An open letter to the leaders of Substack about our shared path forward to protect free speech and empower creators, sprinkled with spicy Yuri original Substack related memes
Good post Yuri. Yes, Substack has the chance to be fundamentally different than any other tech company because it's revenue model is based on user subscriptions and not advertisements, so subscribers are the customer and not megacorps. The right stance is to be (very) skeptical, but to hold out hope.
Like Yuri wrote, "The actions you [Substack management] take over the next few months will be critical in determining whether Substack will be a real paradigm shift or just another Current Thing Company. At some point, the deep state censorship octopus and its commissars may come knocking on your door. As I have experienced first hand, your largest authors are your most censorious. They will also pile on the pressure as they whip their readers into frenzied mobs. You will be forced to make difficult decisions that have professional, personal, and societal ramifications." Skepticism is indeed warranted, given where the apparent center of gravity of the Substack revenue stream lies. Having an alternative diaper-buying plan on hand wouldn't hurt.
Great! Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Disappointed too, but not surprised. It cannot be easy being Elon. He obviously has a bent towards free speech, but functions in the CCP shadow, and it's pretty clear that IC influence hasn't disappeared from twitter. Substack biz model proves that free media is worth every penny.
When you wrote "At some point, the deep state censorship octopus and its commissars may come knocking on your door." did you consider that Substack may well be owned and funded by the very topmost occulted of the fat controllers? The mysterious nobility, way above "the deep state", may have provided us with our very own corral, gulag or echo chamber where we are easily identified and closely monitored.
The free speech of Chairman Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign began at the end of 1956 with encouragement to criticise the Chinese government and status quo, but on "June 8, 1957, Chairman Mao called a halt to the Hundred Flowers Campaign. He announced that it was time to pluck the "poisonous weeds" from the bed of flowers. Hundreds of intellectuals and students were rounded up, including pro-democracy activists Luo Longqi and Zhang Bojun, and were forced to publicly confess that they had organized a secret conspiracy against socialism. The crackdown sent hundreds of leading Chinese thinkers to labor camps for "re-education" or to prison. The brief experiment with freedom of speech was over." ~
Excellent point, and worth digging into. I did a cursory search the other day but would have to research the VC names, who they are, what else they have funded. One thing gives me great pause however: when the mainstream media comes down squarely on the side of Substack and generally against Musk, I know something is up. That alone is telling.
Hi Frances, nice to e-meet you again. Don't worry about profiling: the AI already surveys all digital communications in the world. All fiber cables have been tampered, all sat communications are surveyed... a present from the Patriot Act massive surveillance budget for spying innocent citizens, after the 9-11 directed event for that purpose.
Great that Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
It may indeed. But we have who we have as allies and what we have as forums currently. Until they prove otherwise - which hopefully doesn’t happen - I give them the benefit of the doubt. Same as I give everyone here. We really are all in this together - in ways they could not have imagined.
I agree, the ONLY reason I came to Substack was prior to starting a blog I did a cursory search on which blog platforms support deplatformization and censorship. Found that Wordpress etc all regularly deplatformed and Substack was the only one I could find whose founder specifically addressed it being a free speech platform. If that changes then it would undo the only reason that many of us even gave this place a chance, so I really hope they stay the course.
It's a balancing act, folks. Substack definitely enables me to point readers to evidence and logic rather than belief in political bibles and PR directives. Eventually, 'they' are going to come looking for me and I will be ready for them. Not all of us are timid mice. That is the point when I take down a lot of them before they get to me. This is, after all, war. Probably the war to end all wars, which it will be if I win.
Awesome post Yuri! You're correct. The avalanche of complaints from the anti-free-speech crowd is going to come down on Substack.
After all, as we have more open discussions -- about anything, the more angry those who worship censorship become.
It’s not about "hate speech" because there is no solid definition by which to judge hate speech. Hate speech is phrase with about as much meaning as “racist,” it has devolved into a buzz word, a kind of nonsense term. Most people roll their eyes when they hear racism, because they know that it’s more than likely going to be applied out of context.
Racism is so rare now, that the people claiming it’s a systemic problem have to make it up, like Jussie Smollett. People are tired of hearing nonsense and being expected to play along with it.
