Jan 2Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Bumping Trump off state ballots with no due process needs more attention. Dems are going Full Banana republic on this one. Must destroy democracy to save it.

So does J6 show trials. There is more work to be done than just that of Julie Kelly. The solitary imprisonment of non violent Trump supporters with otherwise clean records is a travesty.

Emerging consensus of 17 million dead from the Covid jab. This should be the bombshell story of the year, exposing the thick corruption poisoning our health policy. The virus was created in a lab, escaped, killed millions primarily through wrong treatment, prompted horrible policy responses, and a ‘vaccine’ with a negative efficacy that is also much more deadly than the disease. And the coverup continues.

And stay on Claudine Gay, the poster child for DEI corruption. Of course she plagiarized. Of course Harvard will deny without investigation. She was selected based on ideological narrative conformity, which is absolutely antithetical to scholarship.

Lot to cover this year.

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Fake and Gay Subversion everywhere, gotta catch ‘em all!

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I’m glad you point out the wrong treatments early in COVID. I was especially appalled to find that COVID lung disease, which is a pneumonitis (viral induced lung inflammation) NOT pneumonia (bacterial infection of lungs, which may cur if pneumonitis is untreated), was not being treated early with steroids. I’m just an orthopedic surgeon and I know that answer!

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I'm so glad I found this Substack as soon as I joined. As an interesting coincidence, I also wrote my first article on the subject (not counting my introduction) titled "Propaganda and Subversion, Part 1: Deception" on the 5th of January, 2023 as well. I'll be kicking off the new year with some white pills on Thursday before I resume my usual mockery of the blue pill narratives. With any luck, maybe I'll get some of my libertarian friends from Hive (the same Hive that @FrancesLeader came from) to join us.

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I agree. We can't give up on everyone else.

The truth is that all of US at some point were red pilled. To what degree those who are now awake were NPCs before is another story.

I've always questioned everything and trusted nobody. Not in a paranoid way, I just like to weigh what people say against what I already know to be true. I rarely take people at their word.

COVID-19 removed all doubt that we are living in a country, the US, ruled by a Uni-Party comprised of criminals. I always felt that *might* be the case, but now there is no question.

With COVID-19 the "seemingly" logical basis and reasoning for how society had been working flew out the window. Everything flipped. For anyone paying attention it was obvious. It's amazing what can be accomplished when fear is the motivation.

In one of your posts, you mentioned the Canadian truckers' protest. Do you know how many people I've talked to -- who have seriously never heard of it! Apparently the MSM practically didn't cover it. Hell, there was a trucker protest here in the US, and I don't think they covered that either.

I think that NPCs are not necessarily "on the side" of the controllers -- they just don't see them as controllers. Once that happens, they start to look around. They wake to from the trance.

Maybe, if we all keep writing, we might just reach some people.

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I have a simple rule as to whether I can trust someone: I go by what they do, not what they say. Works very well to weed out the hypocrites and liars.

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Golden rule!

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Jan 2Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Sometimes our space is a bit dour - it's truly refreshing that you're bringing the fun. Here's to 2024!

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Laughter is the best medicine of clown world ;)

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Humor/laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

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Bezmenov was brilliant and you are doing a fantastic job of continuing his legacy and messaging. The change in your Substack title is PERFECT! Love it.

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary on Substack and keep the great posts coming!

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Jan 2Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Love what you’re doing and the Cringe Vindman piece was the height of subversion.

As we all believe 2024 is going to be unprecedented it will be intriguing to hear your sharp take on the series of disruptions we are sure to experience--through the eyes and reflections of Old Yuri.

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You have an expertise in the tactics the CCP/PLA is using to take down the United States with their unrestricted warfare psyops. You understand how a Cultural Revolution works. Most Americans are naïve, uneducated, and lost when it comes to understanding this fact. Please educated and elucidate the CCP/PLA expertise in 2024.

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I think most of us know that Biden and Garland have turned the USA into a banana republic. It would be great to see documentation with specific parallels as to how other banana republics operate compared to the Biden regime. Putin's treatment of Navalny comes to mind.

One comparison would be the extent to which tyrants destroy democracy in the guise of saving democracy.

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What did you think of the how to kill a country piece about Zimbabwe?

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My initial surprise was that Smantha Powers wrote it!

I think there are cycles, or just plain inevitability to how cultures work. Once a culture becomes successful economically and civilly, there are bound to be people who look for ways to take advantage. Animal Farm pretty much lays it out.

Just as the descendants of successful people tend to fritter away both the money and the organization, countries do the same. Rather than learn what it takes to maintain and improve, they grab for themselves today, with no foresight of the future.

Socialist "Leaders" don't attack insignificant people. Why bother? They attack the people who restrain them from power. For Hitler, it was Jews. For socialists, its capitalists. It seems to be the same game plan, the same Charlie Brown football, over and over. Yet people keep falling for it.

If there is hope for our future, it is to educate people as to the evitable results of following demagogues on the path to disintegration. I know that's what you are trying to do. It's what I'm trying to do. My hope is that the parallels that are demonstrated between countries such as Zimbabwe and the USA will get some people's attention. But there are those who don't want to evaluate, they want to mindlessly follow. All they really want is a demagogue to tell them what to believe and who to hate, and they're satisfied.

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"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. He will refuse to believe it. That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

This quote that you shared from Yuri is a great encapsulation of the current state of affairs. I had many friends on what would be considered the left who would regularly engage in debate and discussion on a wide variety of issues. After Trump's election in 2016 they no longer would and steadily became more and more demoralized. Covid was fentanyl level demoralization for them. They are now in a permanent state of demoralized overdose. The Naloxone doesn't work on them. It's interesting to look back and they were always arguing about acceptance and inclusion but have become the most self-segregated group of people I know.

Happy new year to you! Keep up the good work!

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Fuck Haahhvahhd. Everyone who has a real brain should just walk out, and collectively (class action) sue them for anything, anything at all. Make up 50 claims. It doesn't matter. Haaaahhvahhd is finished because they hired a black lezzo. That's it. DEAD . a DEAD institution, that can never be resurrected. There is only one question, and that is the money behind it and how it can be sequestered by y'all who deserve it.

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This was ana absolute banger of a piece my friend. Keep up the subversion subverting.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Author

Thanks Comrade. Wait til you see what's queued up for the rest of January...

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Locked and loaded I see, keep bangin' away brother, the battle is eternal.

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I enjoy both the Substack and the podcast. I’m glad there is a voice of reason crying out in the wilderness.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Tovarisch, I would like you to investigate whether a new gene splicing technology was used to produce Gay (a horrendous cross between Steve Urkel and ET), or is him/her/it a product of animal husbandry (the illegal kind of course). You have sources within the DIEmpire that may lend you some insight.

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Jan 3Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Surrender now or prepare to fight!

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Prepare for trouble. Make it double...

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Jan 2Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Hell yes I read that to the tune!!!

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Jan 2Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I have found your example to have been personally helpful, Yuri. Once I made the conscious, philosophical decision TO BE in agreement with the righthinkers of our time, my active listening skills and ease-of-being have greatly improved. It is all quizzical looks and shared laughter and the joy of discovering utopia together for me now! I salute you, comrade.

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