Be clear, it's highly likely she's CIA. She was an intern at CIA while at university. Her rapid ascent into her career as a hack - only way I can describe the roles she's had - is inexplicable. She claims she ended her association with the CIA after finishing school but the CIA has a pattern of recruiting covert sources in universities and keeping them as sources and operatives without ever formally hiring them. Mike did a great job covering this in another article. https://public.substack.com/p/why-renee-diresta-leads-the-censorship

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No one ever leaves the company alive.

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06/18/24: Obliviously listening to four consecutive decades of identical rap "music" songs has obviously inspired the author. Now, having republished the 5999th "dis-info" book since 2000 --- and in doing so regurgitating the identical contents of the previous 5998 "dis-info" books --- Renee should Give It A Di-Rest-Ta. They can't even give these things away as doorstops!

(I added a down-vote, but it didn't take, even after signing in, signing out and re-entering; the total number did not go up and that number should be "lit up" if my vote has been added to it. Nope! Therefore, whatever the "helpful" vote totals happen to be, it is quite likely --- because they've been doing exactly this forever --- that Amazon is deleting the 1 star-reviews, etc.)

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Like much else, those exposés of the evil people on the other side, you know, *those* people, are mental and emotional masturbatory reads for the True Believers; there is also so much money sloshing around to be wasted they probably figure that the few people sucked is worth the money as well as the creation of more FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) to scramble our collective minds. All this makes learning just basic facts ever more difficult.

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Like much else, those exposés of the evil people on the other side, you know, *those* people, are mental and emotional masturbatory reads for the True Believers; there is also so much money sloshing around to be wasted they probably figure that the few people bamboozled is worth the money as well as the creation of more FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) to scramble our collective minds. All this makes learning just basic facts ever more difficult.

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Higgins ... I want to come in, Higgins.

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"But what makes you think they'll publish it?"

(paraphrase, don't remember exact dialog)

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Friends of Eddie Coyle

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I haven't seen that one - thanks, gonna put it on the list. Condor is one of those movies that just has stuck with me.

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Some days of the condor are more equal than others.

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As is Maher at NPR. The intel community seems to have become a finishing school for totalitarian harridans.

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It’s stunning to watch. They think we don’t see them. It’s galling.

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Oh, they indeed know we can see them ... and they do not care, because they (being demigods in their own feeble brains) believe they are holy, protected, and CORRECT.

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Renée diResta puts the "miss" in misinformation.

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You just gave me an idea for another post. Yuri’s subversive “Miss Information” pageant. Competitive field featuring Renee DiResta, Nina Jankowicz, Karine Jean-Pierre, etc

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Rachel Maddow has to win this contest. She went from "Trump is a Russian agent" to "Trump is going to put me in a camp," with a long interlude of Covid hysteria. Let's see you top that, Renee!

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It's an exciting time to be alive, friend. We need a crooner to sing "There she is, Miss Information..." at the awards ceremony. 🤪😎😁

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I nominate Vajaya Gati, because, well her first name. And singer policy writer Nina Jankowicz, aka Scary Poppins.

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*chuckles in Borat

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Is that cultural appropriation, or just cultural appropriate?

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Please do....great idea.

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Excuse me, it's Mz!

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I've read a lot of history books over the years. I struggle to come up with an example of a more detestable ruling class. Our so-called elites exhibit a sense of superiority over, and seething contempt for, most people in this country.

They richly deserve what's coming their way. It's gonna get really, really ugly.

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I like to call them "effetes" because they are no longer effective. Also the word effete has a somewhat archaic meaning of a man wearing women's dresses. Seems appropriate.

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They may be somebody's elites, but they surely ain't mine.

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Get a hold of the new book by Dr. Steven Lomazow, FDR Unmasked. The so-called "free press" has been in a lockdown for 100 yrs re: telling the truth about our political leaders, especially if they are from the elite class, like FDR was. Scary stuff.

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I was thinking the same thing. Leftist are always a bunch of misfits.

Leftism is a river with many tributaries.. but it always ends up at the same place.

They're out to sea.

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"Leftism is a river with many tributaries.. but it always ends up at the same place."

Yes, we've seen this show before. It always leads to violence when they have, or think they have, achieved dominance. I can't see them letting go of the reins of control they've connived themselves into obtaining without a fight.

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I started the book... but I couldn't finish it. DiResta is a smart person but her commitment to an agenda certainly takes priority over complete openness and honesty. No one in that position should EVER lecture others about information manipulation.

My review on Amazon:

Renee writes a myopic and selective treatment of manipulation in the digital age, mostly leaving out the many instances (of which she's no doubt aware) of misinformation and suppression around issues that she supports: gender ideology, friendly political campaigns, climate science, political contributions, etc. Renee is part of the power structure (and has been for many years) producing the shoddy and incomplete dialogue which we're having as a society. I GUARANTEE she curated and omitted certain inconvenient facts. I have spent many hours listening to her on the Sam Harris podcast, and others, and can't help but notice her evasive and vague answers to the 'wrong' questions. I would love a book in which she was honest and open about the mechanics of information manipulation... by ALL actors (not just Putin and Musk). This is not that book.

