Representatives Sarah/Tim McBride (she/her) and Seth Moulton are symbols of the insane and sane paths forward for the DNC - open letter to Seth at the end
Ok, I've said this before, but it bears saying again - trans individuals are people who struggle with gender dysphoria - which is classified as a mental disorder in the DSM-5 - one more time - a mental disorder. That we are glorifying their struggles and trying to integrate surgical and chemical interventions is evil.
Turning a handsome young man into something that thinks it can be a woman. It is very obvious this is a man. A man can never become a woman - born with the genes, die with the genes!
Tim McBride will always be a man. He can change his name, change his appearance and pretend to be a woman all he wants, mental illness is his right. We are under no obligation to indulge his mental illness delusions. And those who do so as an effort to be "compassionate" and "kind" do him no favors, only plunge him deeper into his mental illness. Those who do indulge his mental illness are the guiltiest parties of all to the growing pandemic contagion of mental illness. Because they know better. And indulge it anyways. "Here fatso, I'll buy you another ten Big Macs for lunch...I'm nice and compassionate like that." Sames. When anthropologists dig up his bones they will say they found a man. Just like God made him.
Im not particularly religious, but part of the problem is we've become so far removed from the tenets of Christianity (faith in general), which our country was founded on, that it has encouraged the "beast" inside all of us to have free reign for many people.
Imo, that, and the lack of "present/engaged" fathers is how this society has slid into the slim of the pit.
Great explanation: How do they lead? “Israel” means “struggles with God”. The OT repeatedly shows not to go into easy victim mentality. I’m in AA - we successfully struggle with God.
In the end, for me it comes down to, are they hurting anyone? Guys have a right to wear a dress and change their name. But when they go onto an athletic field and compete against women, they are literally hurting others.
And to demand 'acceptance' is absurd. It's a contradiction of terms. In the 1930s, Jews were required to salute 'Heil Hitler' or be arrested for not doing it. Coerced acceptance is totalitarianism. Don't condemn the person who refuses to comply, condemn the people who insist on compliance.
"ThEy'Re NoT hUrTiNg AnYoNe" is the idiocy that is causing our problems.
Butterfly effects are real, and the harm done by these absurd lies is a lot greater than that of a typical butterfly effect. It is true that government should not get into the business of violating rights as a consequence of wrongthink, but it is just as true that private judgment must weigh heavily against absurdity if civilization is to survive.
They ARE hurting people (themselves most of all), just the way the communist ranting on reddit is harming people - by sowing the seeds of evil. We need to say that plainly.
"They're not hurting anyone" is a horrid standard that must be harshly criticized wherever it is seen. It's the cheap sub substitute for a clearly-defined principles.
They're hurting many people, but it's mostly women, which is why men don't care.
Women in prisons, women in sports, women who have to tell lies because they don't want to get fired, women who have to look at men in their locker rooms.
They're not just living their lives. By definition, the only way this can persist is if they force it on others, and they are.
That's why none of it can be tolerated. The answer to all of it has to be no.
Wanting to keep mentally ill people out of job descriptions involving the formulation of public policy is not a human rights issue. It is a competency issue.
Loved this post Yuri. But must we write with the pronouns that the trans ideologues insist on? If this tendency is based on etiquette or literary protocol, I get the goal. But, continuing to refer to Tim/Sarah as “she” just validates this silly word game. He is a congressman in a skirt and all of us should tell him that. I just refuse to play this language game any longer.
They'll conclude they should've yelled HITLER louder and picked a dude for VP that could load his gun better with his ball sack.
In all seriousness, The Left is and has always been about IDEOLOGY. The Revolution is always first and therefore the logic of their politics can ONLY move toward more radicalization. They cannot course correct, because there's no internal philosophical mechanism for it. They passed critical mass during Obamas reign...and there's no way they can tact to the middle now.
Positive masculinity to them meant if you didn't vote for Kamala you were an insecure bigot. Non-beta males and non-AWFLS rejected this because they know that a real MAN is obligated by nature to both protect and support females in all facets of their REAL lives...not the fictitional narcissistic issues of The Left.
