Take a knee ladies!! I would have refused to play. It's disgusting that women are allowing it. If this had happened while I was playing I'd have been even more obnoxious than I am now.

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for the ball playing women - kick the ball where it hurts ! and to all the rest - stop. Do not go on with this farce. I see the man was very mediocre in man's competition and did not even manage to win all women's.. sad people like that need mental help, and maybe a job that keeps them busy during day time.

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It's another ploy by men who want to pretend to be us and hate that they'll never be us, with their Mommy issues to break every facet of womanhood down with their unnatural BS, to break us down, our confidence, our minds, pit other women against those of us who disagree with them, their need to shame us when it's really shame on them, the medical community and ultimately their parents. Notice they aren't really trying to take softball and soccer like they are the other sports. We're the more me and my team will eff you up types lol.

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No, it’s simply unhealthy males, with compromised hormonal and neural systems. Healthy males want to be good men, healthy females want to be good women. In other words, it has everything the foundational health. The twisted psychology comes after that

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Mind,body and soul they're unhealthy bro.

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Correct sis

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"It's another ploy by men who want to pretend to be us and hate that they'll never be us, with their Mommy issues to break every facet of womanhood down with their unnatural BS, to break us down, our confidence, our minds, pit other women against those of us who disagree with them, their need to shame us when it's really shame on them, the medical community and ultimately their parents"

Your comment is identical to an anti-feminist speech from 5, 20 or 40 years ago (or today). Critics of feminism have been complaining about the subversion of gender, the de-gendering of society and invasion of gender safe spaces for decades .... all to no avail. Welcome to the naughty corner :)

Common complaints include...

1. invading the male workspace and feminising it and demanding entry to traditionally male roles like firefighters (and getting the physical requirements reduced so they can fulfil their vanity projects - at the expense of other people's lives).

2. taking over all the macho and heroic roles in Hollywood movies and mocking men by beating them up and generally adopting a caricature of masculinity (man-face)

3. degrading men in sitcoms and adverts (where men must be depicted as Homer Simpson/ Al Bundy types) so that boys (and girls) have no positive roles model to aspire to be (or aspire to have relationships with). Even Peppa Pig teachers children that dads are idiots and subservient to their daughters who walk all over them and constantly mock them.

4. degrading men by calling them the historical 'oppressors' of women, rather than the historical 'protectors' of women (often to the point of self sacrifice).. while at the same time demanding men's resources at gunpoint via the state - offering nothing back in return (not even a sandwich).

5. invading men's social spaces (gentlemen's clubs, men's sheds, boy scouts etc)

6. forcing men's sports to subsidise women's sports so that female sportswomen can make money in an industry that is so unpopular it typically runs at a loss.

7. forcing men to subsidise women's everything, to the point that women don't actually pay taxes when you compare tax spending to tax contributions.

8. forcing men out of work thanks to female quotas (legalised sexual discrimination)

9. lowering the profitability of businesses and lowering everyone's pay by creating pointless jobs which are no more than 'busy work' (HR, project managers etc)

10. preventing blue collar 'shop floor workers' from climbing the career ladder by entering jobs at the secretarial/ managerial level - positions which traditionally were given to male 'shop floor workers' as a promotion after years of hard graft. This also means we have businesses full of office based women delegating ACTUAL work to blue collar men they've never met and have idea what they really do. Before the female invasion of the workplace these secretarial/ managerial roles would be filled by men who had come up from the positions that they now managed - meaning they knew their industry inside and out, top to bottom.

The list goes on....

The point is feminism was the original movement to subvert gender in the name of 'progress' and 'liberation'. What makes the behaviour of all these trans people so obnoxious (the ones who get into the news) is their obscene level of ENTITLEMENT, VANITY and their NARCISSISM. They learned this way of behaving from the feminists.

Here is your comment but gender-flipped. It could easily have been written about some annoying feminist celeb .....

