They tried that crap in San Antonio with the Alamo and the monument to the defenders. It didn’t fly. People showed up with long rifles to defend it from any woke morons who thought they’d get froggy. You see, the names on the monument were inconvenient to their lie, and include several Hispanics and at least one black.

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I'm a Westcoast refugee, feeling quite at home on the eastern edge of DFW metro for three years now. My hope is that Texas Pride holds strong against those immigrants bringing Deep Blue attitudes.

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In early March 2020, a bell was removed from Tulane campus. It had stood outside the convocation hall for 60 years, and generations of students had used the bell as a good-luck symbol. But its provenance couldn’t be verified. It MIGHT have been used to call slaves in and out of the fields on a plantation. No one knew exactly where the bell came from. So even though thousands of students, black and white, had looked on the bell as a school symbol (meeting there when the basketball team won, for example) it couldn’t be seen as a unifying symbol. Like everything woke, there was no redemption. Out it went. The next weekend the Covid misery started so the removal was just swept away.

An empty pedestal sits outside now. Like everything woke, these beautiful monuments are replaced with emptiness.

I know it’s small but it is so emblematic of this problem.

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Thanks for sharing. College campuses are ground zero of year zero.

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These monuments are a symbol of the American ability to forgive, heal, and proceed.

American Collectivists' hate that beautiful notion so of course these pieces must be destroyed.

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How many know the difference between a Republic and democracy?

Maybe less than half. Isn't that a pernicious way to eliminate history?

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And THAT is why you are my Substack Bro! They want a democracy because it is the tyranny of the mob.

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Excellent article Yuri. Probably my favorite so far.

Combine this with de facto "outlawing" words and changing definitions makes it clear to me the Left does mean to "change" history. They want to eliminate history of our Republic by removing all "reference".

For example how many people know that the definitions of a vaccine and natural immunity were changed?

Very few. Which effectively means they've blotted out 200 years of medical canon as it relates to these concepts.

Once this process is started it accelerates precisely because they removed reference points. How much easier does this make subsequent changes?

Does anyone think young adults today will recognize this 20 years from now? No, because these people don't have a reference to reconcile.

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From removing reference points it is not too far a stretch to removing reference PEOPLE. People who remember what things used to be like. Which means that if you were born in the latter half of the 20th century you may end up with a target on your back. I've said it over and over, I do not think it is any coincidence that the move to legalize assisted suicide/medical assistance in dying/euthanasia started at about the same time it was reported that Social Security was in trouble. Now there is a renewed push towards legalizing and expanding euthanasia; its primary targets, the elderly. Of course we are all assured that this is voluntary and that absolutely no pressure whatsoever will be put on those who ought to receive this service, not from burdened family members, not from insurance companies, not from social services. We will be told that this is the compassionate choice and those that oppose it hard-hearted people who will not lift a finger to help. Any stories and reports to the contrary that people are being coerced into this will be buried if they can be and hotly denied if they can't.

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Canada leads the way normalizing euthanasia. It’s amazing to see the entire west repudiate what made us great.

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Yes. Well stated

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Euphemisms are basically the same as changing definitions.

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Great news!! They were forced to reverse the decision to remove Billy Penn from Welcome Park in Philly. After HUGE public outcry, they backpedaled. Mr Penn will remain in his rightful place! 💪🏻👏

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Since the J6 Coup, this Woke communist Revolution has been slow-rolled, but I wager it is gonna pick up steam this summer. Are y’all ready for it?

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Slow-rolled? It went into overdrive.

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The city council of Ventura, CA removed the statue of their city's founder, Fr Junipero Serra, that stood outside City Hall. But joke's on them, he got canonized and the mission he founded a few blocks away is still a parish church.

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I said when this all first started that any time you see statues and monuments toppled, it means a regime change. Because those are the first things to go. But not only that, it sends a chilling message to representational artists and sculpturers. Why create works of public art if they are only going to be destroyed down the line? Perhaps we should only allow abstract art in our public spaces from now on.