Where are all these racist comments anyway? Who on here is trying to whip anyone into a frenzy about “hate?” Perhaps there is a hidden “secret” part of Substack I’ve yet to see.
Or, perhaps, those rambling on about hate and racism and the need for censorship, are just making stuff up as usual.
"Racism" is a really fraudulent term. All people have prejudices (and postjudices) and biases and preferences and natural inclinations, and culturally-informed feelings about what's beautiful or not, delicious or not, appropriate behavior or not, etc. etc. etc., and that's why people are always forming new neighborhoods and villages and dialects and languages and customs etc. etc. etc. One finds one's type--however one defines that--and wants to be surrounded by it.
The failure to call normal human impulses--good and bad--normal human impulses is deceitful. What's a survival instinct for infant creatures must always be later modified by life experiences and a striving for justice and decency, but it's not an abnormal horror. Just sometimes a horror.
*** A criminology professor at Florida State University suddenly left his lucrative position after it was discovered that he skewed statistical data to make racism seem more prevalent than it actually is.
Stewart has not shown up to work in the last months, which could mark the end of his 16-year career at the institution and his long history of academic malpractice. Additionally, it is curious why Stewart would feel the need to fabricate data if racism was truly as prevalent as he made it out to be in his so-called study.
Pickett noted that there is a “huge monetary incentive” to fabricate data, and there is “no accountability.” He said that there was only a tiny chance that anyone who does this would be caught. ***
Great that Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
It's long been true that "freedom of speech belongs to the publisher." IMHO, the goal of our First Amendment is not so much to create a single publisher or platform that allows full free speech. It is Instead to create an *ecosystem* of publishers and platforms that allow full free speech.
I don't expect to find reality well represented by one newspaper or one media organization, but by all of them combined. If Substack falls, other platforms will rise and fill the void.
As readers we must commit to reading content from a broad swath of sources, even ones that are denigrated with the worst labels.
Substack is teetering on the rails with its Notes feature but it is Twitter-like and thus will bring a horde of comments. I. e., The Mob.
Get rid of Notes unless you want to be buried with accusations racism, sexism, trans hysteria, etc.; the demands for censorship will not end. Those Writers who live in fear will demand censorship. If the Substack powers fear the mob or its investors fear that Mob, that’s end game.
As a free speech-er, I try not to get too attached to any one thing. The reason is money....many will (did) sell their soul to the corporate overseers. Substack sadly could be one. I keep the old websites of many of my fav blogger(s) tabbed....just in case. It is a sad statement when many of the more sucessful substack-ers want to be authoritarian pansies. It is a sign of our will be darkest right before dawn......
All serious censorship in the end comes from the government. They are the only ones who can blanket society and snuff out freedom of speech. They are the ultimate enforcer. Otherwise it’s an argument between different points of view for the most part. We are seeing the government reach into the internet related tech companies, the universities, the medical boards, the media, to shape opinion and silence dissent. Most of the time, they are paying people off directly. If not directly, it’s indirectly via NGO money. It’s bribery. Everybody at the top of these efforts is getting bought off to stifle free speech. You can call yourself whatever you like, and virtue signal, but when you start taking money to silence the free speech guaranteed under the Constitution, then you’re just a whore for fascists. Keep Substack free from censorship.
I would only add (to Substack), "and write your own code." I have been an open-source proponent forever, and it was never about taking someone else's fully-formed code wholesale and then using it to compete against them.
They had a chance to be different. Outright copying Twitter code is not being different. I have to admit I am having serious reservations because of this issue. I really wanted to like Substack, but integrity matters.
And Musk stated categorically also, "Substack was trying to download a massive portion of the Twitter database to bootstrap their Twitter clone."
So, one says one thing, the other says something else. Unfortunately for Substack, their Notes looks just like a Twitter clone.
I'm not saying "Twitter is better than Substack." I'm saying it's important to pay attention and use logic. Substack just asked us for money, to invest. It's not about religion, who's better. Substack is selling itself as a company with scruples, and their version of the story is questionable. So, I am questioning.
If Lone Skum used those exact words I think we can conclude that the alleged theft did not occur..... "was trying to download" is not quite as damning as saying that Substack succeeded in downloading said code.
