Upgrading to paid because of this post

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Pro Freedom Bro move. Grateful to have more comrades upgrade to commissar!

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Welcome to the resistance comrade.

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me too

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It's worth noting that Victoria Nuland's spouse, Robert Kagan, is a neocon never Trumper who advocated for the invasion of Iraq BEFORE 9-11. He, along with Bill Kristol, were consummate Iraq terrorism training camp and WMD fabulists. So with the Nulands, warmongering is a family thing.

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A match made in hell like the Clintons and Bushes.

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And McCain's, Cheney's, Bush's, and Pauly Ryan. Thankfully Trump removed them from public life.

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Apr 2, 2023
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And I voted for Dubya twice. My mistake and you can hold me responsible... The alternatives were worse at the time who probably would have done the same on behalf od their MIC, but...

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Apr 2, 2023
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Great link. After watching our own politicians launder money through there I have always been suspicious.

The entire ruling class is corrupt. And people railed on Trump while he distrupted it.

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A great post and will widely disseminate. I’m old enough to remember when an article like this would be printed in a political journal as satire. Now it is a sad statement of the world we live in. On a tiring day I question if I want to be part of this anymore or should I have brought a child into this world who is now a disillusioned University graduate. Then I take a few days out to restore my sanity before re-entering the fray. For this shows the true insanity and never has the cliche ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’ been more true.

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Remember Comrades, the Left does not ask permission, they don't ask your opinion, and they do not ask for your participation. Instead, they demand compliance and if you don't, the 'Love Trumps Hate' group will happily run you out of your job, smear you as an -ist or -phobe, and do everything in their collective power to ruin your way of life.

What's that, you support a strong border and tax cuts? You must be a white nationalist and a racist. Oh, you are dark skin and your parents come from Kenya? Well, you are obviously just the black face of white supremacy, right Larry Elder: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-08-20/recall-candidate-larry-elder-is-a-threat-to-black-californians

Unlike the spineless Republicans, the Dems tell you everything they want and they collectively move to get it done. Government run schools... Done; Government control of healthcare.... Done, Government mandated accreditations Done; Universal Basic Income - En Route (see welfare transfer payment and the Covid Stimmy checks as a few examples); Gun control - Underway.

Good luck out there Comrades.

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Oh...you forgot reparations!

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It's not "the left" doing this. It's the neoliberals, who are fascist globalists smack dab in right-wing Hitlerism.

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Apr 3, 2023
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This post is a keeper. I especially like the Texas secession meme.

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Water is water. :-)

I remember reading Confessions of An Economic Hitman (John Perkins) years ago and started recognizing some the same methodology here... probably after the Smith-Mundt Act was modified to allow propagandizing American citizens.

What a dystopian nightmare we are living.

As I see it, the solution doesn't require "doing" anything; on the contrary, it requires ceasing your participation. Stop doing. Get out. Stop buying. Stop going to games, concerts. Just STOP.

These insane rainbow people live in a fantasy that's reliant on us to keep the world functioning. Walk away and the wheels will fall off their clown car.

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Well said. Stop consooming - you’ll enjoy my podcast tomorrow. The main issue is that our taxes get funneled to their causes. That is a difficult conundrum to solve...

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Loving your content.

Cannot understate how important it is to differentiate the GAE from America. America was simply the host for the parasite that is the GAE. And she has been hollowed from the inside.

America was and remains a plurality of differing peoples and cultures brought together under a founding document.

The GAE is not America.

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Or just import BLM and Antifa playbooks into Israel and pay for "democracy" demonstrations via the US state department in order to bring down Netanyahu and keep the non-accountable leftist Supreme Court in power.

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Great post and spot on memes! The GAE's demons are out of control. This level of sociopathic depravity makes me hope to God that the Book of Revelations turns out to be true -- either that, or we get the dinosaur treatment from a comet. If the GAE succeeds in their aims, it will be a fate worse than death for future generations. It's like the future O'Brian told Winston Smith about in 1984, except instead of Big Brother's boot on humanity's face, it'll be some fat-ass pale-skinned genderqueer clown.

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Troubling times. I wish I could say I was hopeful that the madness will stop soon, but that would be a lie. I'm glad younger people such as yourself are speaking out though.

This is worth reading too:


I'm against violence, wars that are not self defense and try my best to treat others the way I wish to be treated and that includes people I disagree with. There used to be a time where I thought the left was like this. No more. It's upside down world and I just don't have any energy to engage in mental gymnastics with people who espouse the sick things happening in this country.

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Great post. Love all your research and meme collecting. I'm posting this article on social media. Thanks!

