May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

It’s so sad to see the loss of patriotism today, the lack of respect for the flag and it what it represents, the indifference to the sacrifices made for our freedom, and a complete lack of knowledge of American history. My husband served in the army for 25 years, and it’s incredible how, immediately outside of any military community, most people know nothing of military life. Many people I meet have never even known anyone who’s served. And it’s grievous to see how our military is degrading and compromising itself by caving to woke ideology.

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We have the public schools' propaganda/brainwashing machine (and the lame stream media) to thank for this, as well as years of unimpeded immigration of people who hate us, don't assimilate and only come here for handouts. Think about that next time there is a school board election. And this is why the US Department of Education needs to be dismantled. See also Randi Weingarten, self-declared Marxist.

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Our White House and many leftist Dems have cheered and enabled people who hate our country for years now. They encourage rioting and the taking down of statues. Our young people see that and think why be patriotic ?? The people in charge aren't.

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How about statues honoring Nat Turner's slave rebellion?

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General Lee was a traitor ...lol!!!!

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You're a fking idiot ...lol!!!

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Because I'm not white? Note your comments without substance --- just ad hominem.

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No, because you're a dipshit.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you for re-posting your Pat Tillman piece from last year. I live in a small, conservative southern town where they will go to great lengths to ensure that Memorial Day is observed properly. Old vets - mostly from the Korea and Vietnam eras - will be on street corners in their uniforms taking donations for charity. The city will have a parade that will include the local JROTC chapter. As I take this in, the memory of Pat Tillman, and the thirteen who died during Biden's botched Afghanistan retreat, will stand out most for me. With the rot that the Uniparty has become and the every institution from entertainment to academia corrupted to the core, for what did these people sacrifice?

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The Iraq war was built on a foundation of lies, as well as the Vietnam War. I had a number of Vietnam veterans on my prison caseload -- drying out from heroin addiction picked up in Vietnam.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This hits home. Jared was recruited by the same office as our son was, just a few months apart. They were the same age and could very well have competed against each other since he went to a "rival" school not far from our son's school. That was such an emotional day having Jared return home. I probably went through a whole box of Kleenex in an hour. It could have been any of our sons. This situation seemed to be an ill-managed and completely avoidable event with a "commander and chief" who is content with sacrificing his citizenry. We are not Russia. People are not plastic pieces on a game board. Because the government (not everyone, though) does not view a human being as sacred, many of the people in this country are reflecting that sentiment. -Semper Fidelis

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You may be interested in my live stream on the traditions of Memorial Day slowly being pushed aside, and how growing up I was very aware of our soldiers sacrifice because my entire small town honored the fallen.


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The Tillman story gets me every time. I reflect on Memorial Day, Where We Stand Now and the Invisible War we are fighting in this week's letter. Hope you enjoy. https://michaelkimelman.substack.com/p/memorial-days-invisible-war

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Good stuff comrade. I can't fully understand wars, they make no sense to me. Men send others to a possible death because of egos, scarce resources, or just plain evil. Those that send others to die, don't die themselves in battle, and always end up rationalizing their bad decisions.

Many did not "go to die" because of patriotism - many died because they were sent to die and placed in harm's way.

We don't go to wars anymore, we send mostly men to do the spectacle of war for the amusement of few, knowing that many will die.

I feel cringe when I hear "Happy Memorial Day"... happy for what? I feel sad for the families that lost a loved one. I feel sad for those that made it back alive but maimed. I feel sad for those that came back alive, but with their souls badly damaged. And I feel anger towards those that made the decision to fight but they themselves didn't put on a uniform nor picked up a weapon or lead from the front.

I'm not naive and fully understand that war has existed since Cain and Able walked this earth, however it still doesn't make sense to me.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank You Yuri! It is maybe the best Memorial Day message I ever read! Touches the heart and soul!

God Bless America!

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Meanwhile, over at President Biden’s place, here’s who he chose to honor:


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Stomach-turning, nauseating shit!

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Our honored dead are in a better place and will always be remembered. We should honor them by taking care of their brothers and sisters still living who suffered indignities while serving and after. They make less than fast food workers! Their housing would be condemned! They have seen and had to do things normal people cannot cope with and it wears on them. They get disgusting care from the VA. We put illegals in five star hotels while they live on the street. SHAME ON US!

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Here’s to all of those nameless American soldiers* who died fighting our wars, and to the wives and children they left behind.

A memorial to those who died is fit and proper (and inadequate). It should be coupled with the resolve to question the need for each and every future war.

We need to understand how we, especially now, are pressured, manipulated, tricked, played, conned, gas-lighted, and lied to about wars.

We need to study how wars really start, and start giving out PHDs for preventing wars. And starting a war between two other parties is just as bad.

We should do this for the sake of those soldiers* yet to die.

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I think of the lives left behind, and the hole that is forever there for the families. May they rest in peace.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Great song selection. Especially “The Dispatch”

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May 28Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

All heroes, undoubtedly. If only the USA could focus on being a shining light for the world and lead by example, instead of flailing around uselessly abroad, the world would be a better place and its armed forces in better shape.

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May 27Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you so much for honoring these patriots 🇺🇸

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