It's another ploy by women who want to pretend to be us and hate that they'll never be us, with their Daddy issues to break every facet of manhood down with their unnatural BS, to break us down, our confidence, our minds, pit other men against those of us who disagree with them, their need to shame us when it's really shame on them.....

The destruction of civilised/ functional society from a century of gender subversion is only being branded 'offensive' and 'unacceptable' today because those causing the mayhem don't have pussies - and therefore don't enjoy the privilege of a 'pussy pass'.

Feminism demanded we accept that gender is a 'social construct' and that womanhood must not be defined by biology (motherhood, femininity). Society complied.

And now here we are.... .... blaming men for feminism's path of destruction, as always :)

(and men being as gynocentric as they are, will gallantly accept the blame).

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I'm sorry that triggered you. I think there's a lot of economics and the subversion of the priest,provider and protector role behind your flip. There's a lot of socioeconomic and gender roles behind your flip. This was about women's sports.

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"This was about women's sports."

It might be about a much bigger issue than women's sports - in which case it won't be solved by fixating on women's sports.

I think it's questionable that it's even about 'trans'. The push seems to be more focused on 'non binary' and 'gender queer'. I think 'trans' people will soon be discarded as not radical enough, much like TERFs have been.

The larger agenda seems to be about erasing gender altogether to create a genderless population, and a genderless culture. Artificial wombs and AI 'parenting' are only a decade or two away and so there is really no need for men, women, families or traditional parenting.

Feminism has gone as far as it can when it comes to destroying the family, parenting, natural motherhood and the bond between men and women (and mother and child) ... and so now the torch is being passed to the new gender queer and non binary activists. Trans people are just being used to get the sympathy vote and public approval.

Even before the vax fertility was falling off a cliff and hormone levels were going off scale. After 2021 things have gotten even more extreme. Some scientists predict the generation born to vaxxed mothers today will turn out to be infertile in 20 years time. They may not even be able to mature sexually ie reach full adulthood.

Let's suppose (hypothetically speaking) the worldwide injection program was intended to produce this very outcome. How would you prepare society (especially the youth) to accept a Brave New World of mass infertility, with artificial wombs and AI set to take over the role of reproduction and parenting?

How about..... 100 new pseudo genders and neo-pronouns to identify as, along with a bewildering array of gender queer fashions and piercings and tattoos and surgeries and hormonal concoctions and gender neutral spaces and gender neutral language and rainbows absolutely fucking everywhere....

That's why I humbly suggest it might be about more than just women's sports.

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Are you gay?

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"I'm sorry that triggered you"

You're not sorry about anything. And he didn't seem "triggered" to me. It makes you feel better to take a good faith comment about a serious issue and turn it into custard pie throwing? Well done.

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Have a great day.

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The problem is pretty complex and I have a feeling why women allow this to happen.

As you see the street is 2 ways but extremely narrow so difficult to turn around: either you can get more rights or you can lose rights. So we entered this street a long time ago. The first group who entered were women. Then came the gays and whatever groups came after that. But everyone was getting rights and the flow of traffic was towards more rights. Remember as soon as this flow turns around who knows where it will stop. And I think this is why women allow this. Because trans athletes will be the first to be banned. Then maybe who knows, gays? And suddenly we are back to square 1 women are banned from voting. It's obviously exaggeration but this is why I think women go along with this.

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Are women going along with it or are they being forced? Are trans gender athletes women or men? Why don't we see this in men's sports? Moot argument.

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Some go along with it, but from what I've read most are just afraid to speak out. Understandably, when you see what has happened to Riley Gaines.

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I quit playing my senior year and that was HS because in 99 there weren't many options anyways so I feel like those of us who played and realize how hard these ladies have worked to get to those levels even need to make some noise since we don't have to worry about loosing playing time or scholarships and things like that and don't want to see what we battled to even get be lost. I can only imagine how some of my old coaches feel.

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Riley Gaines needs ladies at her back. I have her six. It's time in unison to take a knee.

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Women go along with it this was my comment about.

