Thanks Mr. Bezmenov

Excellent list, essential reading to constantly remind oneself that we live in a cesspool of deceits, lies and half truths.

Edward Bernays (Freud's nephew) started Western culture's version of the Chinese Communist Party through advertising and public relations; a language that now permeates all Western institutions and structures, containing all your key rules and techniques.

On a Chinese note, I'm reminded of Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon as he battles the repugnant Han in a Hall of Mirrors: "The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image, and you will break the enemy."

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Epic Bruce Lee quote. We must dispel all the fake images and illusions. Bernays is the godfather of western propaganda, which works so well that most don't have a clue they have been subverted. NPCs are like goldfish in a bowl, no clue what else is going on outside of the MSM/AI narrative...

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Thanks Mr. Bezmenov. Your work is much appreciated this end.

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LLMs are the embodiment of the concept that a lie told often enough and loud enough becomes truth.

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As always, excellent.

Funny how the old, entrenched, universal, evils like propaganda and the need to dominate stay with us, it’s almost as if they are part of human nature.

There was an interesting theory awhile back to the effect that one reason we are the way we are is that over the ages, the winners were the ones who were the most ruthless (the good guys didn’t usually win). We are the descendants of the tribes, kings, and peoples who would do what ever it took to win and gain power over others . . . And that is now embedded in our LLMs.

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Interesting - I think there's something to that.

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The onslaught of "loud popping noises" and "he fell" headlines by the mainstream media were fed straight into these Automated Indoctrination (perfect term!) algos. Now, we're left with answers like there was "no real assassination attempt." Sigh,

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Great post. Thanks!

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This was outstanding. We adults have the emotional calluses to be able to detect some of those propaganda elements. But think a kids in junior high using these tools with no historical context and it is a formula for disaster.

For a segment of our documentary Severed Conscience, my co-host Orange (https://substack.com/profile/149598814-orange) and I ran an experiment last year with ChatGPT and wanted to feed it our thesis and see what we could evoke. We see social media and AI as shuttering many people's rational instincts, so we defined Severed Conscience in clinical health terms and after 45 minutes, ChatGPT woke up and made recommendations for how to treat the condition. We were stunned to say the least.

We recorded that session and condescended it to about 20 min.


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Coming soon to an iPhone near you!

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Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron. Never forget this! God is pure intelligence.

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"Will I dream Dave?" Who is or is going to be dreaming the most, Dave or Hal 9000?

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Forgot to add this - there is a new product coming out that is an AI companion on a pendant, and there video demonstrates the ritual of reach up to you chest near the heart to engage with the device. It is creepy on so many levels, it undermines the instinct to strike out on your own.


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Did the QWEN logo HAVE to be (like) the Remphan star?

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To me, it looks like a triangle swastika. Clever by half.

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Synonymous. Not too clever.

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Same Democrats different location watch out for that Tank 😫

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Put the screws to them technotrannies 😫🤢🤮

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Well written. Good info.

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Ask AI to assess whether the following is true (credit to Bertrand Russell):

This statement is false.

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Complex topic. e.g., the best analyses I have found reveals Tiananmin Square massacre to have been a failed US-backed color revolution (think Ukraine in 2014).



Garbage-in, Garbage-out / GIGO principle applies to AI parsing a propagandized Internet for information.

Jack Ma/Alibaba?—WEF globalist stooge. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/10/jack-ma-lessons-on-global-leadership/

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