My son is a coder and there are sufficient differences between Notes and Twitter to suggest that they wrote their own code.
Sorry, but that's not enough for me. My career was in IT, as a network engineer and a systems admin for many years, but I got my start back in the 90's with Linux, building computers, I learned to code also, but it's been a very long time and I went another direction. Suffice it to say I have been following and aware of the open source world for a very long time. The question isn't whether there are differences, but whether there are huge similarities, which there are.
Nothing about this story makes sense, which is why I question it. I don't rely on statements by people I don't know, nor even on statements by the interested players. I certainly don't listen to gossip by people who have an ax to grind.
There is a question here, and anyone pretending there isn't is taking sides without knowing the full story yet.
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Just a comment for impoverished substackers to ponder on... many avid readers, and even substackers, are homeless age pensioners like me, facing the threat of pension cancellation if we refuse the jab, and having our pensions cancelled if we accept substack contributions. Paying for information is . like nutritious food, simply not within our budget. Please keep this in mind when you lock out the "tight-arses". We ain't necessarily how you think we are.
Good for you, Dawn. What most people do not realise is that it only takes a handful of us, to mobilise the angry 40%; Meanwhile, the sheeple... 60% ...will do nothing; either for us or against us. But they will condemn the losers. Afterwards. LOL.
Good post Yuri. Yes, Substack has the chance to be fundamentally different than any other tech company because it's revenue model is based on user subscriptions and not advertisements, so subscribers are the customer and not megacorps. The right stance is to be (very) skeptical, but to hold out hope.
Like Yuri wrote, "The actions you [Substack management] take over the next few months will be critical in determining whether Substack will be a real paradigm shift or just another Current Thing Company. At some point, the deep state censorship octopus and its commissars may come knocking on your door. As I have experienced first hand, your largest authors are your most censorious. They will also pile on the pressure as they whip their readers into frenzied mobs. You will be forced to make difficult decisions that have professional, personal, and societal ramifications." Skepticism is indeed warranted, given where the apparent center of gravity of the Substack revenue stream lies. Having an alternative diaper-buying plan on hand wouldn't hurt.
Great! Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
Elon really ended up disappointing me. It’s clear that Substack is now the true free speech platform.
Disappointed too, but not surprised. It cannot be easy being Elon. He obviously has a bent towards free speech, but functions in the CCP shadow, and it's pretty clear that IC influence hasn't disappeared from twitter. Substack biz model proves that free media is worth every penny.
Not anymore.
When you wrote "At some point, the deep state censorship octopus and its commissars may come knocking on your door." did you consider that Substack may well be owned and funded by the very topmost occulted of the fat controllers? The mysterious nobility, way above "the deep state", may have provided us with our very own corral, gulag or echo chamber where we are easily identified and closely monitored.
The free speech of Chairman Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign began at the end of 1956 with encouragement to criticise the Chinese government and status quo, but on "June 8, 1957, Chairman Mao called a halt to the Hundred Flowers Campaign. He announced that it was time to pluck the "poisonous weeds" from the bed of flowers. Hundreds of intellectuals and students were rounded up, including pro-democracy activists Luo Longqi and Zhang Bojun, and were forced to publicly confess that they had organized a secret conspiracy against socialism. The crackdown sent hundreds of leading Chinese thinkers to labor camps for "re-education" or to prison. The brief experiment with freedom of speech was over." ~
Excellent point, and worth digging into. I did a cursory search the other day but would have to research the VC names, who they are, what else they have funded. One thing gives me great pause however: when the mainstream media comes down squarely on the side of Substack and generally against Musk, I know something is up. That alone is telling.
in that case we're probably all being carefully watched by the people in charge
You may even be one of those people.
Hi Frances, nice to e-meet you again. Don't worry about profiling: the AI already surveys all digital communications in the world. All fiber cables have been tampered, all sat communications are surveyed... a present from the Patriot Act massive surveillance budget for spying innocent citizens, after the 9-11 directed event for that purpose.
Great that Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
It may indeed. But we have who we have as allies and what we have as forums currently. Until they prove otherwise - which hopefully doesn’t happen - I give them the benefit of the doubt. Same as I give everyone here. We really are all in this together - in ways they could not have imagined.
