Outstanding summary! I've listened to/watched all of Yuri's publicly available recorded material, and you have done a great job of pulling out the most salient points. That's no easy task, since virtually every sentence he said is worthy of being quoted as highly relevant to our current situation. As you say, he did indeed try to warn us. Well done.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri in the sixth century BC:

The Persian king Cyrus conquered Lydia, but the Lydians kept rebelling and giving him trouble. Cyrus asked Croesus, the former king of Lydia, what he could do to get the Lydians to behave. Was his only option to completely destroy the Lydians' city, Sardis? Croesus had a better idea:

"King Cyrus," he replied, "what you've said is not without reason , but I pray you, do not altogether give vent to your wrath and destroy an ancient city. Pardon the Lydians and lay upon them commands as follows, in order that they may not revolt or be a cause of danger to you: Send to them and forbid them to possess weapons of war, but bid them on the other hand to put on tunics under their outer garments and wear slippers, and proclaim to them that they train their sons to play the lyre and the harp and to be retail-dealers ; and soon you will see, O king, that they have become women instead of men, so that there will be no fear that they will revolt from you."

(from Herodotus's Histories, Book I, section 155)

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Good to find you on substack. Followed you on twitter till they killed me off👻. I still think of Yuri, often; the impact of his message resonates louder decades later. Ironic that someone who was an "enemy" could be so right and care so much as to devote his life to warning us. Watching it unfold has been painful. Glad you picked up his torch & have access to the net. 👍🍻

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Once you see the de-moh-rael-ez-aye-shun it's like the matrix. After decades you only see the code. And the obese pregnant trans models in underwear that no code exists for.

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Tremendous, thanks. Great summary of where we indeed stand.

2023 will indeed be a year dedicated to necessary actions to save the world from ourselves. I remain thankful for those who pose and begin to answer these difficult questions. It is not at all a comfortable place to be marooned. But here we are.

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Thanks again Yuri. I had watched your ex-KGB namesake’s videos years ago. But it was useful to read your transcription of that key passage. I sometimes process info better via reading than by spoken word.

The eeriest thing was the elder Yuri’s comment that only 15% of KGB resources went into actual espionage, the other 85% to psy-ops targeting the western public.

One wonders why. Intelligence-gathering is very important, as Patrick Armstrong explained, because it boils down to trying to avoid getting taken by surprise:


... or as the Duke of Wellington put it, ‘guessing [what’s] at the other side of the hill’:


I guess the KGB - since western society and media were wide open, and understanding (as Armstrong explains) that open-source intel is often more useful than state secrets stolen by actual spies - simply focused both their evaluation, then their exploitation efforts where they thought they’d have the most impact: Using our obvious foibles to demoralize us.

CIA (intel) and FBI (counter-intel) appear today to be in a similar position to KGB back then - only much more so, and for very different reasons.

US intel activities are 99.44% domestic psy-op. Aside from high tech signals intercepts and overhead imaging, there’s no real espionage underway. The reason is, our perceived enemies, especially the Russians, have thoroughly and systematically eliminated our spies within their ranks and borders.

Worse, US psy-ops targeting the Russian public have failed utterly, indeed they have backfired: Ordinary Russians understand Americans and our policies much better than even our Russia specialists understand Russians.

Russians, for example, have for decades accepted the existence of our Deep State and its primacy over our elected officials.

As a consequence, when it comes to ‘intel,’ today both FBI and CIA are almost completely focused on brainwashing Americans, because they can’t do anything else. They just make up ‘intel’ on Russia, and ‘counter-intel’ consists almost exclusively of domestic wild goose chases after ‘misinformation’ (cf that crazy ‘ex’ FBI chick who blocked you).

One final observation: As a bona fide redneck sunburned descendant of Scotch-Irish frontiersmen, I doff my coon-skin cap to you, and even a little bit to Asha Rangappa: Watching Asian-Americans clash on the front lines of the MAGA / Deep State confrontation suggests that even demoralized 21st century America hasn’t lost its assimilative power. There’s still a melting pot, and as long as that’s the case there’s hope for us yet.

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Has anyone noticed a certain name in the references of the Bezmenov entry at Wikipedia? If not, check out #18 and #19. I wonder what was taught at the Penn Biden center? He’s an Ambassador now btw. A job well done.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you for the summary. He certainly warned us. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories and think that whatever role the Soviet Union played and Russia plays in subversion, the Americans carry the bulk of responsibility for allowing to be corrupted and subverted.

There is another theory that compares what is happening here now with French and Russian revolutions. So far, bloodless, but resembling them more and more. Not enough space to go into detailed comparison here, but for those interested in history, there is an amazing and scary wealth of similarities.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Happy 100th anniversary to the Frankfurt Institute of Marxis---errr, I mean Institute of Critical Theory. (Even the name contains multiple lies!)

I picture Adorno and Marcuse in Hell, forced to wear velour sweatsuits, wife-beaters and neon Crocs, while watching eternal reruns of Three's Company and The Love Boat, and being force-fed pork rinds by the ghosts of dead Stasi agents.

Now that would be some social justice!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

After seeing the emergence of text and image generation AIs into the public sphere over 2022, I am worried about the role weaponized AI will soon play in destroying the public's capability for "sense-making". On the other hand, you can bet it's a certainty that these tools were deployed years before any public awareness, so perhaps AI being "brought into the light" is the best of a bad situation. On the other-other hand, I believe we can expect "oh it's probably just a deepfake" to become common parlance soon, with terrible implications regarding plausible deniability.

In any case - get your shit off social media before it's too late. Oh, and get ready for the state and MSM to vilify online anonymity. Scan your state issued ID card to reply to this comment, citizen.

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The title promises how to "subvert subversion", and the subtitle "how to reason with a demoralized person", but... How to do?

Yuri instructed the US to return to traditional values of Americanism and religion. Other than that, what?

This article seems to argue you *can't* reason with a demoralized person (they are impenetrable to facts and logic). So, what to do?

I have some ideas, but I'll let others go first.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thumbs-up for the new title. Great post to set the stage, er, "prepare the battlefield" for an action-oriented 2023. Thank you and LFG!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Fantastic piece Tovarisch! We are blind indeed.

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Now is not the time to reason, gentlemen. Now is the time to convince them into taking their boosters.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov


wonderful piece. may the High Lord of Anti-Subversive Subversion Bezmenov himself smile down upon you from the heavens for a bountiful harvest

i must till my fields now

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Take a close look at DeBlasio's wife's mask: https://www.sott.net/image/s29/594963/full/Bill_de_Blasio_NYE.jpg

Now look at the symbols identified by the FBI that pedos use to identify one another



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