Gender ideology happens to be a great way to split a movement. In my country Scotland the Scottish National Party under Alex Salmond came very close to winning independence from the UK in 2014, and membership soared. Salmond, unfortunately, did the honourable thing and resigned, his place taken by Nicola Sturgeon, who began driving gender ideology, leading to a bill that enabled people to "self ID", ie simply declare he has become a she and vice versa (though pronouns is a very complicated subject in all this madness). We have had many horror stories, mainly dangerous men invading women's spaces (including being sent by the idiotic authorities to women's prisons) because they have declared themselves women and gave the certificate to "prove it". Meanwhile the SNP is in terminal decline. Whether Sturgeon was "tapped" by the British state or whether she's a complete idiot is moot, though I would say both. I have to admit that gender ideology has already proved itself a great disruptor, and most of the people involved are cannon fodder.
Excellent post Yuri. What is it about the entire Northeast of the US that makes this part of the country so indoctrinated and vulnerable to Dem insanity?
The level of cruelty that can be justified when people believe in a "moral" crusade is boundless because the beast inside is no longer burdened with the boundaries of empathy.
There is nothing so dangerous as a person or group who believe the ultimate testament of their fidelity to a righteous cause requires acts of cruelty to demonstrate their purity.
At this level, the trans ideology and “pro trans” movement in general have more than a slight whiff of Marxist-Leninism about them. Just as there was an effort to break down the family unit in the post Bolshevik days, so there seems to be an effort afoot to break down general norms and divisions, with the aim of producing a new kind of human. And maybe this in essence is the new kind of trans human that some are imagining. So maybe trans ideology is really just the stepping stone to transhumanism; and not just because of the word “trans” embedded in it, although that helps of course. How ironic that in this age dominated by binary computer language, that we, the people, seem to be slipping into an ever more amorphous and non binary relationship to gender.
If ever there was anything that people from all around the world could agree upon, regardless of culture or religion, it was that there are two sexes/genders. While there are genuine medical cases where kids are born with ambiguous or incomplete genitalia, I am willing to bet that most cases of "transgenderism" boil down to either mental illness, or a sexual fetish, or pure politics (queer theory).
From what I understand, queer theory is an ideology that seeks to question and break down social norms, and has its roots in followers of post-modern Marxist theory.
Why society would attempt to normalize an ideology whose aim is to overthrow social norms does not compute with me.
Trump’s most effective commercial said: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.” You are totally correct. This was the sleeper issue of the election, and normies all over the west are beyond fed up. As you say, few people are against trans persons living their lives quietly, the issue is the constant propaganda (especially to kids) and the authoritarian nature of the cult.
When I read the words "bigotry, hate, and fear," Obama leapt to mind. Sure enough, there was a picture of Mr. McBride (dressed up somewhat oddly) with Obama's picture behind.
Let's not forget that it was the "sane" Democrats who promoted slavery across the continent, protected Jim Crow and lynching in the South and segregation in many municipalities. It is the "sane" Democrats who base every policy on race. When we say "sane" we don't mean good. We mean not so despotic or crazy as to turn off or repel too many people. That is, parasites who don't kill their hosts.
Yuri—please review Moulton’s past comments and voting record on the trans issue. Megyn Kelly did a deep dive on it and I suspect you will come away disappointed. One current comment cannot possibly correct his past record.
This will be a "skunk in the garden party" moment for many here, but we cannot reclaim our culture until we face the truth.
Gay marriage was the starting line for this madness. For millennia, marriage was understood to be between a man and a woman. We changed that definition a few years ago, so we shouldn't be shocked that our cultural disruptors are working furiously to undermine the reality of sex, introducing talk of "gender" to baffle the audience.
According to studies, nearly half of gay marriages are open marriages. The coupling in "Modern Family" is propaganda, not reality. Family stands at the center of a healthy society, and we are undermining it by cheapening marriage.
