Not gonna lie...that was hard to watch...too close to the truth...even if it's only parody.....

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Yes. I love comedy and satire but I had to stop watching after 20 seconds, even though I know it’s a parody of a fictional representation, because the actual events of the Cultural Revolution were so fathomlessly disturbing, twisted and hellish, the fictional images alone bring on actual nausea and distress.

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Likewise, a visceral veme for sure.

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Sadly you are right. This is so close to the truth

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As you post this, there is a political show trial of the top regime opponent in lower Manhattan, shock troop cadres are shutting down key transportation arteries in major cities across the country, the political representatives of both parties in DC are locked in a ritual of misdirection and continued unfunded spending increases (i.e., looting) and just to add a little spice, two regional conflicts are teetering on the precipice of global war. It not only could happen here, it is happening here, making your video a breathtakingly clear expression of allegory and reportage that must be viewed by anyone not already lost to derangement or demoralization. Breakthrough work Yuri. Bravo.

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This is hilarious. Well done. But a stark warning to what will happen to our society if we don't maintain our core values. Chaos will ensue if we let every little group lead the narrative for the majority. We then create a society that no one wanted but was too scared to say something.

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“Hilarious” is not the adjective that I would use…

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All Hail Yuri for another great one. Thanks also to Comrade DeadLenin.

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Genius Yuri, nailed it, this is going to all my idiot Biden supporters and Trump haters.

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Let me know how it goes. They will probably denounce you ;)

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my US Dimocrat friends are sweating, the Leftist insanity of Biden and his vile regime is starting to wear thin as the blindingly obvious is becoming....obvious!

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Here is the problem:

Our “Republican” “Friends” will not solve this problem for us. It is the duty of every person reading this post to step up and nominate themselves for public service.

(Election officials, public utility commissioners, mayors, city council members, dog catchers, librarians, etc.)

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Doubleplus good!

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That crowd looks like the New York jury pool.

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I don’t know if parody is the right word. Parody implies making fun of, at least to me. Instead this was a horror movie enhanced to instill even greater horror Just awful.

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A type and shadow.

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Just watched the source material last night (watching the original Netflix scene first makes this re-do 5x funnier) & the parallels to our current situation couldn't be more apparent. Very timely, too, considering that the masked-up useful idiot kids shutting down bridges here in the Bay Area (& across the country) yesterday were also protesting the latest thing, but really demonstrating the power of the current red-guard. Our best hope, though, is that most Americans are starting to see through this crap and, with the help of genius pieces like this from Yuri & Dead Lenin, are pushing back.

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This may be only parody, but it definitely reinforces my wariness of crowd psychology. It does so for a very simple reason: the larger the crowd, the greater the tendency for inhibitions to be lowered if not totally vanish, enabling the most vicious and violent elements to take control. I understand that the late Gustav LeBon wrote much about this phenomenon back in his time.

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The New Red Guard same as the Old Red Guard

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Way too real. How can 'progressives' not see what damned fools they are?

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Coming to a town square near you…

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Standing for Truth is worth sacrificing…even our lives.

Lest we live a lie. 🙏🙏🙏

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