Great compilation. It really shows how our society has become completely toxic and antithetical to human health and happiness.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I haven't read this yet, but I'm betting on the Calvin Klein 1999, 2019, 2022 meme somewhere. Edit: Nice. That Russian ad is great. Time to watch the whole North Korean vid: "These consumer slaves pay taxes to this government." lol they're not wrong.

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What a dizzying array of madness!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

That Russian ad - brilliant

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Tovarisch, this was Grrreat! It had me laughing and throwing up in my mouth simultaneously.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Draper gold: "sentimental bond" and "twinge in your heart." In the battle for hearts and minds, hearts first...which, is tough today with rampant device ADHD. "Silent engrams" which are cellular ensembles containing specific and/or singular memories in the prefrontal cortex (long term memory) begin to "blossom" at several weeks, so reinforce brand during that window for creating non-annoying, top of mind messaging for future best customers....

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Hilarious and tragic at once. It seems I’m seeing more and more examples like this. Great work!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Is a colapse of humanity

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Jan 29Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Such cringe. I miss the advertisement of my youth with attractive guys and gals adorning billboards and shopping bags. Sure, it is all targeted and getting you to buy more, but at least it is an image of something attractive. In college my female friends (aka birthing persons) used to hang Abercrombie photos on their dorm walls and the guys would hang Carmen Electra posters. I wonder what the kiddos hang these days?

About 10 years ago I was having a conversation about the airlines. I made the comment that international airlines are much nicer than domestic (US based) as the flight crew is generally younger, more enthusiastic, more helpful, and generally in a better mood. If I could fly Thai Airlines, Korean Airlines, Latam, or Copa domestically I would gladly throw away all my Detla Sky Pesos. Whenever I step onto a Delta flight I feel like I'm getting a ticket to the circus.

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So good. Excellent compilation of mediocrity and propaganda!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

United Airlines, what fools. Go drive on any interstate US highway and observe the professional quality of new drivers of color, and female, in action. All over the road, improper speed, one foot up on the dash, on the phone, etc. 90% are terrible, believe me. Clueless. Imagine them flying an airliner!

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As for the Scandinavian one I believe that is a crime against the people of Scandinavia. A culture, comes from a people who come from a land that belongs to them. It is their birthrite. I think there are a "disproportionately" large number of Scandinavians who are responsible for discovering elements on the periodic table. The people of those lands survived pre-history and pre-industrial ages in very harsh conditions. It forged them. Making them genetically and culturally distinct. That inheritance of the sacrifice to survive and thrive on that land since the dawn of time makes the land and the culture their birth rite. To deny that there is no such thing as Scandinavian and to do it to their faces is evil. I believe it is a threat that justifies harsh punishment and consequences.

A culture comes from a people who come from a land. To deny the culture is to deny the people. That is something that conquerors and genocidal regimes do. Of course, another stage of genocide is to invade the homeland or territory of a people - something that is being perpetrated in the form of mass immigration.

I wonder when Scandinavians are going to stand up to these unconscionable and grave offenses. The people who made that commercial and aired it deserve a terrible fate, as do the politicians who are permitting the territorial invasion and openly denying the culture and peoplehood of Scandinavia. This emboldens the invaders and demoralizes the invaded. This is happening to the indigenous peoples across Western Europe. It is happening to the heritage population of America. A stop is going to have be put to it. The globalist/internationalist ruling regime is a foreign and hostile occupying enemy of our nations and our peoples.

Clearly, that ad was deeply disturbing - striking an existential nerve. I can't see how it couldn't.

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Jan 29Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The Russian commercial is so wicked. Colbert bit was blind-me-now cringe. Too many to choose the worst but a very useful list in whom to boycott. Suddenly I'm getting these United Airlines "discount" pitches in my inbox...hmm... are we getting desperate, UAir?

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The Russians have ample reason to make fun of America. Those depictions were, sadly, fairly accurate.

Draper's pitch. 😭😭😭😭😭

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Thanks as always Yuri. I couldn’t get the NorK commentary to play, on either YouTube or Neeva.

I’ll keep trying.

Obviously, once again, you’re ‘ruining it for everyone’, in this instance by pointing out that the NorKs are actually right about something.

So, Sprite wants me to ‘¡no estás solx!’ … I’ll be damned. All these decades I’ve been drinking Sprite, wishing I could find a bride, and they thought I’d just settle for buggering some confused suicidal catamite.

News flash Coca-Cola: I can buy a kitchen device nowadays that will carbonate my tap water. I need some fizz, but I don’t need you.

The good news here is, Russia’s president has pointed out correctly that all this is the devil’s handiwork, so at least we now know where to look for guidance. (Just kidding, it was always obvious.) Россия вперёд!

I’d like to see the faggotry try to degenderize Russian. The spelling rules won’t permit it.

Seriously: ‘пусть онх вспомнит девушкх простуюх, пусть услышит как онх паёт, пусть онх землюх бережёт роднуюх , а любовь Катюшх бережёт.’

You gotta be kidding me.

Better news is, I wandered across the border from El Paso a few weeks back, and in the Centro area of C. Juárez I encountered a band of religious activists whom I initially gave a wide berth becuz they were brandishing a huge ‘pride’ flag.

I thought ‘oh no, are they here, too?! I thought Mexicans knew what’s what.’

At closer glance, it turned out they and a preacher with a bullhorn were calling upon the qWERTYueers to abandon their lifestyle and turn to Jesus. They were using the flag to draw em in.

They had hand-lettered signs with slogans like ‘orgullosa ser mujer’ and ‘orgulloso ser hombre, gracias a Diós’ and ‘¡matrimonio reproductivo!’

I suddenly felt that I was a Mexican trapped in a gringo’s body. I still have a strong urge to transition, notwithstanding my strawberry blond hair.

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I would say my favorite is Gillette. It isn't just the anti-male aspect it is the black men teaching the white men to not be leacherous and lewd to women. When I was in high school I never saw a white male act in disrespectful ways to young ladies. I did hear black men say things like the following to young ladies, (generally white), things like:

"Hey girl! I wonna git up in ya"

"Damn baby! You be thick as fuck!"

"Oooh Weee! Doncha wanna know what I could do with those?" while leering at her breasts

"I hear you white girls be gittin nasty."

It was really classy stuff. I am not sure where Gillette script writers got their source material from, but it didn't match in any way my life experience.

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