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Ladies and Germs, this is a CLASS study on the losers that are 'governing' us while we spit on their entity.

Check out Pete Buttplug Buttigieg's father Joe(Stalin lover), a Maltese-American Marxist literary 'scholar' who co-translated and co-edited the three-volume English edition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks.

These are the criminals who are in power.

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We are the criminals for noticing their criminality.

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Of course, Comrade!

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I noticed in your final example that "Gale Wheat" says "it is tiresome to defend our values to people". I can only imagine what values are "OUR" values.

What gets tiresome is pushing back on all these people whose idea of achieving "consensus" is taking away all the microphones and gagging the audience. Who granted these "narrative managers" the privilege of being the sole judges in charge of designating "the experts"? The fading of expertise is glaringly obvious these days--low quality manufactures, service providers we hire that turn out to know less about the subject than we do ourselves, etc. You don't necessarily need to be an "expert" to detect a lack of expertise in others.

One of the biggest things I've noticed with respect to DiResta and people on her end of the political spectrum is the ease with which they "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." This has been variously attributed to Saul Alinsky ("Rules for Radicals"), Joseph Goebbels, and Lenin. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether it is intentional or is merely psychological "projection" stemming from a complete lack of self-awareness.

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Hubris and narcissism coupled with sponsorship from intelligence community cutouts inevitably results in creatures like her slithering to the top of the ladder. It seems particularly to affect overeducated, venal women with very few other outlets, essentially an army comprised of Faye Dunaway's character in Network, only they have no William Holdens to tell them they're insane.

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"Who granted these narrative managers the privilege ..." you ask?

The police powers of a corrupt bureaucratic state, that's who.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 19Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Clicked *helpful* on the other two "1⭐" reviews as well. What a crock of shite sandwiched between two covers

Edit: Amazon has disabled my account! Said they believe there was unauthorized activity on it and have locked me out. The only way to recover the acct is to call them at the fraud dept. What a joke!

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Love your work Yuri but there is no science that supports the idea that CO2 causes global warming. In fact, science shows the reverse. When the earth goes through a warming period, this results in the oceans releasing CO2 with a 400 year time lag. The war on oil is war on the middle class since taxes will be raised on their use of oil and the proceeds transferred to the financial class

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You are correct about the lack of scientific backing.

The problem is that the world IS warming (or at least has been, on net, for a few hundred years), and CO2 HAS been going up... but since CO2 was at a 60million (or so) year low, and temperature was also in the "very very low" category, on a geological scale, that's honestly what we should be expecting (and hoping for, since CO2 was near the "plants all die, so all life dies" level).

So, yes, the globe is warming, and CO2 is going up. That's likely to remain true for quite some time, no matter what we do.

Smart of the power-seekers to get in front of that and try to direct it for their own evil benefit.

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Who told the earth that today's climate must be maintained as-is? Does the earth have to bend a knee to its human population, or should it be free to behave according to eons-old natural cycles?

I see a case for the International Court of Justice to decide here ....

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Yes, if we look at a timeline that includes the Little Ice Age, there is an obviously natural temperature cycle of which we are a part. But otherwise: "Understanding Climate Change - 97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/understanding-climate-change

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I love it when i get a new word. disasterbation.. thank you kitty. and you Yuri. you damn foreigner.. coming here from wherever to destroy us.. how DARE you. LOL

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QAnon MILFs are directing me to say another great article Yuri. Like Kramer said re librarians, thought, DiResta could be a bit repressed but wild once unleashed.

It's amazing that on the cusp of bird flu mania that may create a panic an impact of food supply, out comes a book that says we should shut up, listen to the smarter administrative caste.

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Librarian here: I have zero desire to tell others what to think.

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Suck on that Renee.

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I doubt she would actually. Her, Maher and the rest of that Longhouse Commissar lot are strangely sexless and utterly unappealing and nauseating on many levels, essentially Rosa Klebbs for the internet age.

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It’s the "thought that counts" for Renee.

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

It ain't gato...cuz you would've seen the word "orthogonal" in the review!...lol....love ya gato if you read this!


Plus how could a cat capitalize without opposable thumbs...he'd have to be a FrankenFeline to do that!

But whoever wrote that is BASED.

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Thanks for the heads up. You are my main source for keeping up on such developments. Pressed the Amazon button , read the fake fawning reviews by her acolytes and supporters and returned to my daily routine. Unfortunately she and her fellow travelers will just move on to their next attempts to promulgate disinformation.

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Haidt gets a lot right be he will never quit fetishizing the institutions.

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Jun 18Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Excellent takedown of a autocrat.

I am still waiting on the censors to explain who will determine the truth and facts that should be allowed to proliferate the interwebs? And what happens when facts don't fit the narrative of those in power? (Hunter Laptop, All polar ice will be gone by 2014, etc.)

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Jun 19Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

So far 432 people liked your review

PS: I wonder why you selected such pseudonym for yourself….

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