Id add to “stranger” “people”. For example over 70 people where shot in Chicago during the 4th of July by “shooters”.

12 people where killed. When convenient “children” are identified as also being shot by shooters.

Then the term gunman also used to push narrative…

But race of individuals shot and killed along with the shooter normally isn’t identified unless the shooter is a white male.

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You can tell the race of a mass shooter immediately if it is memory-holed by the media.

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Excellent! Let’s make a booklet!

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Great idea. What is the best way to do that? Maybe a browser extension would help to flag all the buzzwords.

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I am no expert in such things, but I am willing to help in whatever way I can!

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That's actually a great idea

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I'll start with the first one...it's hard to make it through the rest of the bs these morons try to fool us with.

Never call it a vaccine. It plays right into their hands. I call it the non-vaxx vaxx.

The irony of it all, is that, those who took the jab are actually the anti-vaxxers. After all, they did receive a shot, that protracted the scamdemic by weakening immune systems, resulting in endless variants and chronic waves of re-infection, thereby weakening the immune system further.

Wouldn't a shot like that be the antithesis of a vaccination? Logic would follow that those who took the jab were literally receiving an anti-vaccination.

Therefore they are Anti-Vaxxers.

I think we should coin another phrase for the REbleat offenders that keeping taking Trumps miracle juice. Perhaps we call it the Frequent Fool Program?

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Good point Ryan. I call it The Injections or The Jabs. That pertains to all needle marks. The Jabs prescribed for infants and children is as crazy as the mRNA gene editing jabs.

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Let's try to remove the pejorative from anti-vaxxer instead, and proudly claim that term as our own.

Because it's not just the mRNA's that are problematic; none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule (at least not the ~70 added since 1986) have been properly safety tested, and the whole endeavor of giving shots that convey any degree of risk whilst protecting from things like RSV, which kills no healthy persons, ought to be questioned at this point.

What those who would call us who chose not to get jabbed are is mRNA Addicts. Sure, their real affliction is TDS, but in search of a cure they have gotten themselves hooked on a drug that seems to be the pharma equivalent of Russian Roulette.

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Vaccine Skeptic works well enough for me. I would point out though that just as many people on the "right" were drawn into the trap as on the "left." I know this from personal experience working in the trucking industry where 'leftists' are about as rare as hen's teeth. Most of our 40 employees got the jab, even though it wasn't mandated, and only the few who declined understood that it was NOT a conventional vaccine, and when I explained that to some of them they went stone-faced.

Likewise with the trucker's convoy to Ottawa. Not everyone was in support, in fact I'd argue we were a minority, and nobody at my workplace drove to Ottawa. I had one guy who refused to even consider he'd been lied to, even though I showed him solid data from reliable sources. Truth is, there was a lot of hostility towards us within the industry. I almost came to blows with one guy who heaped praise on me for working through the pandemic when I told him I'd be in Ottawa if I owned the f'n truck. Ex-military type. Lots of them on the Right. Not everyone in MAGAland is based.

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No argument here, there are plenty of former liberals like Alex Berenson or RFK Jr. who opposed the jabs, and plenty of former "conservatives" who told us "fuck your freedoms."

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The reduction in disease in modern times is almost entirely attributable to proper housing, adequate diet, clean water and good sanitation. I've been in some pretty sketchy countries and the lack of those things, especially sanitation, jumps right out at you. No wonder chronic illness thrives in those places. I gave up entirely on Mexico, for as much as I love the land and the people, I always got sick there, no matter how careful I was.

Unfortunately there are still some pathogens that require intervention, but most of those would also disappear if we got rid of their reservoirs, which is to say, bring the rest of the world up to the same standards as in the West and some Asian countries like Japan, China or Thailand.

After that we can talk about getting rid of harmful industrial and agriculture chemicals which threaten to undo the progress made via the above factors. That can be done too, but it's an uphill struggle against the same interests that are pushing unnecessary "cures" on an unsuspecting public.

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Agreed. I call them mRNA shots or jabs.

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This reminds me of Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary"!

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Yuri is the Ambrose Bierce of our times.

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Let's keep him from riding off to Mexico...