It does not matter what sex are trans athletes. They compete in the group where they 'identify'. You don't see this in men's sport because men's sport is the strongest league so no one can enter on the basis of imagination. You must perform the best.

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Women don't go along with it.

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White liberal women seem to do exactly that.

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I don't hang out with them sir.

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I have repeatedly stated that this ends when WOMEN say so. Why are women like Riley Gains so rare? Pardon the expression, but grow a set, ladies!

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Too many women are leftists. The left demands blind adherence to their dogma.

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If you're asking the question in good faith, the answer is because women who have grown a set have been completely abandoned by law enforcement to protect them when they speak out. Women who dare to object to the Trans Creed are branded as Nazis and therefore on their own, and they're being physically attacked. If you haven't heard:

Women Protesting Gender Ideology Attacked By Trans Activists, Antifa In Portland this month. http://archive.today/SmG6n

Trans activist mob violently attacks Kellie-Jay Keen, women's rights advocates in New Zealand.


And even Riley Gaines had been mob attacked. Riley Gaines ‘ambushed and physically hit’ after Saving Women’s Sports speech at San Francisco State


These are just the most high profile cases. There are many more cases of lesser known women physically attacked for asserting their rights against this cult.

And then there are deluge of lawsuits against women who try to do defend their rights. Lawsuits that can financially ruin them, let alone the mental toll of litigation. Plus threat of job loss.

There is currently no group of any kind that are as viciously attacked from all sides than women who speak out against the trans cult.

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The question was asked in good faith. Regarding law enforcement, here's a newsflash: no one is coming to save you. And here's some simple suggestions to start with: A. stop cheering for the trans creep that just beat you. B. refuse to participate.

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I just told you what happened to women who not only stop cheering for trans creep and refused to participate. Seems like it all went over your head and none that that mattered. But in all honesty, these women did not expect anyone to come save them. They stood up and fight nonetheless. And many others are doing their best to get by. Many are refusing to participate, and are being booted out of competitions altogether after a lifetime of hard work, or worse, taken to court. You also don't seem to be aware that many women did not know in advance they're being tasked with competing against men. Sports authorities intentionally hide that fact and blindside them when they show up at competitions, even when organizational rules require them to disclose the fact. But I have a feeling I'm wasting my breath. Women who do stand up and oppose this don't count for some of you, and only those nut jobs who cheer this shit count.

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A suggestion to biological women threatened by trans women (aka men: concealed carry.

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Women stand up now and get attacked now.

They needed to have stood firmly against this a very long time ago, when this poison was first spreading.

Unfortunately the authorities listen to nobody except their pay masters.

Men who objected to this from the start, were vilified by all sides and called bigot, racist, homophobe, sexist, etc.

The only way this stops now is for ALL women to boycott all sporting events where they find themselves competing against a male, or refuse to compete if the organisers have hidden it, OR for a mass exodus from the sporting bodies that enables it.

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Wanting all women to boycott is not realistic. Some women really are complicit and support this. It's like saying rape would stop if all men choose not to rape. Some men always will. Basically some people will always be shit heads. This will stop when there's a big enough backlash, or when people in power finally put a stop to it. I often look to the Salem witch trials to see how that ended, it ended when the governor laid them the law and put a stop to it all after his own wife was accused. The slowly, people woke up and came to their senses.

It wasn't only men who were vilified. Women who did speak up from the beginning were vilified and worse. British Olympian and medalist Sharron Davies spoke up from the onset. She lost her gold unfairly to German cheaters on steroid so she knew this was rot. Then the mob came for her and all the institutions abandoned her and she lost all her income. All her endorsement deals and partnership vanished.

