It must be a really weird conundrum for the people who are in the ven diagram of daily ego-googling-their-own-name and propaganda/censorship advocay, because they are so narcissistic that they MUST know what others think about them, but their careers are based on banning posts that go against their narrative, so they'll never find anything flattering about themselves on the net they didn't authorize or personally write.

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Spot on. It's a new type of mental disorder. Trump Derangement Substack and MSM all block comments because they cannot bear and criticism. Surely they know after a decade how insane they sound to most people, yet they persist. The money is too good.

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I don't think those nuts know or even have the ability to understand an alternative opinion, other than what is the authorized prevailing "official story". It is like they have become their own Yes Men, so they are constantly reaffirming what they perceive to be correct.

I'm an engineer and I have (or think I have) a very logical thought process. One thing I always tell my direct reports, "You must tell me what you think, even if it is different than my statements, I need to know if we have design flaws, I don't need affirmation." I work for a large corporation and I'm a mid-level manager, I never see any other pushback like that, all my peers want ass kissing from their staff, which might make the manager feel good, but is bad for the end product.

I was in a meeting last meeting with about 9 other supervisors and they were all discussing covid and then they started talking about the RSV, Covid, flu shot combo. A bunch of nodding heads, except me, I just laughed. The shot has been failing for 3 years and they are so delusional and into the narrative, they can't thi nk for themselves. And yes, in California. Clown world out here

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A thousand years from now TDS will be the explanation for homosapiens speciation. It's as if we've been separated by mountains or sea, like old world monkeys.

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Dangit FM, that is a heck of a Darwinian hypothesis. If those folks eliminate CO2, then their vegan diets will lead to mass starvation, which will eliminate the crazies.

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That sounds better than being stuck in a one-way train of box cars these maniacs would put us in....IF we didn't have GUNS...;)

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Remember: Democracy = 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner

Republic = A well armed sheep contesting the vote

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I was on FB with some alums from our elite institution of higher education this weekend and still shocked by the persistence of TDS. One alum posted a meme of a youthful-looking #46 to a more plump-looking #45 with the headline "There's Old and Then There's OLD!" When I asked about the apparent fraility of #46 another alum replied: "To be fair, neither of them act like they have dementia. They both have made slips, which is common and normal (even for those of us not yet 50), though T**** has made a lot more of them." When I asked for reliable news sources because YouTube was deemed as unacceptable, I was told: NPR, Reuters, AP... It's like they are in a BOX they CANNOT escape. There's more, and I need to move onto other endeavors like cooking Sunday dinner...Anyway, I know I am preaching to the choir, but sometimes I have to vent because it seems as if everyone around me, family, friends, and colleagues appear to be demoralized. I love these people, but it's hard at times...

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I don't think I've seen the Dems' level of denial about Biden's obvious senility outside of apocalyptic cults who still believe their Messiah is coming even after his predicted arrival date has long passed.

But Trump! Joe still rides a bike! He is bravely battling a lifelong stutter! (And then their complaints of media bias, which are both hilarious and deranged.)

The Dems have painted themselves into this weird psychological, social, ideological and epistemic corner where the 1000 volts of propaganda they carry around in their phones have jolted them into believing that 1) whatever current Narrative du jour the Party demands is gospel truth that they MUST swallow and regurgitate; and 2) whoever disagrees or refuses to do this is ipso facto a "far right" Trump-supporting extremist who is evil and needs re-education or worse.

In Soviet America, you become an official member of the thinking classes the moment you refuse to do any more thinking.

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Ha, Ha! Soviet America! (funny, but really sad at the same time)

I know. It is downright scary; almost chilling. I feel like I am in one of the hokey scifi movies I watched on TV as a kid.

My "group" even mentioned the "stutter." That's the only thing afflicting the current occupant of the WH! It's like they all have a list of approved talking points...

Anyway, thanks for understanding. Let's continue to stand for truth (with love!)

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"I feel like I am in one of the hokey scifi movies I watched on TV as a kid."

Yes, we are living through some version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" except instead of malevolent aliens we're dealing with an invasion of malevolent algorithms.

So many people I consider intelligent now live inside these mental Skinner Boxes where any idea or fact that makes them slightly uncomfortable must be reflexively dismissed as "racist!" or some other thought-deadening sound bite crafted out of punitive moralism and emotional blackmail.

I try my hardest every day not to let human frailty and stupidity warp me (as none of us are immune), but at the same time the past decade has taught me that 9 out of 10 people would do, say or believe just about anything if the social pressures and incentives are strong enough.