As for the act consummating gay marriage? In grad school back in the days of the Aids scare, my histology professor calmly and scientifically explained why anal sex is unsafe and leads to disease, especially with such a famously promiscuous population. He would face immediate dismissal for speaking such truth today. And, yes, promiscuity runs rampant among the gay population: (warning: not for the squeamish)
Calls for tolerance by the left have been highly effective in disarming people in the fight for our culture. No one wants to be smeared as a hateful bigot. The ultimate goal of this madness is whittle away at resistance to lowering the age of consent. And it's well underway. The false virtue of "tolerance" will expedite its arrival.
The closet door we opened to allow for gay marriage was also the lid to Pandora's Box.
Hold up, a lot of G&L's would have been fine with taking Ron Paul's stance if government wasn't giving out special privileges to married heterosexuals that were denied to homosexuals who weren't "allowed" the same privileges because they weren't "allowed" to legally "marry."
"Matter of fact, I'd like to see all governments out of the marriage question. I don't think it's a state function, I think it's a religious function." -Ron Paul
Paul has stated that in a best case scenario, governments would enforce contracts and grant divorces but otherwise have no say in marriage. Fine by me.
"...promiscuity runs rampant among the gay population." I think you meant gay men. Lesbians bring U-Hauls home on the 2nd date.
I suspect a moderate democrat like Seth will try to argue with his party till ... I mean while BLUE in the face, then will feel just a little BLUE.. feel less and less BLUE and finally see RED. It's a bit of a shame though, since we don't want to turn into a one party nation.
Ok, I've said this before, but it bears saying again - trans individuals are people who struggle with gender dysphoria - which is classified as a mental disorder in the DSM-5 - one more time - a mental disorder. That we are glorifying their struggles and trying to integrate surgical and chemical interventions is evil.
Turning a handsome young man into something that thinks it can be a woman. It is very obvious this is a man. A man can never become a woman - born with the genes, die with the genes!
Tim McBride will always be a man. He can change his name, change his appearance and pretend to be a woman all he wants, mental illness is his right. We are under no obligation to indulge his mental illness delusions. And those who do so as an effort to be "compassionate" and "kind" do him no favors, only plunge him deeper into his mental illness. Those who do indulge his mental illness are the guiltiest parties of all to the growing pandemic contagion of mental illness. Because they know better. And indulge it anyways. "Here fatso, I'll buy you another ten Big Macs for lunch...I'm nice and compassionate like that." Sames. When anthropologists dig up his bones they will say they found a man. Just like God made him.
mENtaL iLlNesS iS rEaL!
Im not particularly religious, but part of the problem is we've become so far removed from the tenets of Christianity (faith in general), which our country was founded on, that it has encouraged the "beast" inside all of us to have free reign for many people.
Imo, that, and the lack of "present/engaged" fathers is how this society has slid into the slim of the pit.
I love that explanation. God to Abraham: “Have an adventure”. The rest is epigenetics.
“Join what the Jews were leading” = Chosen.
Great explanation: How do they lead? “Israel” means “struggles with God”. The OT repeatedly shows not to go into easy victim mentality. I’m in AA - we successfully struggle with God.
In the end, for me it comes down to, are they hurting anyone? Guys have a right to wear a dress and change their name. But when they go onto an athletic field and compete against women, they are literally hurting others.
And to demand 'acceptance' is absurd. It's a contradiction of terms. In the 1930s, Jews were required to salute 'Heil Hitler' or be arrested for not doing it. Coerced acceptance is totalitarianism. Don't condemn the person who refuses to comply, condemn the people who insist on compliance.
"ThEy'Re NoT hUrTiNg AnYoNe" is the idiocy that is causing our problems.
Butterfly effects are real, and the harm done by these absurd lies is a lot greater than that of a typical butterfly effect. It is true that government should not get into the business of violating rights as a consequence of wrongthink, but it is just as true that private judgment must weigh heavily against absurdity if civilization is to survive.
They ARE hurting people (themselves most of all), just the way the communist ranting on reddit is harming people - by sowing the seeds of evil. We need to say that plainly.
"They're not hurting anyone" is a horrid standard that must be harshly criticized wherever it is seen. It's the cheap sub substitute for a clearly-defined principles.
