Meanwhile in the USA:

JoeBama following the Zimbabwe playbook.

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He's looking to do a speedrun of the 10 steps.

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Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland. And Chicago now has its foot on the accelerator as it travels the road those once-beautiful cities followed to their current state of decay. One needn't travel to Africa to witness decrepitude on a massive scale.

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I’m in Chicago. Just 100% this all day whenever I watch the news. A couple of days ago, as the mayor was confronted with absolute failure and alienation of his base, just blamed white people.

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And I thought no one could be worse than Larry Lightfoot...

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I wonder if BJ is actually worse than Big Dick Lori. I mean he’s comical and perpetrates outright unethical and at times scandalous antics. Like letting a mob action of thugs rob the businesses in Rosevelt Road but then dispatching the Gestapo post haste when a councilman was roughed up outside of that concentration camp in McKinley Park. Or these rhetorical bits of idiocy like “of course I haven’t delivered on my campaign promises because I’m black and I have a black wife I have to keep safe.”

But the murder rate is down like 50%, which is I guess good. And not actually worse than BDL.

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Family in Chicago turned me on to the cop-run website heyjackass.com, which shows shows 738 homicides in 2022, but 645 so far this year. An improvement, but still way-too-high.

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I stand corrected. Murder rate down but not by 50%. My theory is BJ employs the would-be murders to wear yellow vests and so they’re too busy make bad decision to kill each other.

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USA: 6 homicides per 100,000 people.

South Africa: 60 per 100,000 people. Add attempted murder, robbery etc. and its hectic.

Only your TV shows compete with our reality.

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Yes it pains me to agree with what you are saying. I grew up in South Africa and visited Zimbabwe a few times and contemplated emigrating to Zimbabwe as it was such a stunningly beautiful country. SA ironically is now very close to being the disaster that Zimbabwe has become. My family have lived in Canada and the US since 2005 and I personally recognized the social malaise hitting the US and Canada long before most of the locals did. I have spent many years thinking about SA and Africa vs Canada and the US how and why societies succeed or fail. Although I do not claim to have the solution the answers I have come up with are not comfortable and do not fit the popular Western liberal narrative.

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I was just about to leave a comment that he ought to write a similiar story on South Africa. Our pastor growing up visited there with his family and told us about how beautiful and prosperous the country was. I remember a few years ago how Winnie Mandela dealt with people who she considered an enemy. Those screaming here in the US that they are "African - American" (thanks Clintons) wouldn't last 12 hours living iwth the regular people in Africa. They would be screaming to come home.

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I can't quote the statistics, but I'll bet far more blacks come to America from Africa, than go to Africa from America.

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Amen to that

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"Necklaces" of burning tyres as I recall.

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Yes. Winnie Mandela used that.

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Giving your country over to that "nice" Communist Mr Mandela was a bit bonkers. After it was already bloody obvious from Mugabe's shit-tip what the results would eventually be. As it was just as bloody obvious where Zimbabwe would end up after the Lancaster House Agreement from looking to the rest of Southern Africa. Madness is doing the same thing over expecting a different result; and who the gods would destroy the first make mad. We've got a death wish it seems to me!

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Yes you are right. We do have a death wish built. Alternatively put we eternally live in hope and as long as things are going well we "believe" in the good and in the narratives we are told and ultimately prefer to believe. Even as friends were emigrating, their families having previously fled "uhuru" in Rhodesia, Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya etc, we would try to convince them that things would be different this time based on zero evidence. Of course the pressure to change was immense, internally and externally. Internally I think the because of our strong cultural and economic ties to the West and western belief systems. Conservatives of course warned and fought against the change in government, but they were outmanouvered.

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We have similar narratives playing and similar hopes that are never fulfilled. Something will give at some point and probably catastrophically.

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Strangely though, depsite claims this has nothing to do with black africans, wherever black africans move in - crime rises dramatically, garbage and dirt starts piling up in the streets, vandalism spreads, and indigenous white women cannot move about unmolested in black areas.

Just look at Sweden.

The poorest segement of the population is swedish senior citizens living off state pension. They are also the least criminal. A migrant family of two adults and three children will be given a free apartment, about €2 500 in monthly welfare, free interpreters whenever asked for, free daycare, free school, and on occasion extra welfare-money to go visit family in the home nation.

And they are depending on specific sub-type of african black unemployed between 60% of adults to 100% of adults. And are more than 25 times likely to commit a violent crime.

Strange then to claim that the decline of Rhodesia into today's Zimbabwe has nothing to do with which group who rules.

Or look at Palestine: recipient of more than 14 times the Marshall plan. Still a dump, excepting the palaces of the rulers. Compare it to Norway which was dirt-poor compared to Sweden in 1905 when Norway gained independence.

Did Norway after finding oil degenerate into something like Venezuela or become a corrupt dictatorship like Irak used to be when it was the bosom-buddy of the US?


Because Norway is populated with norwegians, not africans or arabs.

You cannot discount culture and ethnicity from political-economical analysis.

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Africans live in both Zimbabwe and Botswana (one of Africa’s richest countries). Not sure “black Africans ruin everything” explains the decline of Zimbabwe and other places.