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Statues first, then people. These revolutionaries are deadly serious. And they don't see their opponents as fellow human beings.

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Oh, they will be removing people. It can be done very quietly, you know. The key is to first pick those who will not be missed. Then later on, when power is consolidated, it can be done more openly.

As far as those who will not be missed is concerned, you would be surprised how many people fall into that category. I think the lockdowns showed a lot of people where they stood as far as anyone bothering to check up on them. Recently, there was a guy who was trapped in his vehicle for six days underneath an overpass on I-94 in Indiana. He was found by two men looking for a place to fish along the creek where his vehicle lay. This was over CHRISTMAS weekend. Apparently no one reported him missing. No one organized a search. Had these two guys not come along when they did it is hard telling when or if anyone would notice or care enough to go out looking. He certainly wouldn't have survived another day. Oh, I'm sure that he had family and friends who SAID they cared . . . I bring this up, because it is an important question to ask yourself: If I went missing/was unable to communicate, how long would it be before anyone went looking if at all? How aware are we of friends, family members?

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Horrifying story. Ties in with research showing that the number of people claiming close friendships has deteriorated greatly in a few decades.

"Divide and Conquer" has been updated to "Deracinate, Atomize, and Rule Over."

The people atop America are profoundly evil people. The party is just getting started, I'm afraid.

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Having grown up before cell phones, it boggles my mind how disconnected we are in reality.

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That’s so true! I didn’t grow up with mobile phones either and we were all so much more connected than we are now. Thank you for reminding me.

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100%. No wonder so many kids have problems and are on prescribed drugs.

I wouldn't change my youth for the world.

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On the internet we are "alone, together", as someone accurately put it.

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don't worry the bread lines will bring us back together....

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Another thing to consider is HIPPA and related patient privacy laws. If you are unlucky enough to land in the hospital and unable to communicate, unless you have designated someone IN ADVANCE to serve as your "spokesperson" and let others know that you are in the hospital, you are shit out of luck. Because the hospital cannot legally release that information to anyone, not even law enforcement.

Some years back, a doctor went missing after her shift at a Kalamazoo hospital. Fortunately, unlike the poor man who was trapped in his vehicle, her absence was noticed right away, and search efforts initiated. One of the things that came up repeatedly in all the media coverage of her disappearance was that if she were in a hospital somewhere, there would be no way for anyone to find that out due to HIPPA. If she were in jail, or a morgue, yes, that information could be released. But not if she were in a hospital. Not unless the person requesting had her HIPPA number or code, which in this case nobody apparently had. The search went on for weeks and was eventually called off. Her body was found a few months later in a pond. Interestingly enough this was also along I-94 in Indiana. Don't know what it is about that highway . . .

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Also saw a local news article today about a nearby nursing home where patients were not getting their "meds". One woman blew the whistle when she became suspicious when her mother complained of symptoms that she was supposedly taking medicine to treat. Turns out that her mother was not the only one. This is supposedly one of the better nursing homes in the area. The woman said in the article, if you have someone in a nursing home, you need to check on them often. She thinks that this may have led to her mother's death.

We all know that nursing homes, even the better ones, are shorthanded and that there are a lot of things that probably go under the radar, aided by HIPPA, which was supposed to protect patients. Now, I don't know about all these woke activists and what kind of jobs they have, but I think it is a very safe bet to say that they don't have any kind of tolerance for anyone who inconveniences them in any way. They are not about to make sacrifices to take care of an ailing parent or other family member. Not for them spending their retirement years being squeezed between generations, simultaneously taking care of their children's children and their aging parents. That isn't in their vocabulary. That's not a concept they understand. That's responsibility they don't want. But of course anyone who said these things fifty-sixty years ago was laughed at. Slippery slope? Ridiculous! But is it so farfetched?