They're hurting many people, but it's mostly women, which is why men don't care.
Women in prisons, women in sports, women who have to tell lies because they don't want to get fired, women who have to look at men in their locker rooms.
They're not just living their lives. By definition, the only way this can persist is if they force it on others, and they are.
That's why none of it can be tolerated. The answer to all of it has to be no.
"Trans" does not exist. They're just men.
Wanting to keep mentally ill people out of job descriptions involving the formulation of public policy is not a human rights issue. It is a competency issue.
There are no "trans" individuals.
Tim McBride is a man. That's all he'll ever be. He didn't "transition" and nobody ever does.
This is a symptom, and not an identity. "Gender dysphoria" does not exist.
Loved this post Yuri. But must we write with the pronouns that the trans ideologues insist on? If this tendency is based on etiquette or literary protocol, I get the goal. But, continuing to refer to Tim/Sarah as “she” just validates this silly word game. He is a congressman in a skirt and all of us should tell him that. I just refuse to play this language game any longer.
Yes Yuri. Please don’t give in to the pronouns. It’s a gateway drug.
I agree
Language is key to this issue.
he said the “bathroom thing” would not bother him as each Congressman as their own “rest room"
The Left will learn nothing.
They'll conclude they should've yelled HITLER louder and picked a dude for VP that could load his gun better with his ball sack.
In all seriousness, The Left is and has always been about IDEOLOGY. The Revolution is always first and therefore the logic of their politics can ONLY move toward more radicalization. They cannot course correct, because there's no internal philosophical mechanism for it. They passed critical mass during Obamas reign...and there's no way they can tact to the middle now.
Positive masculinity to them meant if you didn't vote for Kamala you were an insecure bigot. Non-beta males and non-AWFLS rejected this because they know that a real MAN is obligated by nature to both protect and support females in all facets of their REAL lives...not the fictitional narcissistic issues of The Left.
Gender ideology happens to be a great way to split a movement. In my country Scotland the Scottish National Party under Alex Salmond came very close to winning independence from the UK in 2014, and membership soared. Salmond, unfortunately, did the honourable thing and resigned, his place taken by Nicola Sturgeon, who began driving gender ideology, leading to a bill that enabled people to "self ID", ie simply declare he has become a she and vice versa (though pronouns is a very complicated subject in all this madness). We have had many horror stories, mainly dangerous men invading women's spaces (including being sent by the idiotic authorities to women's prisons) because they have declared themselves women and gave the certificate to "prove it". Meanwhile the SNP is in terminal decline. Whether Sturgeon was "tapped" by the British state or whether she's a complete idiot is moot, though I would say both. I have to admit that gender ideology has already proved itself a great disruptor, and most of the people involved are cannon fodder.
Excellent post Yuri. What is it about the entire Northeast of the US that makes this part of the country so indoctrinated and vulnerable to Dem insanity?
Puritanism is the original AWFL attitude.
Spot on.
The level of cruelty that can be justified when people believe in a "moral" crusade is boundless because the beast inside is no longer burdened with the boundaries of empathy.
There is nothing so dangerous as a person or group who believe the ultimate testament of their fidelity to a righteous cause requires acts of cruelty to demonstrate their purity.
If you think "trans" is due to Puritan Christianity, you're even dumber than you seem, Yuri.
It's the result of another group. And it ain't Christians.
Look up Magnus Hirschfeld for a start.
You may be right. A culture that revels in shaming the heretic - presto changeo today's cancel culture.
Oddly enough, strong women and weak men.
Christians aren't the cause of the "trans" lie.
It's another group. Yuri can't say it.
At this level, the trans ideology and “pro trans” movement in general have more than a slight whiff of Marxist-Leninism about them. Just as there was an effort to break down the family unit in the post Bolshevik days, so there seems to be an effort afoot to break down general norms and divisions, with the aim of producing a new kind of human. And maybe this in essence is the new kind of trans human that some are imagining. So maybe trans ideology is really just the stepping stone to transhumanism; and not just because of the word “trans” embedded in it, although that helps of course. How ironic that in this age dominated by binary computer language, that we, the people, seem to be slipping into an ever more amorphous and non binary relationship to gender.