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There should be billboards purchased showing some of these definitions, especially on highways; I’m sure it will get some attention, or some mostly peaceful protests……..

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That is an amazing idea. Billboard isn’t all that expensive either.

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Yuri, this is perfect: "Kamala, Karine, and Katanji are the new Democrat KKK!" Also loved your definition of TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome, of course, but could also be The Deep State.

Hoping maybe you will read and review Jack Posobiec's "Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and how to crush them)" -- officially published today?

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Here we are, trying to survive in Orwell’s dystopian world.

In the 1990s, I remember my grandmother saying that gay means happy, not homosexuality, because of course it did mean that when she was young. When did the terminology change that gay = homosexuality, thus, homosexuality = happiness?

Liberals used to represent individual liberty and transparency (thank you hippies for FOIA) but they are unable to recognize their own cognitive dissonance now. They still believe they are better people because they care about others, not like those hard-hearted conservatives who tell people to stop their sobbing, pull up their pants (literally!) and get a job (sounds reasonable to me). So, there really can be no discussion anymore because they think they know best because they are “kind” and in their minds, they are the better ones. Jordan Peterson calls this a form of narcissism.

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Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has written a few books on this topic. There are five or six categories of “moral foundation” that all people fall into, and they divide into three or four group-oriented “binding” moral bases and two individualistic moral bases, which if I recall correctly are Harm and Equality. Liberals consistently show very low emphasis in the group-oriented moralities, and extreme emphasis on the individual ones, while Conservatives are roughly equally balanced across all five (or six, according by to some psychologists).

Edward Dutton also writes about how self-identified Leftists tend have a combination of low self-perceived status within their own group and low group-oriented morality, which leads them to root for the out-group over their own group as a strategy to gain status, aka virtue signaling. They also show lower markers of empathy than do Right-wingers, which is why their agenda seems to advance over time - because the Right can empathize with and tolerate the Left, while the Left can’t tolerate anything but itself, leading to the Right consistently ceding ground.

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I've simplified it down to two categories:

1. those who feel they know what's best for everyone else and will go out of their way to enforce it.

2. those who just want to be left the fuck alone and really don't care what you do on your own dime.

Group 1. I call the World Changers. They are chronically unhappy with the hand life dealt them and are committed to getting what they think they deserve, or at least dragging the more fortunate down with them if they can't.

The problem for people in group 2 is that they are, by definition, less organized than group 1. Kind of goes with being left alone, right? Push them hard enough though and they'll get very well organized, and that's another problem because they often follow the wrong organizers - basically group 1 types posing as group 2.

At the top of this pyramid, as always, sit the elites who don't care which group is ascendant so long as they're in the driver's seat.

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Jul 9Edited

Great list! I would add "Christian nationalist" (which to me means an American).

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Rooftop Asians RULE!!!

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Another save forever post. Also, thank you because I've been truly wondering why everyone is far-right these days. I'm pretty far-right about some things, like the nuclear family being the number one maker of civilization. But, I'm not really cool with people going to jail if they do their drugs in their home and don't bother others. I'm kinda all over the place. However, I am not far-left on anything, so it makes sense that I'd be far-right.

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Great resource!

But for real can we stop saying “anarcho-tyranny”? It’s the same kind of insultingly non-sensical pablum as any of the other bullshit terms in this dictionary.

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Way to set them straight. As far as AWFL's go, there aren't many of them and thankfully, they won't have many children.

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Diane, I live in MA. I can tell you that they are here in droves, and they have children. Now, many of them have given "gender-affirming care" to their kin, so perhaps our progeny shall not have so many of them to contend with as we must now. But from where I sit, AWFL's are running the place.

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The left loves its deceptive labels and mis-names. They hijack words and terminology. They brag about how they dupe the rest of us.

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Note: “Commissar” should be under the entry for “Czar”: libs’ favorite term for an appointed “expert” e.g. Covid Czar, Addiction Czar, Houselessness Czar

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And of course the failed "Border Czar" Cameltoe, who the leftist MSM now insists was never such a thing and we're all racists for bringing it up.

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Fantastic! Yuri, can you remind me who the Austere Religious Scholar was?

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This wasn’t just an updated progressive dictionary. It was way more accurate, and way, way more funny.

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