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This is a specific example of an obvious general fact: The people who are constantly claiming the moral high ground are probably the worst people on a personal level. The next time someone 'woke' tries to criticize your character, ask how well they get along with the people closest to them.

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The disaster of Mao cannot be overstated. I started the third book of the series written by Frank Dikotter (Mao's Great Famine, The Tragedy of Liberation, The Cultural Revolution) over the Christmas / New Year holiday.

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Family in Chicago alerted me to this one as it unfolded during the Summer of George (future Year Zero). Not a founding father, but an important figure in American histroy: Columbus statue in Chicago.

Lightfoot had her police force stand in a circle around the statue and take abuse as a well-trained Antifa sprung into action. Note how those with umbrellas were in front blocking the view of police officers, allowing those in the back to throw frozen water bottles and, according to reports that police officer friends told my family, ziplock bags filled with urine and feces.

Here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leNaiDSK3EY

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Imagine Mayor Daley's police force in that same situation? The umbrellas would've been the first things broken, then those little scrawny punks' arms, legs and skulls would've been next.

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They would've ended up as stains on the pavement.

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oh that was funny. thx for that.

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Had no idea it was this bad, same old thing "look over here, while there destroying history over there"

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Rice University removed the statue of its founder and namesake, as well as his ashes which were located in the base of the statue. All part of conforming to the demands of their Task Force on Slavery, Segregation and Racial Injustice.


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What's even more chilling is reading a Twitter post from a leftist lunatic calling for the Euthanization of Americans age 70+.

Confederate statues, founding fathers, street names, and the elderly must be destroyed to satiate the SJW warrior's unquenchable thirst to destroy American values, history, monuments, and people.

Thank you for helping my family understand the true meaning of the words "First they come for me, then they come for thee."

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They might want to start with Biden and Pelosi then

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If they're going to take you down, make sure you take two of them with you. I'm sure there are millions of 70+ year-old male military vets who won't be traveling to the other side of the dirt without taking at least a commie or two (or more) with them. Field trips are best done in groups.

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Oh, this is nothing new. Back in the 1970's then-Governor Lamm of Colorado issued a similar statement saying that old people had a duty to die. Yes, they are coming for us.

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The Santa Fe Soldiers Monument.


I visited Santa Fe last summer. There was just an ugly box covering the base of the monument. The obelisk was toppled in 2020 and is now gone. Of course, the local DemocRAT authorities were soft on the perps.

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Thanks for this important reminder, Yuri.

Many examples could be added. One is the Confederate Soldier monument in Denton, Texas. I used to live on that courthouse square. The removal is sad, to say the least.


Wikipedia has a list of monuments and memorials removed after the death of St. Floyd.


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It's going to be fun removing and destroying the St. Floyd statues and memorials, along with all the other lefty commie memorials that have popped up.

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El Salvador President Bukele is already doing this. Milei next? The Western Hemisphere counter revolution appears to be moving from south to north.

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The western commies have been trying to provoke kinetic backlash from the normals, and now it appears they’re trying to accelerate it to get the “civil war 2” party started. Apparently, they believe they have a viable strategy/battle plan to handle a violent uprising, presumably involving training and arming the millions of male illegal aliens that have been and continue to swarm over the border....

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Or calling in the Chicoms.

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Every single monument in Richmond, Virginia has been removed except for the Arthur Ashe monument.

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Wow. How many were there?

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Not sure the exact number. There's a famous street in Richmond called Monument Avenue (named so for its large monuments to Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, among others). Every single monument from the street has been removed except for the monument to Arthur Ashe, which was placed there in the 90s as a sort of "coda" to the parade of Confederates. Other monuments throughout the city have also been removed.

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Need to rename Monument Avenue Orwell Avenue and see who gets the joke.

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Does anyone even know who Orwell was or what he wrote or why it matters? I wear a sweatshirt that says Orwell and the number 84 in the style of a sports team shirt. Not a soul has ever asked me about it.

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