If ever there was anything that people from all around the world could agree upon, regardless of culture or religion, it was that there are two sexes/genders. While there are genuine medical cases where kids are born with ambiguous or incomplete genitalia, I am willing to bet that most cases of "transgenderism" boil down to either mental illness, or a sexual fetish, or pure politics (queer theory).
From what I understand, queer theory is an ideology that seeks to question and break down social norms, and has its roots in followers of post-modern Marxist theory.
Why society would attempt to normalize an ideology whose aim is to overthrow social norms does not compute with me.
Trump’s most effective commercial said: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.” You are totally correct. This was the sleeper issue of the election, and normies all over the west are beyond fed up. As you say, few people are against trans persons living their lives quietly, the issue is the constant propaganda (especially to kids) and the authoritarian nature of the cult.
When I read the words "bigotry, hate, and fear," Obama leapt to mind. Sure enough, there was a picture of Mr. McBride (dressed up somewhat oddly) with Obama's picture behind.
Electing mentally ill candidates to congress…what could go wrong?
Tim McBride is still a man with a Y chromosome.
And we should not let anyone forget that. That's how we got into this mess imo
Let's not forget that it was the "sane" Democrats who promoted slavery across the continent, protected Jim Crow and lynching in the South and segregation in many municipalities. It is the "sane" Democrats who base every policy on race. When we say "sane" we don't mean good. We mean not so despotic or crazy as to turn off or repel too many people. That is, parasites who don't kill their hosts.
Yuri—please review Moulton’s past comments and voting record on the trans issue. Megyn Kelly did a deep dive on it and I suspect you will come away disappointed. One current comment cannot possibly correct his past record.
So glad you posted this. Moulton is #partoftheproblem.
This will be a "skunk in the garden party" moment for many here, but we cannot reclaim our culture until we face the truth.
Gay marriage was the starting line for this madness. For millennia, marriage was understood to be between a man and a woman. We changed that definition a few years ago, so we shouldn't be shocked that our cultural disruptors are working furiously to undermine the reality of sex, introducing talk of "gender" to baffle the audience.
According to studies, nearly half of gay marriages are open marriages. The coupling in "Modern Family" is propaganda, not reality. Family stands at the center of a healthy society, and we are undermining it by cheapening marriage.
As for the act consummating gay marriage? In grad school back in the days of the Aids scare, my histology professor calmly and scientifically explained why anal sex is unsafe and leads to disease, especially with such a famously promiscuous population. He would face immediate dismissal for speaking such truth today. And, yes, promiscuity runs rampant among the gay population: (warning: not for the squeamish)
Calls for tolerance by the left have been highly effective in disarming people in the fight for our culture. No one wants to be smeared as a hateful bigot. The ultimate goal of this madness is whittle away at resistance to lowering the age of consent. And it's well underway. The false virtue of "tolerance" will expedite its arrival.
The closet door we opened to allow for gay marriage was also the lid to Pandora's Box.
Hold up, a lot of G&L's would have been fine with taking Ron Paul's stance if government wasn't giving out special privileges to married heterosexuals that were denied to homosexuals who weren't "allowed" the same privileges because they weren't "allowed" to legally "marry."
"Matter of fact, I'd like to see all governments out of the marriage question. I don't think it's a state function, I think it's a religious function." -Ron Paul
Paul has stated that in a best case scenario, governments would enforce contracts and grant divorces but otherwise have no say in marriage. Fine by me.
"...promiscuity runs rampant among the gay population." I think you meant gay men. Lesbians bring U-Hauls home on the 2nd date.
I love this line and find it hilarious and creative: "Sarah’s resume is full of demoralization.:
Even you are demoralized. You keep calling HIM her or she. He is a male, a man.
I suspect a moderate democrat like Seth will try to argue with his party till ... I mean while BLUE in the face, then will feel just a little BLUE.. feel less and less BLUE and finally see RED. It's a bit of a shame though, since we don't want to turn into a one party nation.