Yuri-san - the hot poultice of ridicule and satire, when properly applied, will continue to draw out the Karen venom (comprised of soy and grubs) which you have so clearly articulated in your various Substack offerings.

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Spot on. Here's a solid thread about the end-state of this ivy-woke thinking in Big Tech companies.


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Twitter gonged it.

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The mom with her kid in the trunk. OMG! What in the holy hell is wrong with people?!?

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FWIW even that poor gal Karen was railroaded /scapegoated...

https://www.thefp.com/p/the-real-story-of-the-central-park among others...

1. she may have been on the spectrum

2. this man--the bird guy--was known to bring treats to lure off-leash dogs to him an' not let' em go unless they leashed / left the park (doggies make birdies go byebye)--to me this is purdy sick...

3. this man has been known to be a bit creepy SO...

4. autistic folks do not deal with creepy well AND jump to weird assumptions AND

5. the clips were cherry-picked--she called repeatedly due to bad connections, not to demand "soivice"-instant... the description was (supposedly) not what was "cut"--as in edited--and was more neutral in mentioning his color

6. woke mob ruined her life and career--lost her job,dog, apt....

So by Karen'in' those ya think little of yer unintentionally Karenin' Karen (who may not deserve it...)

(Central Park has dog-fans an' the oppy-sit...grumpy whether they are boid fans 'er not... found that out by experience! dog fan myself...)

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Anyone know where to get yard signs printed cheap? I'm so putting up that "In This House We Believe..." sign.

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We live in the Texas Hill Country and recently met a couple (part of a group of 3 families) who moved from NY to a rural area here due to the restrictions on home schooling there. But not everyone can pick up and move to a “red” state where freedoms are more protected (at least, for now). I suspect that in “blue” states the powers will come down hard on those who try to create a quality “10 families, 1 teacher” one room schoolhouse. I love the idea though.

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Came back to this post from your comment on the Free Press. It is saddening that some children still suffer through this horrific distortion of reality. I recently wrote a post "How to Train Sheeple" https://schooloftheunconformed.substack.com/p/how-to-train-sheeple, which sheds additional light on how we have arrived here...

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Yuri, so true. I can hope all that all the young Karenites get boosted and re-boosted over and over, thus diluting further the gene pool, as the karenite youth drop dead or collapse from the many side effects.

Their parents won’t be far behind as they suffer the same.

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Did not Frank Zappa teach the masses thusly?

'If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.'

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This writer would be credible but for the antivax stance.

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Comrade: What do you define as antivax? I am against:

1) Forced injections of young healthy people because data shows that the risk/reward does not make sense for them. US cities are the few places on the planet barbaric enough to be pushing for this.

2) Mandates that force people to choose between the jab or their jobs, especially because they do not prevent transmission or infection.

3) Conflicts of interest where Big Pharma companies lobby government to pay for the vaccines and force their citizens to take it, especially when Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in history in 2009 ($2.3B).

I recommend you read through el gato malo's analyses before using silly smears: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/theres-something-antigenic-in-denmark

If you are a professor with any intelligence you should do your own research instead of regurgitating false narratives, but then again most campuses are leftist groupthink centers.

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By all means please get your booster so we all don’t get sick. Do your duty: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/01/20/annual-covid-booster-shots/11079349002/

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Nope. Don’t get annual flu shot; not getting Covid either. I’ll stick with natural immunity.

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