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Neither am I, but what I'm describing from Sweden, where I live, is based on our more than 30 years of mass-migration from Africa and MENA. We have third and fourth generation blacks that have been given every possible kind of aid, to little or no avail. You write "black Africans ruin everything" - who are you quoting?

If you haven't read them, I really recommend Francis Fukuyama. Two of his books relevant to the topic are:

"The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman times to the French Revolution"

"Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalisation of Democracy"

Please not that Fukuyama in no way argues that race is some kind of prederminator, it's simply that if all were equal then equal opportunities would yield similar outcomes, and they don't. A question he and many political scientists (the ones who actually want to know the hows and whys, that is) wrestles with is: "Why aren't all nations Denmark?"

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Somalis, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Yemenis or Afghanis living in Sweden aren’t comparable to the situation in Zimbabwe.

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Despite being given far better conditions than the top-most level of Zimbabweans, they still revert to type. Small wonder then that their home nations look like they do.

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Not entirely sure what Swedes except from people who aren’t similar to them culturally. “Revert to type” is a weak argument if Swedish elites have no clear cultural integration plan for refugees and other migrants. Subsidized housing and free education is NOT a cultural and social mobility integration plan.

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All we've done is treat them as we do any other, plus letting them live rent-free, all-inclusive despite not contributing.

But perhaps you'd like to educate me on what we've been doing here since the 1970s?

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They shouldn't need a fucking plan. They should use the never-ending benefits given to them by the Swedes to:

- learn what the laws are

- learn to speak the language

- find productive employment

You could drop any number of Europeans in any city or town on the planet and they would be able to do the above.

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Remember that this article is a condensed version of one by Samantha Power, not an original piece by Yuri.

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Yes, good point. I should have made clear I'm criticising the original text and its compulsory discouting of cultural/ethnical factors.

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Totally agree. I grew up outside of Atlanta in two middle class neighborhoods with good regular schools. Now the neighborhoods have changed. White people didn't change them...........

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It’s poverty that leads to crime, not race.

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No it's not.

Swedes with disabilities and seniors are two most impoverished groups in Sweden, and the least criminal ones.

Gypsies make up less than 0.01% of the population and commit 85%+ of the crimes against seniors, despite not living in poverty in any way.

And that's poverty as defined in Sweden, relative our conditions.

It is race, and almost only race (i.e. genetics) which determines propensity for (violent) crime.

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I’ve never been to Sweden so I can’t cannot comment on what’s going on there, but I will say that your comments here come off as racist and eugenicist.

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Then you're both prejudiced, ignorant and insulting in one go. "Well" done.

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This "calling out the army" we were hearing about a while ago; has it actually happened, and has your somewhat delinquent and lunatic establishment really come to a semblance of sense?

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Sadly no. It's our racist liberal media that's having hysterics making up strawmen to scream about.

Swedish law has allowances for military aiding police, but the police must ask for such help and it is very much a taboo-issue, due to an incident where communist agitators trying to lynch scabs were shot dead.

In the 1930s.

What is being done is equipping the normal police with MP5s, erecting concrete barriers near shopping malls and other likely targets for moslem terror (but the racist politicians and the racist media is very careful in not mention who the likely terrorists are; instead they are rambling about "white supremacists").

We could use the military to establish law and order, but not under the current regime. We could rid ourselves of 1 500 000 mixed darkies leeching off of our good will and generosity.

But that would be "racist" and that's only allowed when it's jews, arabs, negros and such being racist towards indigenous white people, same as in the US or Britain or Ireland or...

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Sorry I know it sounded insulting, but I stand by what I said. You should examine your beliefs a bit more deeply.

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That's a tired, old excuse. Most poor people are not criminals, they are VICTIMS of criminals.

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Yeah I hear ya but I also think poverty leads to desperation which leads to crime. It’s not absolute but definitely is a factor.

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How about this: Poverty leads to crime where a person gets caught. Plenty of well-off people break the law, but are less likely to be investigated or prosecuted.

And I've lived on the edge of poor communities my entire adult life. The community I live in is, at best, lower middle class. No, poor people are not all desperate. Not even mostly desperate. Thats one of those myths that keeps being repeated.

What makes people desperate is drug addiction. And that happens at all income levels. But poor addicts will be processed by the system. Well-off addicts are more likely to get professional "help" from private sources.

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You make excellent points and I cannot disagree with any of it. Particularly regarding the drug use. Poor drug users go to jail while the white collar addicts go to parties. I stand corrected.

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Sorry. Statistics don’t prove that. Quite the opposite. And if it was true, what has the “leaders” of the black community been doing since the 1960’s to keep those prior long held family and Christian values and two parent homes that were extremely common before then? Oh, I know. NOTHING

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saw the article title and automatically assumed it was going to be about Canada

Canada... Zimbabwe... great company to be in!

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The same playbook is being deployed in all Western nations. Mugabe is Trudeau in blackface. Look forward to our collaboration on "How To Save Canada"!

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I'm looking forward to that one. But let's be honest, Canada is lost and beyond repair. There's no way to save it now. We are headed into a dismal future. Get your children out. Run for your lives!