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I feel the same way. It has been most sobering to see my "people" so quickly conform to almost any despotic, antihuman, godless narrative despite their HIGH levels of intelligence, educational credentials, creativity, accomplishment, and even human kindness. At an alum event, I saw the look of pure terror in their eyes when I mentioned some "conservative" affiliation...It's like "How can you even think that?'" "Are we even ALLOWED to think that?" And then they rattle off the "talking points" halfheartedly. They are demoralized. And, sadly, I get it. To espouse any even "innocuous" conservative talking point in most academic, corporate or government settings will get you sent to the social and career gulags. Some truth-seeking dissidents will probably sent to the real gulags. I ended my little FB chat with a clip from "The Twilight Zone." This is "The Obsolete Man."


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——To espouse any even "innocuous" conservative talking point in most academic, corporate or government settings will get you sent to the social and career gulags. 🎯

Thanks for the clip!

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Dunning Krueger needs an update with a Z axis for hypocrisy in relation to overestimating their abilities

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I am a solar physicist. Whew, that was easy.

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: ))

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Tucker’s recent must watch interview with Mike Benz mentions her, don’t miss it:


The most shocking part of your excerpts to me is her reference to “unborn child”… you know she must be spinning hard when she doesn’t refer to a meaningless clump of cells

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The Benz interview is epic. They named many Swamp commissars that I will be digging into. We can only imagine what her husband is like and how insane it is to marry her, but at least they managed to have a child unlike many of their ilk.

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And yet, there will be those coming up that will have to deal with that child. Imagine this perpetually wounded goat raising another human.

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As soon as I saw that whimper, I was like, how incredibly hypocritical !

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I had to skim this article. I couldn’t give this Georgetown grad with her useless degree & padded resume my time to read her long diatribe that just said “censorship good”. She’s a moron & a representation of the majority of people in DC that attend the same schools & assemble brag sheet resumes that are bs. It’s a garbage in garbage out system.

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Completely skewered. Love it! Thanks, Yuri!

Oh, and that LinkedIn profile photo immediately reminded me of the overly posed Olan Mills family portraits that were taken in the 70’s & 80’s. My family last participated in one in 1986. Yours truly rocked the perm and puffy sleeves. 😂👊🏻

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OMG. Lolol. Nailed it with Olan Mills.

Thanks for the laugh! Needed it, my twins are teenagers today!

Brave new world.

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Happy Birthday to your twins! Twice blessed!! ☺️

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Made me think of The Jets. Remember them?

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Oh wow, that's a blast from the past, too! Yes! I do! "Crush on You" was a favorite of mine when it was in the top 40. Thanks for that memory lane trip! :)

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"Those who mock the state must have to deal with a strong state... "

From The Ministry of Truth in Germany.

People will never learn. Bondage is default.

Let's massacre them with mockery!

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Sarcasm and mockery... because murder is illegal.

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Until the revolution.

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I indentify as a revolutionary

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I WISH TO COMPLAIN! I had just finished lunch when Yuri forced me to watch some mad woman singing Mary Poppins, made me puke it all up again. Holy cow, where does the USA find these people??

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I agree, it’s truly disgusting

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Is it just me, or does she look a lot like Caitlyn Jenner? Scary Popping indeed.

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7/10 resumes between Centreville and Rockville offer identical experience.

2013-Present Democratization Institute for Developing Democracies Foundation; School of Proliferation

Washington, D.C.

* Drink lots of coffee

* Attend lots of luncheons

* Manage meetings about leading conferences on developing engagement

* Drive funding through awareness campaign cocktail receptions

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“We don’t need any protection from disinformation, we need protection from power-hungry propagandists and government officials like Nina.”


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Well, I was skeptical of her work, but then she wrote in FA that disinformation has been supercharged. Supercharged! Please censor us for own safety; all speech must made be safe by government! 🤔😳🤦‍♂️

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Scary Poppins!

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What a gobbledygook collection of word salad and Orwellian beaurecratic ministry titles all wrapped in a stunning lack of insight. These people genuinely have bought the Luciferian deception of their own intelligence and the Satanic seduction of their own righteousness. They will never take stock, grow in self awareness or change because they can't. This woman is rife with hypocrisy, confirmation bias, and bitterness that others can't see just how brilliant and beknighted her work is. God save this Republic from these people. May the works of the "little ones" continue to confound and confuse the seemingly "wise" and powerful.

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Great comment! 😁

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The crazy eyes pretty much say it all, don’t they

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I would never give that gal any of the coffee I drink. It would cause a critical event.

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Alinsky #5. 😉 👍❤️‍🔥🤙

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But does she have a flying umbrella? No? DISINFORMATION! Off to the gulag with you, peasant.

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No but you can be sure she rides a broomstick every night on a full moon.

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This “Woke Bish” probably works for the CIA. LOL!

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Her education in the Russian language is a dead giveaway.

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See how she did a <1 year course in Russian and then became the President of the Russian Club at University? Gimme a break

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