masse, as ethnic Jew Karl Marx advocated]

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Nov 2, 2023Edited
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We're all very tired of experts on what's wrong with Jews, they should spend some time with Muslims. No one is perfect.

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Muslims are not 6/6 top roles in the Biden admin, Jews are. They are Attorney General and persecuting people for Woke thoughtcrimes while jailing J6 protestors and letting murderers and rapists go free; they run the Dept of Homeland Security opening the borders wide; they run the FBI/CIA (Avril Haines) and jail ex-Presidents while raiding pastors and political dissidents; they run the Treasury (Yellen) printing money until it is valueless; they run State (Blinken) starting wars in Ukraine and now squandering troops and lives on Israel's ongoing war on the Palestinians.... then they run the media that doesn't talk about their running the media and government.

And how many people who complain about 'antisemitism' have fought antiwhite hate? How many have defended ethnic Europeans' right to preserve OUR ethnic heritage and countries?

We're not tired of people talking about Jewish Power, we are hoping more do.

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The Far Side, sorely missed.

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Gary Larson is a legend.

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You will like what the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER is all about!

Keep doing what you are doing BUT you must understand this along with everyone else…

The NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue and the DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW issue are about to become the HIGHEST PRIORITY issues in reclaiming America!

Important writer, Lex Greene @newswithviews.com has a very important piece about the DEPRIVATION OF OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW out tomorrow!

All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only Constitutional strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…


We must get these 2 issues right to reclaim America!

Natural Born issue…All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this…



Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Excellent! Thank you.

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No doubt about it, I agree.

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If only the demoralized cared... wait, that was the point of the demoralization tactics these last 100 years. Thanks feminism for getting us started🖕🏻

How does one bring moral back? The demoralized murder themselves and sterilize their children leaving only the moral left to manage the psychos. I’m ready 💪🏻

And guess what “being kind” did for us Canadians? A whole country full of uninformed, entitled cowards. Awesome. I can’t wait to see how all my neighbours react when they find out they no longer own anything and there is no one coming to save them. Hopefully all the toilet paper they hoarded will bring them comfort.

Gosh I’m feisty today! Thanks for the memes Yuri, as always 🙏🏻

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For decades I admired Canadians and often thought we Americans should emulate a lot of what you do up there; that misperception came to a screeching halt with Trudeau. And cheesh, your Parliament gave 2 standing ovations to an SS Waffen Nazi veteran. You guys lost your way. Sad.

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Mr. Trudeau and his cabinet don’t speak for Canadians or represent our Great Nation. They are all traitors. They speak for themselves and represent corruption and greed and an obvious lack of any morals or integrity.

Trudeau declared war against his own peace loving citizens. He’s a coward and a fraud. I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate being labeled or associated with your current administration?

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I agree completely and you are correct that I am appalled to be represented by demented neocons of the woke party like Biden, Harris, fetterman, etc.

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HONK! HONK! We, the Willing, led by the Demonic, wave the eternal flags of Freedom over passersby to their delight. We have been doing this Awakening, teaching behaviour for so long, with so little, we now declare that the "Fringe Minority" is now able to do Anything with Nothing.

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Love this, it has been such a nightmare watching us Canadians be so compliant. Yes, we have been comfortable for a long time and we are cowards. So many have been raised to trust the government and be looked after for ever and ever. Also, agree about feminism; boy did we get the shitty end of the stick. No wonder we are all finally waking up!

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Thanks Connie. The fringe minority must awaken the true north strong and free!

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The day of Canadians complying is over. I speak for the growing majority of Canadians who suffer here and have had to wake up or face imminent destruction. Trudeau is Done.

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I agree, its just a waiting game now.

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Pushing back against trudeau's tyrannical wokeass BS is our right and obligation. Every human encounter is an opportunity to do this, cleverly, gently( we dont want to trigger the thinskinned nor give them too much a burden of truth nor give any fodder for their demonizing of truthtellers).

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Yes 100% agree

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Gosh you're feisty today!

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Yes I was! lol

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and I hope you still are! forever! :D

(I just realised I F'd up and replied under the wrong comment.. d'oh!

was intended for the OP - Whyvonne - oh well, tell u what - why don't ALL you Canuck girls STAY FEISTY, eh? haha xx

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Eating Bugs Stops the Weather. Should be a bumper sticker.

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Yeah love that.

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Make it happen!

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This really brings home the reality that everything that matters is under attack, and like the boiling frog analogy, most people are just living like nothing is going on. As your poem makes clear, everything is under attack. Humanity itself is under attack.

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Who’s the photographer in all of these photos? They’re the luckiest photographer in the world to always get the perfect action shot. Try to get any of these types of photos with your phone, and see how close you get. Nobody thinks about the 4th wall in any of these “events”, but once when you start you can’t unsee it and start questioning.

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An astute observation my friend.

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i think about it. see it all the time :D

trouble is, now i see it even when it isn't there. difficult

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Case in point, go look at the Elliott Gonzalez photo. Why was the photographer there, and why weren’t they scared too?

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Don’t know how I came upon this substack but glad I did. This Yuri stuff is fantastic!

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Truth, beauty, goodness comrade

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A profound and highly disturbing read.

I grew up Jewish in Charlottesville and this is the 1st I have heard about the Lee statue being melted down. I don’t think that history however negatively view should be erased, they could have just put in a Civil War museum. Whatever one thinks of its symbolism, it was an undeniably beautiful example of equestrian sculpture. Why do I suspect the new post-melting statue will be an ugly and a demonstrably untalented work?

This is precisely like the Taliban defacing and destroying ancient Buddhas in Afghanistan. I’m not sure that we can claw back to a tolerant society. It was nice while it lasted. At least I got to experience my 20s in the 1990s. What horrendous time we are living in. I’m afraid this will only get worse.

We need more Blazing Saddles and less Angela Davis🤦‍♂️

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Brilliant. This world is utterly lost.

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Dark but powerful, and a bit of a ruthless wake-up call to fence-sitters. Though on the other hand, as a poem, it might stealthily enter their/our consciousness when non-fiction doesn’t?

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“Oh I don’t like to get involved...” 🤦🏻‍♀️

There’s no way off this planet, you’re going to have to get involved and I suggest you do it while you still have something left to live for.


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And in that poem, you became one of the useful idiots and your namesake told us what happens to those people. Outstanding Yuri, like all your posts.

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Yuri, great one

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I find this works with almost everything that people dont want others to have. it is the basis for all banning of everything every day

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Yuri, I have had this issue elsewhere on SS, and wanted to let you know that I have tried several times to upgrade my subscription here to paid. It repeatedly says that my card is declined, however there is no reason for this, and I'm able to use it elsewhere.

I have gotten a few personal messages from subscribers of mine who have been unsubscribed and continually have to re-subscribe. Sage Hana, Sasha Latypova, and Katherine Watt have all expressed having similar issues.

Anyway...it's unfortunate and I will give it another go...but it isn't just today that this has happened..

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Really good.

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This is my favorite Yuri post yet. The Martin Niemöller version is one of the first poems I ever memorized. I remember thinking as a kid, “how did people let this happen?” But here we are now...

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