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After serving in Vietnam, I spent two years as a nurse in Rhodesia during the conflict. I read not long ago that the US CIA acting under Jimmy Carter helped get rid of Ian Smith, and promote Mugabe. They thought the optics looked better to support a black ruler than a white one.

It was a Beautiful country then. I went back in 2009 and found it in pieces.

The author did an excellent job with this article. Good job, detailed research. Thank you.

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It's strange (or is it ? ) that Communist terrorists like Mugabe or Mandela are supported by the West with the inevitable result.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Thanks Rene, I learned something there. Looking back, there are many similar instances which would bamboozle people who believe in the Capitalist / Communist dichotomy.

Interesting how the Soviets got the nuclear bomb and also the capacity to deliver it - theTu-95 "Bear" being a copy of the US B-29 (samples conveniently left in Soviet territory to reverse engineer)

MacArthur being sacked to prevent victory in the Korean war, shady characters like Mandell House and Alger Hiss in positions of influence in the US government. (gives some idea of what the United Nations is really about realising that Hiss had a hand that evil organisation) etc etc

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Wow. This was extremely insightful. What happens when grievances don't help anyone but the powerful? I wonder how long it will take people to understand that living in the past won't solve one problem and that after a while, no one is listening anymore. Great article.

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Ian Smith was at least an honourable man. I met him. Every word you read here is true.

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Douglas Reed wrote an excellent book, The Battle for Rhodesia (1967)


... and also The Siege of Southern Africa (1974)


As I recall, his research explains how the Marxists took charge of the entire area of Southern Africa - to the detriment, not the benefit, of both Black and White Africans.

He spoke particularly highly of Ian Smith in the second book.

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Thanks for the links.

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A gentleman. Harrold Wilson and Henry Kissinger summoned him to a meeting over the Zambezi, on a train between the Zambia side and the Zimbabwe side. They got him over a barrel and told him Rhodesia is over and done with. He really had no choice.

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You have your history somewhat confused. Wilson had resigned 6 months before Kissinger made his play in Pretoria and it was Vorster's pressure that brought Smith around. Even so this effort too collapsed later at the Geneva Conference. The Victoria Falls Bridge meeting was between Muzorewa's delegation and Smith's, facilitated by Kaunda and Vorster. It was Vorster, the mutton-head Boer, who had Smith over a barrel. He thought he could get SA sanctions lifted and Apartheid approved by the West if he sold Rhodesia out. Even Smith got taken in by Mugabe's and others rubbish later on, or so he leads us to believe in 'Bitter Harvest'. The US role in all this is particularly despicable considering the whole Rhodesian business reprises, except in the result, the US's own independence struggle. Needless to say it is also another Perfidious Albion story too.

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Thank you. I am most grateful for your information. I look back on these things, and your clarification is appreciated.

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Zimbabwe was actually underdeveloped to draw a good comparison.

You really need to look at the parallels between South Africa and the US.

You get to see the picture of the currency value decline, stock market decline, property market decline, deterioration of infrastructure, and ratings agency ratings decline, followed by the bond market decline and rising bond interest rates, the subsequent disinvestment, de-industrialisation, rising unemployment, rising inflation and decreasing real term personal income and the State Debt Death Spiral come into action.

The difference between South Africa and the US, being that our South African decline has taken 29 years to manifest the current decay, whereas that of the US is taking place at a more rapid pace, and something we have been able to observe and compare from here in South Africa.

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Yes the USA has the death shots to hasten our demise.

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Sounds like Venezuela.

Also sounds like the plot of Atlas Shrugged

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The way society is going is most certainly like the plot of Atlas Shrugged. Overregulation, cries for giving welfare to those who "need" it(one of my favorite lines in Atlas is towards the end and it's reported that a man fractured a woman's jaw after hearing her demand her child give their favorite toy to a neighbor who "deserved" it more. Truly think Ayn Rand was a profit because all the calamities she described are coming true, just waiting for the equivalent of the tunnel disaster to occur.

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The East Palestine derailment is close enough for government work to what you are looking for!

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This looks eerily similar to what we face in the USA right now.

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Can’t recommend enough the book “When Money Destroys Nations: How Hyperinflation Ruined Zimbabwe, How Ordinary People Survived, and Warnings for Nations”

by Philip Haslam and Russell Lamberti.

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Western politics are generally demoralizing. And things really do seem to be getting crummier wherever I travel in this great Nation of ours. What will it take to restore civic pride and remarry freedom to purpose?

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Outstanding dive into a tragic history. Excellent as usual. Thanks.

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I cannot recommend the stuff on this blog enough. Especially the open letter to open minded progressives

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"Maize." It's CORN, Samantha, you horse's ass.

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To confuse matters, sorghum grain is often called maize. Whenever I see the word "maize" used, I'm left wondering whether they mean corn, sorghum or some other grain with which I'm unfamiliar.

I'd guess the author meant corn, as I don't think sorghum is eaten by humans, but I could be wildly wrong...

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When I see sorghum on the ingredient list of GF products, it is an immediate, promising sign that the list won’t also include potato starch or soy.

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