And if we're to be honest, no one could do anything even in the beginning when this was cram down everyone's throats because it didn't begin with sports. It began with this crazed crowd of men demanding to use women's bathrooms. Obama then signed this into law. "We just want to pee!" A lot of people objected and were branded as bigots. That's how the new Left gain so much control and power. They brand everyone who disagree with their mad ideas as "bigots" and anything that goes against their grain as "hate". People and even powerful organizations are terrified of being branded as hateful bigots and they'll do anything to get head pats from theses cultural Popes. The seed was planted when Obama shoved this down women's throats. The North Carolina tried to revolt, and the MLB threatened to take the All-Star games elsewhere, forcing NC to retract and bend at the knee. The push to accept Trans Women Are Women gained steam from the on and spread to steamroll over everything. So honestly, how were women or anyone for that matter able to stop it at the onset? They's have to be fighting the MLB.

Kristi Noem in SD later on tried to get her state to be one of the first to forbid males from competing in girls's sports in schools. Their legislature passed the bill and she tweeted she would sign it, only to be cowed into vetoing because all the big sports conferences threatened to pull out. The trans cult and woke won that one with the backing of the power of NCAA. The NCAA is still pushing this shit. Noem lost some of her luster ever since and never quite recovered. She incurred huge backlash from her base too. Though she opened the door for other Republican governors to sign similar bills and was only able to sign it for her state after it was evident there was enough support from their base.

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It's women numerically, not men, who have enforced trans. I'm beyond tired of being told to "support women" while the women doing this to their "sisters" complain about "patriarchy."

No more. I won't lift a finger to help, not after decades of trying to be a "good man" to women only to be held responsible for the shit women are doing themselves.

Sort it out yourselves now ladies. I don't care anymore. Because of *you*.

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Just a note of clarification: Zuby wasn’t trying to beat women. He was making the same point you are: that he could ‘identify’ as a woman and instantly set a new record im the women’s deadlift. He’s on your side on this.

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Agreed. The last few cases are benchmarks where men have a clear advantage. Trans women haven't officially demolished competition in those sports... yet.

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On November 11th, Mark McDonald, M.D., a Child Psychiatrist who practices in L.A. gave an incredible presentation at the “2023 Florida Summit on Covid: Food, Family, & Medical Freedom.” He detailed what he has been seeing in his practice over the past ten years, how we’ve arrived at this point in society, and the damage being done to children, teens, and young adults – all of which boils down to the purposeful destruction of what it means to be a Man and a Woman. His presentation, like Yuri's post today, is a call to action. The Epoch Times TV covered the Conference, I'll look for the link and follow up.

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“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.

The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything.

(Here's the relevant part of the passage for today):

Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends.

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Don’t forget:

Fallon Fox - MMA fighter, broke a woman’s skull, her f-cking skull!

Alana McLaughlin - MMA fighter, choked out a woman.

Hannah Mouncey - handball - just search the name and look at the pictures.

It goes on and on and on...

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Thanks will add.

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I am so, so happy to see you speak about this. I would encourage all women in sports to sit out every competition with someone born a male. This is the ONLY way to make sure you are safe, respected, and have the ability to compete fairly. You wanna play with boys? Fine. Do it on your own time. Don't sacrifice your entire sex at the alter of woke. Please.

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It’s up to female athletes to take a defiant stance on a national level to force the athletics programs to change policy. Not by “letting their voices be heard” but by refusing to compete against, or remain on, a team that allows males to participate. I understand this may be counterproductive to an individual’s goals and limit their opportunities for scholarships, but the status quo won’t change until wholesale rejection of it takes place.

If, for example, a 100 meter dash event takes place at a meet and the only athlete at the starting blocks is a trans male, it would surely be an embarrassment to the governing bodies. The enormity of the scorn and ridicule will force them to reexamine things.

But it can’t be one event at one meet here and there. It has to happen wherever and whenever the situation arises where a trans male takes the field.

Two Black American Olympic medalists in 1968 bowed their heads and raised a gloved fist on the podium while the National Anthem was played.

Muhammad Ali refused the draft and faced jail time. He was stripped of his titles and suspended from boxing.

Both Djokovic and Kyrie Irving refused the vaccine and were forced to stay on the sidelines for substantial lengths of time.

It took a lot of courage to do what they did and they all paid a price.

