Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Maybe it's the music, but this breaks my heart. It occurs to me that Obama's narcissism is running off the rails. He disdains Biden so much, he's behind promoting him as POTUS, at a time when he cognitively couldn't handle it, so Biden would make a fool of himself in front of the world, which would make Obama's presidency look astonishing in comparison.

Even though Biden seems as corrupt as they come, this is a tragedy on so many levels.

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Yes, Barack is as demonic as his mother.

I also blame Jill for abusing Joe, she, too, is a demon.

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Moe: Dr. Jill has been removed from the board, along with “Joe”.

Mike: And the hilarious thing is, I heard that she's scheduled to go to the Paris Olympics (having qualified for the Dead Man's Carry competition).

No, seriously, she's off to Paris, but this was scheduled back when people were forced to listen to her. The French are snooty enough as it is, without prompting. Now, just imagine the se montrer froid envers (cold shoulders) she'll be getting!

Moe: Or accidentally detour through the muslim sections.

Suzanne: She'll be most unwelcome in the no-go zones of Paris.

Moe: Are you saying she might find out how the palistidiots treated Jews on October 7th?

Mike: Worse! She might find out how the Democrats treated her husband in the past seven days.

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I admit, I felt it too, must be the music.

Or it could be that we are good hearted, empathetic humans with souls who can understand that even those we detest are, at the end, also human.

Or, it’s the music.

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Biden is just dumb, not corrupt. Corruption is a form of decay of something good at the hands of malevolence. Dick Cheney was malevolent. George Kennan was malevolent. Ditto LBJ & Tricky Dick. Neocons like the Clintons, Obama and Sleepy Joe are a group who naively hold on to old beliefs whose time has passed. They were a reaction to their predecessors. All politics is reactionary when you scrub away the philosophies and prophecies.

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There is absolutely NOTHING naïve about the Clintons, Obama or Biden. When was there anything good about them? ALL of them are willing to start wars where millions of human beings die in the most brutal way, without even skipping afternoon tea.They're all ruthless, soulless, Godless, corrupt psychopaths who would kill their own mothers (or son, or brother) if it would help them get ahead.

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He was also corrupt.

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Joe Biden knew exactly who he was dealing with and he allowed himself to be blinded by all the money and status he would achieve, by playing his part..."the frontman", so Obama could stay in his basement and run the show. I believe they killed his son, Beau and Joe had a hand in it. Yes, I was heartbroken when Jon Snow was betrayed, but Biden, not so much. He chose to align himself with these treacherous snakes and alas, he's going to die by them. Would they let him die by natural causes, if they could still wring some sympathy for The Party out of Joe's corpse? I think not. Just imagine the send off they'll give him! It'll be televised GLOBALLY and rival any British Royal Family affair. They do love their theatrics.

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No doubt about any of that.

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This is right on the money. Joe was creepy. But this is a the central theme of what went down. Before he was installed as president the signs there with prodding him along. Prior to 2020 the man said he wasn’t interested in running and they convinced him to run. It was all a set up and then abusive continued for all to see. These are extremely evil dangerous people. If you don’t have some level of sympathy for Joe then you don’t have much of a soul.

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Yes, they are extremely evil and dangerous people. And Joe Biden is one of them. They gave him Ukraine to bleed, they promised him status and power, he accepted it all, terms included. They killed his son, Beau and he allowed it. He might've even had a hand in the death of Neilia, his first wife and his baby daughter. It was sheer luck that his two sons survived. I very much have a soul, but at best, I view Joe Biden's fate with indifference. This monster took inappropriate showers with his six year old daughter and I know he didn't stop there. I wonder who was responsible for damaging Hunter so badly. This monster mandated untested, malignant vaccines upon the entire country. I had to quit my job of 14 years to avoid it. My level of sympathy is below sea level, but I feel no hatred because that would touch my soul and none of them are worth that.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Those perma-smiles are perfectly sinister 😆

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This is disturbing (although not as disturbing as when it happened to Jon Snow). While Biden was indeed corrupt and a lousy president, he didn't deserve the humiliation and betrayal.

Even more alarming is that the Democrat base is totally fine with this dumpster fire.

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he does deserve it. every bit of it. no quarter given

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Maybe Biden does deserve it, but not for the sake of his party improving their election odds (Ashley Biden and Tara Reade come to mind). He's so old and unwell, I can't help but feel badly for him.

Am I the only one who longs for the days of lively debates with people whom I disagree politically?

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I like to refer to it as karma. The ultimate humiliation if he is even aware. Though he is living out his final days in luxury on huge taxpayer tab from the travel on vacations to wherever in Air Force One. If he is indeed still alive.

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Absolutely. You sow what you reap. Did he feel any sympathy for any of us, as he deliberately destroyed our country, forced us to take unsafe vaccines, let loose a mass of violent foreigners to rape and murder us, made us all poorer and more vulnerable? I'm positive he DID NOT.

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Agreed. And Biden’s humiliation and betrayal reflects on every American. Shame knows no bounds. It rests on our nation like the cancer it is. No one benefits from attacking their own, tearing their house down with their own hands. It’s undignified and disgraceful. I wouldn’t wish this treatment on my worst enemy, not even the corrupt and incompetent Biden’s.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This was hilarious. As always, Adam Schiff's face sent a chill down my spine. How could anyone vote for that dude? Or any of them for that matter. Front stabbers all.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

And Kamala is Biden’s ultimate f u to Obama. Michelle will have to maintain her rule of the Hamptons and pledge fealty to her new cackle queen.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

So perfectly portrayed. I remember hearing that pelosi told biden “We can do this the easy way or the hard way”. This I had imagined would be the ’hard way’ Nancy was speaking of.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Brilliant. 1000%.

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That was my reaction, followed by "WOW!"

A visual masterpiece, because *Democracy!*

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov


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That was my comment, too.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri, a brilliant piece of horrifying truth... and that cackle at the end brought it to a perfect close. I do not like any of these people and yes, I actually feel sorry for Joe Biden...

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

So creepy. Then Kamala's cackle, ugh!

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Where's Klaus Schwab ??

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07/24/24: Olympics. Bald Head Simonizing competitions.

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Fabulous Yuri!

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Damn. Just damn.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

You know nothing Joe Biden.

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Jul 24Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Brilliant! Comrade

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Jul 25Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The smiling Hillary and NYT in the crowd really make it feel grounded and trustworthy

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