Free speech absolutism or GTFO. Simple as that.
as soon as I has finally gotten rid of Social Media and reduced my screen time down 70%...along comes Substack...
I agree, the ONLY reason I came to Substack was prior to starting a blog I did a cursory search on which blog platforms support deplatformization and censorship. Found that Wordpress etc all regularly deplatformed and Substack was the only one I could find whose founder specifically addressed it being a free speech platform. If that changes then it would undo the only reason that many of us even gave this place a chance, so I really hope they stay the course.
It's a balancing act, folks. Substack definitely enables me to point readers to evidence and logic rather than belief in political bibles and PR directives. Eventually, 'they' are going to come looking for me and I will be ready for them. Not all of us are timid mice. That is the point when I take down a lot of them before they get to me. This is, after all, war. Probably the war to end all wars, which it will be if I win.
Yes agree 100%.
Awesome post Yuri! You're correct. The avalanche of complaints from the anti-free-speech crowd is going to come down on Substack.
After all, as we have more open discussions -- about anything, the more angry those who worship censorship become.
It’s not about "hate speech" because there is no solid definition by which to judge hate speech. Hate speech is phrase with about as much meaning as “racist,” it has devolved into a buzz word, a kind of nonsense term. Most people roll their eyes when they hear racism, because they know that it’s more than likely going to be applied out of context.
Racism is so rare now, that the people claiming it’s a systemic problem have to make it up, like Jussie Smollett. People are tired of hearing nonsense and being expected to play along with it.
Where are all these racist comments anyway? Who on here is trying to whip anyone into a frenzy about “hate?” Perhaps there is a hidden “secret” part of Substack I’ve yet to see.
Or, perhaps, those rambling on about hate and racism and the need for censorship, are just making stuff up as usual.
"Racism" is a really fraudulent term. All people have prejudices (and postjudices) and biases and preferences and natural inclinations, and culturally-informed feelings about what's beautiful or not, delicious or not, appropriate behavior or not, etc. etc. etc., and that's why people are always forming new neighborhoods and villages and dialects and languages and customs etc. etc. etc. One finds one's type--however one defines that--and wants to be surrounded by it.
The failure to call normal human impulses--good and bad--normal human impulses is deceitful. What's a survival instinct for infant creatures must always be later modified by life experiences and a striving for justice and decency, but it's not an abnormal horror. Just sometimes a horror.
I just saw this today.
*** A criminology professor at Florida State University suddenly left his lucrative position after it was discovered that he skewed statistical data to make racism seem more prevalent than it actually is.
Stewart has not shown up to work in the last months, which could mark the end of his 16-year career at the institution and his long history of academic malpractice. Additionally, it is curious why Stewart would feel the need to fabricate data if racism was truly as prevalent as he made it out to be in his so-called study.
Pickett noted that there is a “huge monetary incentive” to fabricate data, and there is “no accountability.” He said that there was only a tiny chance that anyone who does this would be caught. ***
Just another example of fake racism.
Chris Brunet of Karlstack has been on top of this:
and in my view he's worth adding to your reading list. Great work on academic fraud.
Awesome! Academic fraud is rampant, because of the reason listed at the end of the article.
"...there is a “huge monetary incentive” to fabricate data, and there is “no accountability.”
This is precisely how it happens. It's the science racket.
Chris is one of my favorite Substack writers for exposing the ivory tower.
I've subscribed, I'm going to check it out later today.
Great that Substack raised $8,092,763 from 7,179 writers/subscribers !!!! Over 1000 each!
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
It's long been true that "freedom of speech belongs to the publisher." IMHO, the goal of our First Amendment is not so much to create a single publisher or platform that allows full free speech. It is Instead to create an *ecosystem* of publishers and platforms that allow full free speech.
I don't expect to find reality well represented by one newspaper or one media organization, but by all of them combined. If Substack falls, other platforms will rise and fill the void.
As readers we must commit to reading content from a broad swath of sources, even ones that are denigrated with the worst labels.
Substack is teetering on the rails with its Notes feature but it is Twitter-like and thus will bring a horde of comments. I. e., The Mob.