In each case the immediate public reaction was influenced heavily by the strong condemnation of the athletes by the governing bodies of each sport. The athletes took massive heat for their decisions, but those decisions had tremendous impact on the issues of civil rights.

In each case, with the passage of time, the public came around to respect the athletes for their defiance, not done for personal gain-to the contrary-but for principle. (Kyrie might be an exception due to his controversial nature on other issue).

While these examples might feel like apples to oranges comparisons the larger point is that the entire country would applaud and respect the action taken by women and girls to refuse to compete against males. Better yet it puts all the pressure on the regulations committees to do the right and sensible thing.

Ladies you have America’s full support. Take a stand.

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Feminism and gay's rights groups have been the driving force behind this since the 1970s.

Most women have whole-heartedly supported every step of the way from then to now.

Men like me who have objected to virtually every one of those steps have been villified.

So, ladies: suck it up. You asked for this, now deal.

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This is fucking disgusting, I don’t care if any shims feelings are hurt by this post. Shims don’t know the top from the bottom, also lying is toxic, so shims don’t get feelings. My 16 year old came home from school and told me he was gender neutral and pan sexual. I asked him if it was still safe for the family to eat off of the cookware in the house, and if hiding it might help his new found mental disorder. Then I yanked his out of school, he’s getting his GED and going to Fullsail for game design. We have decided to homeschool our 5 year old. Fuck ignorant people, and fuck public school, and forget little whinny ass sissy boys with shitty linage that keeps them out of men’s sports. That is all

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Public school grooming and gender indoctrination is very real and very pervasive. It’s used to funnel the poor kids into public mental health programs and vote Democrat since the Teachers Union is hardcore Democratic Party shock troops.

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Thank you, this is excellent!😁. I would add that ALL women, in ANY competition, need to take a stand and boycott said competition or organization if trans athletes are allowed. These corrupt entities - in addition to being shamed - need to be given the bud light treatment.

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Great piece. But if I may, a big missing portion: the overwhelming majority of those socially and legally enforcing this are women. Women are doing this to other women. It's obvious.

They, too, need to be held to account. This is not "the patriarchy." This is women doing female-typical coddling (and often for narcissistic reasons) that has made trans enforced the way it is.

I predict this comment won't stand without several other commenters incorrectly claiming that I'm "letting men off the hook," or telling me that I'm lying about the obvious truth that trans is a female-enforced social project that opens the door for narcissistic and sociopathic men.

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You are correct that a shameful number of women support this, but in the sporting world a lot of male officials are upholding the right of these men to participate as "women". Many, many young female athletes are staying silent, out of fear, or pretending to be supportive, and for very good reason. They just have to look at what has happened to Riley Gaines. Canadian powerlifter April Hutchinson has just been banned for two years for speaking up about the unfairness. Thankfully ICONS & Sharon Davies are fighting back. Anyway, there's plenty of blame to go around.

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Well I see it as a both-and. Most of the trans folk pushing the trans agenda, especially in sports are biological men. However, women (mostly white liberal women) are championing them. There are a growing number of TERFs (old school feminists who don’t agree with all this trans madness) that ARE pushing back hard, but they have largely been canceled. More regular women do need to speak up and speak out, but it doesn’t escape my notice that most of the loudest trans activist voices are biologically men pretending to be women.

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THANK YOU for bringing this up! While mentally ill / personality disordered men are used to convince the masses that their own senses (including common sense) can’t be trusted, and up is down etc, all with the purpose of conquering and controlling the populus, I don’t believe for a second that any of this is organic and spontaneous, but rather organized from above for the aforementioned purpose.

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You better believe it! Why is it that my generation never had these mental issues????

I can honestly say, after working with men for nearly forty years, I rarely had a problem. And if I did, I dealt with it on an INDIVIDUAL basis or ignored the person.

I think so much of the problem is: RESPECT...respect goes a long, long way! Respect for one another as a person. Men should be respecting those girls/women for their hard work and dedication to the sport!

You’re a man! DEAL!

