Jun 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Awesome post Yuri. You hit everything on the head.

There's another insidious component to this that may cause far more death and suffering than any single individual being attacked. In fact, it is a threat to all of us:

We're just counting the days until the whole shit house goes up in flames.

Since 2002, the US has added in net 52 million people. The GDP in net has not grown in real terms over this period of time. Any $1 of GDP growth has been more than offset by $1.60 in debt.

There is NO WAY that 52 million additional people should have ever been let in. Period. At the same time, we have offshored millions of jobs and our trade deficit has grown.

And people stupidly wonder why our lower class can't seem to find a "living wage" (whereby they are not dependent on Government assistance) as well as why this country continues to be ghettoized, polarized, and bankrupt....

Yeh!, we get the pleasure of "paying" to be invaded by replacements!

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Finally! Someone with a brain that works! I wish YOU were my neighbor because I reside in a place where I am supposed to only discuss golf and pleasant subjects but I am thinking and speaking the same things you just stated. We offshored the jobs! The GDP! Replacements! Thank you!!! I brought this up at work but I was told, “I don’t want to talk about it because it makes me mad”. My response was, “Oh….great freaking plan, sir! You’ll be angrier when some illegal hurts your children or grandchildren because child sex trafficking, drugs and myriad unsavory and frankly terrifying things have come with open borders…JJ Carrell has been yelling from the rooftops about it.” It’s like dealing with zombies where I live.

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I am discussing golf when hell freezes over. Just saying. Good luck….we are all going to need it.

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Stupid golf. Yes. People in my area want to chat about golf. So I wear headphones because I do not deal with obtuse. .

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My coworkers all love talking about golf. I see what Elizabeth is talking about every day.

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I will end my tirade on obtuse with a song that is perfect for the time we are living in-Five Times August: Liars, Cheats and Crooks. It officially dropped today. It is perfect for whoever/whatever is running the Shitshow. Oh, and I found camouflage golf skirts to wear to work…since we are in a giant psychological war….also perfect. Mine is cotton so the plastic will not effect my brain, though.

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Well, perhaps the polyester golf clothing leeched into their brains, or the chemicals sprayed onto the courses…or perhaps they perceive themselves as untouchable? No idea but I don’t do obtuse in any case.

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Oh. I see

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Jun 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Compare the headlines about Jocelyn Nungaray to the ones about a recent rape in Japan: "US air force member charged with kidnapping and rape of teen in Okinawa." (The Guardian) Or: "US Soldier In Japan's Okinawa Charged With Sexual Assault Of Minor." (Barron's) The "foreignerness" (Is that a word?) is the key detail. There is also this strongly-worded one from 2016 (Asia-Pacific Journal), which you would never see in the US: "Okinawan Women Demand U.S. Forces Out After Another Rape And Murder: Suspect An Ex-Marine And U.S. Military Employee."

And comments on the mostly-liberal Reddit are as outraged, including: "US army [sic] has been terrorising Okinawa for decades with rapes, assaults, murder, polluting and destroying nature and changing its local culture." And one more to the point: "Another one."

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The number of people who say they support mass deportations is pretty high across the board. I wonder how many would actually have the stomach for everything that entails.

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Jun 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

What are our chances of deporting even 50% of the illegals? It’s depressing.

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You can find the work of ex-border patrol JJ Carrell at Border Truth. He just did an interview with Scott Kesterson on Bards FM last night. Mr. Carrell stated that the same companies that flew illegals in now have contracts to fly them out again….with much “blood in the streets” he said. He spoke of the NGOs involved. No clue who in the world wants the job of trying to round up those folks but they will not be leaving quietly, in an orderly fashion, that is for sure.

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Well, that’s somewhat encouraging. Apparently, at least some of the NGOs don’t care where they take the illegals as long as they’re getting paid.

Just think how many more there will be by January 2025 😳

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Indeed. I think I will join this group…people think ahead here. I already spent 3 years fighting the drug zombie apocalypse dumped off by the state on a 150 acre ranch…in the dirt, like a man…which is almost comical because I used to be a very fancy, mild-mannered, polite woman. Not so much anymore. Turns out I am better at it than I thought. It’s going to get ugly….I am staying fit, and I am no longer “nice”.

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☺️☺️☺️ I’m with you in spirit 🥰

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Ha! Thanks. I can only hope to find more spirted people at this point.

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I think I am more like a Timex than a Rolex now…takes a licking and keeps on ticking…oh boy….

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They'll never be deported. They'll have to be dispatched to the great beyond to get rid of them. That's when Civil War II will begin in earnest.

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If you read Corey’s Digs latest report on how they’ve already been ensconced within our universities….that report dropped almost 2 weeks ago.

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I think you are correct. But some A-hole NGO will have been cut big, fat checks.

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At work it was “suggested”, strongly, that I obtain an app for my phone so I could converse with Venezuelans. My reply was, “No. They don’t F’ing belong here”. I am surprised I did not get fired. But…really? I am rather out of grace, thanks.

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I would also like to add that karma is a real bitch because we have had 2 staff member’s children be in car accidents with illegals carrying no auto insurance. All I can think of to say is DUH at this point.

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Jun 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

When it comes to our borders, we are not a serious country. And you are right about the elites not having to live with the consequences of these policies. *NO* city or town should have to accept illegals. I like to use a website like bestplaces.net to look at (under "People Stats") the racial makeup of various cities. It goes without saying that towns like Wellesley and Newton, Mass. are very low in diversity. But I realized that my own (admittedly affluent) Florida beach community is even whiter than all of those. Excuse me for not saying which one.... ;-)

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I checked my town. income needed for where I live for a family of 4.. over 300K. average home price I dont need to check the "diversity". white and hispanic.. yikes..

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Jun 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This is wonderful, dreadful compilation. I am sending the link to all who ask for data.

The only downside I see is they will ask how this compares to the rape and murder by legal citizens.

I don’t think the graphs by Steve Sailer are especially effective but maybe I don’t understand.

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They want to take down nations like the USA and replace them with globalism, where we will all be expendable numbers with no citizenship rights. How does splitting the little left to the US general population among millions of others going to raise anyone up? What's more, I think the more of us US citizens who die in the process, the giddier they become.

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Since the Left has defined Arabs as POC rather than the white people they actually are, you should adjust away that spike in homicides by white people on 9-11.

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I salute you for this great and patriotic post. There is however, one sentence which I believe is completely false: "The only change will come from overwhelming force at the ballot box." I hope I will be proved wrong, but I no longer believe anything of vital importance will ever be changed at the ballot box.

Not something an American patriot wants to hear, I know, but it needs to be said. The ballot box is what has made the current state of affairs possible. Has the current state of radical leftism in America not been in the making since at least when Woodrow Wilson sat in the White House?

Sometimes life does not have to be so complex. Sometimes the solutions can be of the same nature as the problem, only in reverse. It's been said that all or most medicines are poisonous to some degree, and that the difference is in the dose.

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Johan has boobs. I supposed taxpayers are also paying for his transition?

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“All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.

A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to destroy, and a time to build.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance.

A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time to keep silence, and a time to speak.

A time of love, and a time of hatred. A time of war, and a time of peace.”

— Ecclesiastes

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