Get rid of Notes unless you want to be buried with accusations racism, sexism, trans hysteria, etc.; the demands for censorship will not end. Those Writers who live in fear will demand censorship. If the Substack powers fear the mob or its investors fear that Mob, that’s end game.
Notes or not - the burial has begun.
As a free speech-er, I try not to get too attached to any one thing. The reason is money....many will (did) sell their soul to the corporate overseers. Substack sadly could be one. I keep the old websites of many of my fav blogger(s) tabbed....just in case. It is a sad statement when many of the more sucessful substack-ers want to be authoritarian pansies. It is a sign of our will be darkest right before dawn......
Censorship is advertising paid by the government.
- Federico Fellini
All serious censorship in the end comes from the government. They are the only ones who can blanket society and snuff out freedom of speech. They are the ultimate enforcer. Otherwise it’s an argument between different points of view for the most part. We are seeing the government reach into the internet related tech companies, the universities, the medical boards, the media, to shape opinion and silence dissent. Most of the time, they are paying people off directly. If not directly, it’s indirectly via NGO money. It’s bribery. Everybody at the top of these efforts is getting bought off to stifle free speech. You can call yourself whatever you like, and virtue signal, but when you start taking money to silence the free speech guaranteed under the Constitution, then you’re just a whore for fascists. Keep Substack free from censorship.
I would only add (to Substack), "and write your own code." I have been an open-source proponent forever, and it was never about taking someone else's fully-formed code wholesale and then using it to compete against them.
They had a chance to be different. Outright copying Twitter code is not being different. I have to admit I am having serious reservations because of this issue. I really wanted to like Substack, but integrity matters.
Chris Best stated, categorically in his recent interview, that copying Twitter code did not occur.
And Musk stated categorically also, "Substack was trying to download a massive portion of the Twitter database to bootstrap their Twitter clone."
So, one says one thing, the other says something else. Unfortunately for Substack, their Notes looks just like a Twitter clone.
I'm not saying "Twitter is better than Substack." I'm saying it's important to pay attention and use logic. Substack just asked us for money, to invest. It's not about religion, who's better. Substack is selling itself as a company with scruples, and their version of the story is questionable. So, I am questioning.
If Lone Skum used those exact words I think we can conclude that the alleged theft did not occur..... "was trying to download" is not quite as damning as saying that Substack succeeded in downloading said code.
My son is a coder and there are sufficient differences between Notes and Twitter to suggest that they wrote their own code.
Sorry, but that's not enough for me. My career was in IT, as a network engineer and a systems admin for many years, but I got my start back in the 90's with Linux, building computers, I learned to code also, but it's been a very long time and I went another direction. Suffice it to say I have been following and aware of the open source world for a very long time. The question isn't whether there are differences, but whether there are huge similarities, which there are.
Nothing about this story makes sense, which is why I question it. I don't rely on statements by people I don't know, nor even on statements by the interested players. I certainly don't listen to gossip by people who have an ax to grind.
There is a question here, and anyone pretending there isn't is taking sides without knowing the full story yet.
Explain why Twitter also censors
Hope they keep the freedom of speech: it's one of the last islands of freedom. Other writing platforms like Twitter and Medium (not to mention social media like Facebook and LinkedIn) have instant algorithmic censorship for any content spreading the truth like mine:
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
No moderation is the key
Here's another way to make Substack great: "Dear Substack: Please Fix Your Search Engine":
Totally agree.
Yes Yuri... Words are indeed magic... that's why it's called spelling.
Just a comment for impoverished substackers to ponder on... many avid readers, and even substackers, are homeless age pensioners like me, facing the threat of pension cancellation if we refuse the jab, and having our pensions cancelled if we accept substack contributions. Paying for information is . like nutritious food, simply not within our budget. Please keep this in mind when you lock out the "tight-arses". We ain't necessarily how you think we are.
Totally resonate with this.
Good for you, Dawn. What most people do not realise is that it only takes a handful of us, to mobilise the angry 40%; Meanwhile, the sheeple... 60% ...will do nothing; either for us or against us. But they will condemn the losers. Afterwards. LOL.