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I sometime ago decided to refuse to go along with this mindphuck. Anyone who advocates for dicks to play women's sports is mentally ill, anyone who advocates for children to be sexualized, mutilated and sterilized is a phucking monster. The whole bloody thing is an authoritarian nightmare, the kind of thing that would make a demon LOL.

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Nope. Women voters made this bed. They need to lie in it.

Why absolve women of their responsibility in this insanity? They vote D at 60%+. This is ENTIRELY on them.

ALL the policies destroying their lives & children, from crap schools to open borders to trans insanity to unsafe streets due to decarceration and lack of incarceration are downstream from their voting behavior. If they don’t believe in their own safety, security and prosperity, it’d be so paternalistic of me to do so.

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I feel your pain, but disagree on the solution.

What we need are real men to stand up, assume the mantle of leadership - and the slings and arrows that come with it - and protect their moms, wives, sisters, and daughters. That's what real men do.

Letting real women who want to play sports get mauled by the likes of Fallin Fox in MMA (or even in prison) isn't teaching the radfems who caused this anything at all. It instead teaches young women that they've been abandoned by both their mothers and fathers.

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While I respect your point and agree it is our job to protect women, how far do we go in protecting them rather than forcing them to understand their responsibilities when they refuse same? If they demand equality in all endeavors, you’re saying we must protect them from themselves. I agree with this conclusion, but it starts at disenfranchisement.

Two further points:

1. Every single pathology in the west today is the result of the empathy voter: women. Unsafe streets, trans nonsense, bad schools, open borders ... all begin with “Oh that poor .... we must help them.” Until women are disenfranchised this won’t change.

2. This is nothing new. Classical Greece & Rome - and the Old Testament - ALL knew this and taught it through myth and culture. Pandora and Eve both are women for a reason. Thousands of years of experience leading to those myths informed societies of the danger of empowering women politically. Suddenly, a century ago, it was decided to reject millennia of advice and experience.

We can have a safe, free, prosperous culture for our families and ourselves ... or ... we can enfranchise women. It’s a binary choice.

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Your blaming all the problems on women's votes are so full of fallacy I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, at any voting cycle, at most 50% of people actually vote. Even by your numbers, you're calling for all women to be stripped of their right to vote because of maybe 1/4 of the population's votes, and that's generously counting 100% Democratic women actually voting Ds, which is never the case.

And you think women deserve to be disenfranchised because of a few years of national decline. A national decline resulting from multifaceted factors you ignore but attribute solely to women who voted (and ignoring also women who vote Republican and third parties). Only a few years of national decline and by your standard is enough to deny women their right to vote. Meanwhile, before women got the right to vote, men voted to legally slavery for over a hundred years. Slavery! Literally enslaving other human beings. But that's not bad enough to strip men of the right to vote. Unbelievable.

Even if women vote tipped the scale to put Dems in office, a lot of these offices are held by men. Biden. Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Brandon Johnson. Bruce Harrell. Ted Wheeler. All of them men. They hold power in their hands and yet you don't blame them or the men who voted to put them in offices too. Gavin Newsom just proved he can clean up San Francisco overnight. These men just won't do it. Where's the blame on them?

Open borders? Biden's the one making the call. Women didn't vote for open borders. They voted for a president. It's his job to oversee and make the call on border issues.

Unsafe streets? Soft on crimes? Who is behind all these woke prosecutors? George Soros. He funded them all to deliberately get them into their prosecutorial positions. Also a man.

Bad schools? How about men start going into education and take over the jobs as teachers? If women are so bad at it, and perhaps they are, then why don't men apply for teaching jobs and show how to do it right? Oh yeah, men don't want to do that kind of low-paying shit work of dealing with children. Men can get apply and take over the teaching profession en mass and improve things overnight. Plenty of schools are in dire need for good teachers. But no! Just blame women voters, instead of demanding men lift a finger to improve the situation. Men taking over the teaching profession is the more effective and obvious solution.

