Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Obviously, we all owe our lives to our fathers and I'm happy to report that I owe my wonderful life to my wonderful father. Though I owe as much and perhaps even more to my mother, my pop taught me to tie knots, and to sail, then to drive, and ride bicycles and motorcycles, how to change a flat tire and change oil, how to revere women, all by the time I was twelve years old. He's an old farm boy who dreamed of sailing around the world, which explains much. At 18, he took an oath and shipped off to Korea to fight the communists. He continued his war on communists with five tours of duty in Viet Nam to, as he told me then, "help preserve the ancient culture of Viet Nam so that the children & grandchildren of his best friends (who were all ARVN) would know their ancestors". At the end, he helped many escape and still stays in touch with those who made it out and have gone on to thrive in America and France. Then, he turned to fighting Islamic jihad beginning with Khomeini's revolution and after defeating Saddam in Kuwait, turned his attention to helping raise the grandbabies. Farmer, warrior, husband, father, grandfather, soon to be great-grandfather. He turned 88 years old last month, married to my mother for 64 years, and though nearly deaf and half-blind, he still engages with world events and the people around him every day, almost as if it is a duty, though he understands that it is truly his privilege. He's a quiet man, quick to laugh, carries a certain dignity, grace, and humility that can only be earned by being in the center of chaos and witness to great sorrow, enjoys spicey and simple food (SE Asian cuisine is his favorite, but he and Mom always have a pot of beans ready at any time, just in case). He still loves to garden... currently, Bonsai. Though born a Great Depression Southern Baptist, he is by nature, a disciple of Buddha. He is also a big fan of yours, Yuri.

Happy Fathers Day to all!

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Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice!

Happy Father’s Day!

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Happy Father’s Day Yuri! And to all the other hero dads !

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One should in fairness note that that last girl is undoubtedly the product of very bad fathering indeed.

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Bravo. Fighting for the kids is the whole game. The reason for everything. I'm guessing anyone of any political stripe would find common ground there. Surely that's hopeful!

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Happy Father's Day, Yuri. Great sentiment, may Baby Yulia find a man like her dad and bless you someday with grandchildren.

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My husband inspires his grown children with his love, his devotion, his constancy and his incredibly broad shoulders upon which all of us stand. We would be lost without him. Happy Father's Day, Yuri. To a man who envisions his child's future and does the work of a good father by laying the foundations to make it happen.

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Fun fact: I was actually born on Father's Day

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Well stated! Happy Father’s Day! 🙌🏼❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Preach it!!

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Beautiful. So grateful for my own father and men, fathers or not, in this world who mentor all the qualities you described.

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

A father stays, when the world walks away.

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Happy Fathers Day to you , too Yuri! Baby Yulia (and maybe her upcoming siblings) will be very proud once she understands all that you've done for her world.

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Happy Father's Day, Yuri! My wish for you is that you always be mindful of how what you write and say might be perceived someday by your daughter.

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Jun 16Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Lovely post Yuri. Happy Father's Day!

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Happy Father's day comrade!

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