"Live free or die" NH couldn't even elect the libertarian tiger mom, shameful!

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“Live free or die” fell to “I want to speak to the manager” because Maskachussetts AWFLs took over NH. Hope Lily runs again and wins.

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Does NH have voter ID?

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Great post, Yuri! Sullivan, et al., are organized crime.

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"Both have the charisma, authenticity, and usefulness of a paper straw."

THAT is a great line, Earnest Hemmingway-level writing.

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"She does not know how to get anything done, other than failing up" is pretty darn good, too.

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Both of these lines apply to all regime commissars.

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And don’t forget “bluebonic plague blueanons” — I think the late William Safire, the master of alliterative phrases (“nattering nabobs of negativism”) would have approved

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As a former NH resident (though not in District 2), I was so sad to see that Lily Tang Williams lost to a carpetbagger. The state is NOT what it was when we moved there in 2008. It's sad to see it changing so drastically. We lived right on the MA border (Nashua is also on the border - we were closer to Portsmouth, the uber-rich democrat area) and the Massholes infiltrating the state was nauseating.

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Dang…. A Yankee using the term “ carpetbagger “ more appropriate would be the term “ scalawag” (skalawag). A person who is a nere do well from the area.

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One fun fact...Yuri how did you miss it??? Garland was the man that married this dastardarly duo. How about a deep dive on Antony Blinken & his wife (Evan Ryan) or Matthew Graves (DC judge) and his evil wife Goss-Graves?? The swamp is very deep!

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Wow thanks for catching that oversight, Deborah. The swamp is so deep, it must have clouded my vision. DC is such an incestuous place, I have to take many showers after writing these commissar profiles.

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LOL no worries Yuri! I call this the "circle jerk" myself and am amazed by the number of marriages (?) family members and corporate insiders that exist in our political machine.

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These 2 are the sediment you find at the bottom of the swamp. They are the protozoan ( group of single-celled organisms, either free-living or parasitic, that feed on organic matter such as other microorganisms or organic debris. Historically, protozoans were regarded as "one-celled animals")

Thanks wikipedia for prividing a great descriptor of this grifting couple.

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Trump will not have an easy ride in Congress with the Dems and RINOs commissars.

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RINOS are more dangerous than Dems right now. So far so good on the picks, but this is just the end of the beginning.

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So far so good on the picks? He has a razor-thin House majority and he pulls Stefanik out for the stupid UN Ambassador post and Wentz out for NSA? How is that good? Leave them where they are for now, plenty of non-Congressmen to choose from!

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Miscarriage is a very sad but not uncommon part of life and always has been. It is only recently been considered needing medical intervention.

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It is telling that the Granite State went 100% blue on the federal level (Both Senators did not have re-election cycles this go round), but red on the State level. The fault lies with the republican party at the "national" level. Meaning no candidate they put up seems to be able to carry the day either for federal rep or senator, which is amazing since all four members of the federal delegation collectively have the IQ of 100 and do nothing for the state. The bad news is they do nothing, the good news is they do nothing. Governor Sununu when not absent altogether, did little to help Lily Tang Williams. One can also guess the Governor will not be joining the new Trump administration anytime soon.

Tamposi Goodlander is a member of the current ruling class, we shall see how long the grift continues. Time is short, Trump has a small window to pry open wider, we need a lot of sunlight here in the Granite State, hopefully the change at the top trickles down. It is hard to be optimistic, but then again Murphy was an optimist.

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The Sununus (Sec. of State to Bush 1 [father], former Senator [elder brother] and outgoing governor) are all extremely smart, but not populists - at least not in the highly demonstrative way. The current governor was still popular in what I see still as a "purple" state (look at the county/town voting breakdowns -- much of NH is still red), so it would have been worth the effort to campaign for Tang Williams.

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What they really are... criminals.

Our modern gilded class is comprised of rent-seeking looters of other people's money. And they have developed a full industry of theft to support their upper class dreams. Just ask yourself why none of these education-privileged, wealth-privileged and connection-privileged people have decided to start and build a real business in the private sector? The work is too hard, and they lack the capability to succeed. So they are not really of upper-class value with respect to the real meritocracy. However, like all crooks, they have talent to take what others produce. They "earn" their high status just like do the members of any crime syndicate.

The system is broken as it was designed for political representation of regular productive citizens to take time from their regular productive lives, and then when done serving, go back to their regular productive life. Unfortunately we have allowed ourselves to be duped into voting for a particular ruling class actor that targets politics as a professional career fully intending quid pro quo influence peddling.

My fix for this is to cancel and reform the current industry of political NGOs. The way this should happen is for a new 501 C X designation for all non-profits that have a primary mission within politics, and those entities should be required to publicly disclose of all income and spending. And for all other 501 C X corporations to have an annual audit to confirm that they substantially meet the requirements of their stated mission and goals. If not, they go on one-year probation and then lose their non-profit status.

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I honestly don’t have any idea how you read this vomit. I couldn’t make it past the first few sentences it made me that nauseous.

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I skipped over it. I can't, either.

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Jake Sullivan should be sued for using the name “Jake”…a good, honest, testosterone associated moniker.

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His name is actually "Jerk." He anglicized it.

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True. Maybe change is name to “Jae k”

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America will always get what they tolerate. Last 4 years were a debacle.

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These two frauds live in my state smh

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I"m here, too! Sad state of affaris.

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Unspeakably disgusting lying power-mad and money-mad freaks (and have you noticed how physically ugly they are?). I am not for a moment surprised they have stolen as many positions as possible (also in my state of Michigan - I saw the boarded up windows and the lies in 2020). And we have barely begun the battle against these demons. We have won just one skirmish, but we cannot forget that this is going to be a long war if we want to destroy this infection.

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Hey we don’t look forward to your column because you’re nice! Sullivan looks like Gareth on the Office (English version).

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Sullivan's head is shaped like a gray alien.

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They are both as ugly as a mud fence

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