And trans nonsense? Who are the $$$ behind the trans push and institutional capture? The Pritzkers. The Strykers. Tim Gill. Billionaires and their cohorts--all men--venturing into trans-humanism pushing who put their funds into medical institutions and political organizations to disarmed them from their original missions in favor of pushing trans.

Yes there are women who are complicit. But you single them out as if the shit show would end and go away if you take away women's right to vote. It won't.

Plenty of men are complicit and too invested in pushing this particular brand of politics.

Women being too kind leading to deteroiration? Maybe. And yet, go into clothing stores, and mind-fuck t-shirts for girls and young women designed with the words "Be Kind" are sold left and right, indoctrinating and brainwashing them from when they're young. No such t-shirts are ever sold to boys and young men telling them to "Be Kind". Why is that? These freaking t-shirts spread like a mind virus.

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So your argument is that women lack agency. Is that it?

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You sure are a piece of work. You won't address any of the points I made, but turned this into a tangential question about women's agency. What does women's agency have to do with Biden ignoring borders, Soros, Strykers and Pritzkers? If you want to talk about agency, I'll start with why your argument is that men lack agency? Why don't all these men in high places like Newsom et al take initiatives and do whatever man thing you have in mind that would make things better, instead of being swayed by whatever women pathologies? Why don't fathers take charge and run for school boards to save safe schools?

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An appropriate analogy for your argument:

I support physics but not gravity.

Pretending that you can vote for a D prez and then complain about getting D policies is just stupid.

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I wondered if you were going there. Some observations:

(1) Given that the 19th Amendment was lawfully passed w/o the vote of women, I wonder why you're not blaming Men for this. That seems a rather... selective outrage, no?

(2) You claim - and I'll concede the point for argument's sake - that 60% of women vote Team Blue and thus brought this on themselves; that math doesn't quite add up. Yes, a majority of women may support this, but they're only slightly above half the population (and voting population). 60% of them couldn't win a single election if Men all voted as a unified bloc. Once again, it appears you seem to ignore a shit-ton of defectors in your own camp. Something something mote, own eye log, etc.

(3) A genuine pragmatic question: even if we assumed the entirety of your proposition - ignored points (1) and (2) above - I'm wondering how you plan on removing/undoing the 19th Amendment to the Constitution? Or is this all just going to be fixed by plain Force/Will-to-Power (i.e. the same thing that the Uniparty is doing now)?

I'm not saying that your point has NO merit at all, but it seems to be a rather narrow view of circumstances (1 ), a false binary (2), and largely ineffectual yelling at the sky (3).

I say all of the above with respect; I'm not trying to tweak you here. I'm just asking you to expand your view a bit. This doesn't even begin to address the problem of men like me who have 5 daughters and are disinclined to see them disenfranchised by anyone, even "for their own good."

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As to daughters. I have one, too. And am very glad she was past youth sports age when this nonsense began.

As to disenfranchising your (our) daughters ... your point is that you would rather they deal with unsafe streets, open borders, decarcerated thugs, crap education for their children, lack of prosperity for their husbands, themselves and their families ... than lose the vote. I’d make the opposite choice: the women in my life are too important.

In re: repealing 19. Pipe dream? Perhaps. But look around at the enormous increase in books and columns noting the problems of enfranchising women. Many BY women.

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Here’s why:

Short version: as long as women control sex a large percentage of men will act as required to gain it.

Longer version:

Before suffrage, let’s say 75% of men would vote as men do, and 25% as their female partner demanded. Fine.

After suffrage: 75% of men vote as men do, 25% as their female partner demanded, and 60% of women vote as women do. 85% empathy vote. Oops.

I’d also bet a TON of men assumed women would vote as they were told. Oops.

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So... the problem is pussywhipped Men??

You seem to have very shallow views of both sexes and not a strong grasp on the maths here. (You're excluding the 40% of women who vote for "us.")

If the numbers above were as you suggest, then the Manly Men Party would be winning elections:

3/4 of XY + 2/5 of XX > 1/4 of XY + 3/5 of XX.

