This one really worked for me. Never before have I had to pay so much attention to untangling the news. Your previous article about Maher helped me get what's going on with NPR. I guess we have a similar battle going on within the CBC, esp. as it argues for public taxpayer funding to continue.

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The head of the CBC is a Maher clone. Praying for the true north strong and free!

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Yes, CBC CEO Catherine Tait got the hair and the Woke bombast. Seeing her assert that CBC executives deserve their yearly bonuses before a House of Commons committee was both disturbing and funny. Fewer than 5% of Canadians watch the CBC.

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Well, the CBC started by switching up the company logo. New colors, etc, and an exciting new slogan: "It's not how Canadian you are; it's who you are in Canada." I'm still trying to figure out just what the CBC is trying to promote. It's definitely much, much more than good journalism. Check this out to get what I mean: https://youtu.be/Xf_m_kMLSJ0?feature=shared

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lol at that video.

One edit needed: I saw a still photo of Buffy Saint-Marie in the video. CBC cancelled itself.

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Do non pilots understand true north? Wouldn't that be nice?

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"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy." -- George Orwell

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Isaiah 3:4-5,12

“I will give children to be their princes,

And babes shall rule over them.

The people will be oppressed,

Every one by another and every one by his neighbor;

The child will be insolent toward the elder,

And the base toward the honorable.”

As for My people, children are their oppressors,

And women rule over them.

O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err,

And destroy the way of your paths.”

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Very well done. Would be funny if it weren’t so close to the truth.

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Truth is stranger than fiction. Reality has become satire. Subvert the subversion, comrade.

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Reality has become satire, and it makes me wonder if we've misunderstood satire as not just a parody of social mores but more of a cautionary clairvoyance of what they can become if left unexamined. Meme-on comrades! ;D

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Reality has become surreality.

Fall in line or suffer death by mob.

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Didn’t Philip Roth write a novel about that very thing: reality is satirizing itself.

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I doubt they are that polite and civil at NPR.

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Their form of violence is passive aggressive, which in some ways is worse than the physical violence.

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BASED video! How about the country pull a Bud Light on NPR? Anyone have enough clout to call radio silence on NPR?

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Pull funding ASAP. Normies need to see my video to understand that NPR is too cringe to listen to.

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Isn't NPR publicly funded? Do they really need anyone to listen to it? Besides my neighbor who used to have a No Farms No Food bumper sticker. She replaced it with a No Farms! bumper sticker.

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Omg she’s fallen for it !!

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“Too cringe to listen to” ha! brilliant summation & the only words for it !!!

great works here Yuri.

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Nothing shouts “I’m guilty” louder than firing your accuser.

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Chilling. In the case of San Francisco's politicians, the one thing that will temper them is our Chinese community, ironically.

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Always listen to immigrants who escaped Communism.

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So great. Yas Kween Bow to the girlboss. 🤣. All hail Comrade Bezmenov and Lenin.

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Pissing my pants laughing, thank you Herr Bezmenov... er... I mean.. comrade Yuri... ok...

NPR is now rebadged to NPC-R

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After a few decades of development, the NPC/PMC class has had their great coming out party. Turns out no one but themselves cares to attend. Watching this all implode is gonna be amazing.

Popcorn be poppin'

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I'm laughing my ass off, but I should be crying...

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This is just plain gold - that scene from TBP is rife with possibilities like that Hitler bunker scene from that movie that I can never find online!

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I believe the movie is called “Downfall”.

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This is a great series you're producing Yuri! Wife & I laughed our heads off at breakfast, again. Some of our best friends work/have worked at the local NPR hub, KQED, and when, in early COVID, they had a hit-piece show on Jay Bhattacharya, who had just demonstrated that COVID was no big deal, we contacted them non-stop for a week. Unfortunately, they wouldn't have him on to face his accusers & the acceleration of Insane Francisco into the FUPAZ realm began.

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Titania Maher agrees.

Long live the diversity and turkey freeing revolution!

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A satire that may become a documentary.

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Don't forget, 'Cars are a gendered technology!! '

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