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Thanks comrade tag me on Twitter @yuribezmenov22

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My Mom's pastor had the same stole as that Satanic pedo minister. My Mom has been brainwashed and I investigated her church. Her pastor's bio is a long rambling hippie diatribe, basically inventing her own God. Her photo features her in that stole. At first I thought she got it for 5 bucks at the gift shop of an ayahuasca, "healing retreat", in Costa Rica. It looks like the GAE is handing them out to the churches along with complimentary pedo/sodomite flags.

Her church, one with a 500 year history that started with one of the most famous acts of sedition/heresy in Western history, is now active in The Great Replacement - employing a bravely gender confused person to administer tax payer goodies to the millions invading our country. What do you do when the churches have turned grandmothers to unwittingly act against their own children and grand children in the name of compassion and inclusion and smashing the patriarchy?

It's sad. It is also evil, and we are being called to what freedom requires when we have failed in our duty of vigilence - action. It is either that, or we submit to absolute tyranny and evil.

Btw, former Iraq fail-up to war hero and CIA director David Patraeus has been touting, with Bob Zoellick, the end of America since at least 2005. He is a public proponent of "North America's Shared Future", for a long time. It is basically, white replacement in Canada and the US, eradicating the borders and implementing a surveillance state with robotic manufacturing, genetic engineering and a Brazilified low skill labor market with mass competition.

Petraeus and his project with Zoellick, no doubt in cooperation with Rubenstein, would make for a great Yuri How To Be A Traitor And Demolish A Nation


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Sorry that your mother is celebrating this. Many people are but they are also responsible for their own choices. When you say the church has "turned grandmothers to unwittingly act against their own children and grand children in the name of compassion and inclusion..." they aren't just innocent dupes, they are willing participants. Just because you want to think better of your mother than this doesn't make it true. Sorry. I'm also speaking from the frustrated experience of wanting those I care about to be better than they are. Again, sorry.

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I take no offense. I do not disagree with you. One of the great cancers in our culture is the therapeutic ideal. There are no value judgements or judgements of people's deeds because they just need therapy to cure the real reason they do what they do.

I am a traditionalist. Traditionally, we had shame and expression of contempt for people who were traitors, and acted against the interests of their families and communities and countries - whether it was malicious or just foolishness and stupidity. Now we have excuse making and conflict avoidance. Of course, what those things really are are cowardice.

I've asked my Mom point blank, "How do you feel about the fact that the grandkids are growing up as a despised minority in the country that Grandad and your Grandfather settled and built?" Nothing. I made a presentation for my posterity that had hundreds of screenshots of vicious anti-white articles, calls for genocide, short videos of the same and references and quotes from things like the Stephen Steinlght paper on immigration the Carol Baker (of the CDC), video of her calling to get rid of all white people... ... In other words it was all direct from the source. Afterward, she asked me, "What were your sources for that presentation?"

There is nothing you can do with that. That is a lost person. I spent a couple of hours in that presentation on the bleak reality and another couple of hours on our family's path forward and a vision for what we build next. I presented a plan of action and a plan for the future. Needless to say, a person who can sit through two hours of direct source material and ask what the sources were afterward must have a quarantined role in the path forward. If this were petty it wouldn't be so. Given that this is the future of the family and our people on the line, it has to be the case.

Some day, my posterity will have survived this, built something new and flourish. They will know who did what to help them get there and who and what the obstacles were. They will also be traditionalists. They will use shame and expressions of contempt in a healthy manner to create incentives that help to protect themselves and their society.

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I've gone through a similar process with my family and, in the end, I think in comes down to this: they refuse to believe in evil.

Evil exists and we see the fruits all around us. I think if anyone truly believes in God, they have to also believe in the existence of evil. Everything we do starts with choosing sides. Good luck, friend.

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Wonderful Greta. The blessing in this is it is providing us a choice that if taken wisely will lead us back to ourselves. We will reject the cancers of modernism while being the masters of technology, making a much more intentional arrangement. A people will be at its center, and despite all we've been told since the 1930s, a folk that understands and celebrates itself is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

When an evil is so great, many literally cannot believe it when they see it. Good luck.

"Vice deceives us when dressed in the garb of virtue." - Juvenal

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Nicely done Yuri. Where's Obie? (R.I.P. Joan Rivers)

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Thanks BigMamaZ. Who is Obie?

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OBAMA...I have nicknames for them all.

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GAE is an acronym for GAY, correct?

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Globohomo American Empire

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I thought the same thing Chucky, then i searched the inter-web to learn the real definition.

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There is an excellent article about Lin Biao.. the guy that started this in Mao's China https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/lin-biaos-curse-of-trans

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This reminds me of my own post, "How the U.S. Became the World's Biggest Exporter of Marxism".


Except "How To Execute a Color Revolution and Implement Regime Change" is much, much better!!!

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