IOW, the numbers are in no way what you suggest they are. And we're also ignoring the cheating in elections and a ton of other factors.

I think you need to give this a little deeper thought than you currently are, my young brother. It is nowhere near as simple as "Women brought this on themselves, now they ALL need to suffer."

And that's not getting us out of this mess.

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A) I’m pretty sure your assumption that you are older is wrong. Therefore the condescension you radiate toward me should be reversed.

B) if you couldn’t tell that my numbers were anecdotal but based on the reality of the women’s vote for Ds, there’s not much point in discussing this with you.

C) you’re still not answering the issue of valuing the women in your life enough to protect them.... yes, even from themselves.

D) https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-if-only-men-voted-only-women-only-nonwhite-voters/

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“Men are as thick as thieves”, especially in a group! It takes a special, secure man to stand up! I think CONvid showed us a taste of some men complying with nonsense. I found it sickening to behold, truly.

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When cowardice is incentivized, and courage punished, we find out real quickly who the truly courageous are. e.g. "Tank man" in Tianamen Square.

The real issue is whether people are willing to follow those with courage if the programming box tells them not to.

Or, to quote a Marine friend of mine: "Everyone wants to be a hero until it comes time to do the real hero shit and put their junk on the chopping block."

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As they say, “put up, or shut up”! I have to look at myself in the mirror everyday. I was raised to stand up. That’s a regret I don’t want to have…not standing up when I know I should have.

Not complying during CONvid, losing my job, no mask, etc., just made me more tenacious and a force to be reckoned with.

Some back down and cower, others say, “Bring it b’s!”

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Men aren’t going to “stand up” by saving women from their own choices without being seen demanding women be barefoot, pregnant & in the kitchen. You’re asking for handmaids tale behavior while men are disrespected nonstop by society - and women.

But the bigger - and relevant - question is: why do women demand men to take care of them by rejecting the choices women make - and where does that stop?

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What’s wrong with being barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen? There are women that still embrace homemaking, raising children, and cooking for their family. Likewise, there are women that want to work, or are forced to work to support themselves. What I’ve found, is that men don’t know how to be men, and women don’t know how to be women. My generation wouldn’t have allowed any of this crap! It’s pathetic .

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Nothing at all. My wife stayed home to raise our kids. That was the deal. The problem is that until a majority of women agree with you it won’t come to pass. You & I are on the side of women, families, freedom and prosperity .. and sanity in the form of both fertility and ending this trans insanity ... but the overwhelming majority of women ... are not.

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Because “women” aren’t a uniform

group. Just like Yuri isn’t blaming all

men for what transsexual men (and those who protect them) are doing, almost half (according to your stats) women don’t vote D.

I do agree that women in general are more prone to fall for this sh*t. The majority of woke fanatics are women, most university administrators are women, most educators (K to uni) are women etc etc. Women are definitely the sex that much more easily gets duped by this.

But that doesn’t mean that women who don’t are to blame and should, somehow just by virtue of being women, be blamed and suffer the consequences without complaint. Or should we also blame the actions of the worst men on all men? I certainly hope not.

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Until and unless the majority of women vote in their own best interests - which is synonymous with NOT voting for socialists/Democrats/totalitarians, all women will take the brunt of the majority who do. Which means men will have to reject the equality of women - on the playing field in the context of this piece - to protect them from themselves.

Tangential: why ANY woman would vote for an ideology that so disrespects women as to be unable to define one, is beyond all thinking people.

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I think the answer to our question is largely that

a) women on average are more empathetic, and the “trans” issue is being sold to them as an “underdog trying to survive in a cold, cruel world” kind of struggle.

b) women on average tend to (IMO to their own detriment) have a higher degree of “agreeableness” in the makeup of their personality, which makes them less comfortable with disagreement, argumentation, confrontation etc, and they would more easily perceive standing their ground as such. Many cultures also further train women to engage in this sort of weak behavior.

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Olympian finishes second place? So he got beat by a girl? Fucking pussy!! Ha ha ha

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Mental illness

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