When I was in elementary school I would occasionally go to a Blackhawks' game with my father. I really enjoyed driving into Chicago, singing "oldies" that were playing on the radio, and being with him at the stadium. Although I had a lot of fun at the game, the real prize was spending time together.

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Preach it!

Aside from all the general man child points, which are timeless, I just can’t believe people still get into it these past couple years when the sportsball teams are just blatantly telling their own audiences how much they hate them and their values and their children. What would these leagues have to do to get people to stop watching them, strangle puppies live on air?

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Those puppies had it coming!

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Imagine if all that partisan energy was rerouted into cheering/fighting for team America vs the globalists...

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Agree 100%. Watching NFL football on a Sunday was an enjoyable fall ritual. But it's one that ended since they went woke in the fall of 2020. I keep telling my friends that wokeness is a poison designed to destroy Western Civilization. Meh. They keep telling me that it's not TOO bad. And besides, with the recent free agent signings, (insert team name) has a chance to go deep into the playoffs.

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After all is said we are a tolerant people.

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Quakcine is also not TOO bad only some sudden deaths here and there.

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100% on target, all of it. Even the sad commentary on "taking the kid to the sportsball stadium because that what my dad did with me".

Same circus, same bread as the Romans, nothing has changed

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Football is the opiate of the masses in the UK, I just take the Morphine, cut out the middle man.

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Trampled by Turtles has a great song "Codeine" that I think you'd like

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I like a bit of Bluegrass! x

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They'll have fun when they come to NYC for the World Cup in a couple of years;-)

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I stopped going to any sporting events in my local area because they dont accept cash anymore.

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How else will we "End Racism"?!?

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Reminds me of the collapse of Rome when the people were kept occupied with gladiators and other distractions as their city-state rotted from corruption....

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I grew up in Indiana and I cannot imagine not being able to shoot the basketball. At a young age, when I first encountered people who can't shoot the basketball, I pointed and laughed at them, but now I understand those people are just unfortunates who grew up with a lack of culture. In the last 50 years, basketball has been embraced by the people of eastern Europe. Proving that there are people in the world with highly developed cultural sensibilities who can learn from our greatness. Only greatness is greatness. You probably don't understand. We can't expect the uninitiated to appreciate our culture and traditions.

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Great post. I wrote a while ago about Christopher Lasch and the timesink that is fandom, of any kind. We need to be a society of doers, not watchers.



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Yay Sportsball!

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You’re just jealous of that dunk my fantasy guy made on your fantasy guy which had nothing to do with the steroooods he injected himself with.

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The U.S. Open is okay though... yeah?

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Only when you root for the Unvaxxed One

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Go Novak Djokovic❗️

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I have a note and post coming up about the US Open - stay tuned!

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In that last meme I think the image of Commodus should be a photo of the Sith lord Cuban. Remember when he sold a paper sack of dog poop on fire to Yahoo? Then he knew it would fail and did a collar to make his first billion off of its failure? Then he bought a sportsball team and danced and shouted like an 8 year old at every single game with his beer gut flopping out of his t-shirt. He is a perfect symbol of the times.

Everyone should turn this garbage off. Btw, I was making a halloween costume with/for my nephew. He will be Leonidas, and he said he also wanted to be a knight. He is sticking with Leonidas since we've invested 2 entire weekends in custom making his outfit. We looked up some knights and found that those guys could do gymnastics in full armor. They don't make athletes like they used to. The Teutons were no joke.

It has been great to tie in my nephew's natural enthusiasm and excitement for warrior outfits with real history. There is nothing more heroic than what Leonidas and his 300 men did to sacrifice their lives to buy the Athenians time to outflank Xerces and save Western Civilization. I am hoping those lessons stick and that eventually he gives up his fixation with Spiderman. How ironic that a leading superhero today is literally a bug man.

That we call these low impulse control athletes heroes or heroic is a farce. We come a long way from, Vince Lombardi admonishing his men with a call to honor, sportsmanship and nobility with, "When you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before!" A mere twenty years later we fell under the Trance of The End Zone Dance. What a bunch of savages. Another thirty years on from that and it is pathetic.

Turn that sportsball garbage off, buy a hunting and fishing license and the gear, and take your sons and daughters into what remains of the wilds of the world my friends. It will belong to them if you do.

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I used to be a sports widow, well everything except tennis. Over the past 5-6 years the teams got more and more china-money-focused, started kneeling during the anthem, getting woke, and ignoring the wife/girlfriend abusers. The hubby soured to most of it. He still records his teams but mostly fast forwards through the games to the action and rarely watches any game analysis. The monetary caps they implemented didn't work, you'd have to mortgage your house to take your family to a game these days. I enjoy baseball and wish they're were more AAA league teams around to attend.

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Each MLB franchise only has one AAA affiliate. There are more teams at A and AA. I have fun watching the lower levels, even semipro. College baseball is a big deal now. Baseball is great all the way down to little league.

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Beautifully brutal. Infantilizing manhood breeds civilizational collapse.


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Failing to observe cultural tradition breeds civilizational collapse. Failing to value cultural gifts in others breeds civilizational collapse. Watching people give their all for their sport and sardonically snickering at them because of jealousy or a personal lack of discipline breeds civilizational collapse.

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Sportsball is not cultural tradition. It's engineered spectacle and distraction. The collapse is already terminal. And "Jealously" is the duct tape of rhetorical collapse.


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