They are scared shitless because free speech is the only cure for The Bluebonic Plague. Specifically, tearing down the edifice of lies that camoflauge ideological uniformity as cultural diversity.

If you stick your head out the window you can just smell the panic seeping out of their anxiety riddled brains! It's rather enjoyable watching them look like a bride jilted at the alter.

Don't worry these fools might as well be driving around in buggys a hundred years ago in denial about the Tin Lizzies. They don't realize quite yet that they are about to go the way of the dodo.

They are used to being able to push without any push-back. Those days are over....and not a minute too soon. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

"The Washington Post and the New York Times win prizes, but increasingly we talk only to a certain elite. More and more, we talk to ourselves. (It wasn’t always this way — in the 1990s we achieved 80 percent household penetration in the D.C. area"

Maybe someone should get this in Bezos inbox. This guy called it over 100 years ago:

"...the corruption of the priesthood occurred at the precise moment in which it changed from a minority organised to impart knowledge into a minority organised to withhold it.

The great danger of decadence in journalism is almost exactly the same. Journalism possesses in itself the potentiality of becoming one of the most frightful monstrosities and delusions that have ever cursed mankind.

This horrible transformation will occur at the exact instant at which journalists realise that they can become an aristocrat...."

-G.K. Chesterton

They're never going to change because they're at court inside the palace gates. They'll never tell The Truth because they despise us. People rarely tell the truth to people they think are unworthy of it.

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"The Bluebonic Plague". Most excellent, Ryan. 😄

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Nice quote there. I'd never heard that before and it makes so much sense.

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I just love it when you find a prescient quote like this from decades ago that fit so nicely into what we're currently experiencing.

Human nature doesn't change and the reason The Founders got it right is because they were students of history.

And this is why the media/elites try to eliminate history by eliminating the sign post on the map of reality. For example changing the definition of vaccines, herd immunity and pandemic in the still of the night. I betcha only 5% if people know that.

For them the past is not a burden; its a toolkit to shape the future. Bondage has always been default. That's why the few always end up with dominion over the many. That's what this election was about for me.

There are only two laws of history:

1. The Law of Unintended Consequences

2. Histories most important and enigmatic lesson; people forget history.

Those who don't learn history (or are taught false history), neither have a "future"........or a past. Given enough time they simply became satisfied with their fictitious reality and no longer have the tools or language to seek truth.

Their history has been obliterated.

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Wise man.

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Bluebonic plague! Excellent. And by the way, in those days, they did not need a F'TV to know there was a plague. Which means there are 2 kinds of people: 1) Those who believe what they SEE and 2) Those whose believe what they hear. Oh sorry, and other that can't identify CGI! It makes it easier to the WH!

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"...these fools might as well be driving around in buggys a hundred years ago in denial about the Tin Lizzies."

The way that most people think about the Amish operating in a modern tech world is exactly how I see the dwellers of the corporate media matrix operating in today's newly developing world: they are a group of people who have sworn off access to advanced technologies (independent journalism) to maintain in-group ideological purity and control.

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Spot on

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"Zeteo is MSNBC on crack, The Bulwark is FOX on meth, and HCR is CNN on cat litter. In frustration, they will call for censorship of “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories”. “

The "new media" is making FACT and LOGIC great again.

Excellent commentary!

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Bezos talks about it, Elon does it. Big difference.

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There has been talk of Elon starting a search engine. If he made a Google search and email clone without the propaganda and surveillance it would be a game changer that would dwarf the Twitter acquisition.

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I would pay for that.

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Robert Reich...just seeing that name in type makes my entire body sensate in a way I can not describe.

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Visualize yourself reaching down and patting the top of his little head and you’ll feel a resurgence of power.

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What about 'Kamala' or 'Comma - la'? - A name which I hope never to hear again as well

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Sadly, you just know she will stay in DC and be hired by MSDNC to provide commentary. MSDNC has learned nothing and forgotten nothing: no away to escape her whiney nasal voice and maniacal thought patterns except by changing the channel.

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Incapable of providing commentary

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Maybe they'll give her a word salad segment to present.

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She can be an addition to The View?

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"...250,000+ have canceled their WaPo subscriptions, which is 10% of the total readership."

So WaPo only has a readership of 2.5 Million? In a country where roughly 140 Million vote in Presidential elections (155 Million in 2020... Where did those 15 Million voters go this year, I wonder)?

The voting public has just decided en masse that they're done caring about or paying attention to this fake news model. Nobody cares about what WaPo is saying to less than 2% of the voting population, who mostly read the Post for confirmation bias. The era of legacy media is dead.

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A life-long reader, I cut myself free from the LA Times a couple of years ago and you would not believe the improvement in my quality of life. As pleased as I was when their publisher took a principled stand on endorsement, I am not going back until Patrick Soon-Shiong reconstitutes his entire newsroom. If then. If he can find any reporters in LA who are not smug Left-wing loonies. Their very recipe and music sections are fatally biased, not to mention the news coverage.

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Hear, hear. I cut myself loose from first the NY Times, then WaPo then the LA Times between 2012 and 2013. When asked what made me give up on the NY Times, specifically, I had only one answer: "Reading the NY Times."

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I started reading the Fishwrap of Record in the second grade. With a few exceptions, I gave up even looked Ng at it years ago. (Im)pure propaganda ... with uncountable layers of smugness and deceit added.

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Certainly many who subscribe to WaPo, like other legacy papers, don't outbid habit, for the sports section, lifestyle, etc. not all 2.5 million did it because they were Post political junkies.

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Heard. And that strengthens my argument about the Post's political irrelevance. Perhaps 1.5 million of their subscribers are political junkies looking for their fix then? 1 million? The lower the # the greater their insignificance.

The larger point is that the audience for these papers and their brethren TV news are miniscule compared to what's being consumed elsewhere. That any of them should occupy a place of relevance in light of these facts is absurd.

Now, if they actually started reporting on world and national events honestly and critically, they might regain some relevance... As things stand now, they're toast.

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Part of the relevance of a monopolistic stalwart like WaPo is that it (still) is a/the primary source of "information" for the nomenkulturists in and around DC. It "informs" their "thinking" (as it aspires to). If the number of subscribers who are really interested in their "news" really is as few as a million (very possible), losing a quarter of them is a very big blow.

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Nomenklatura nails it perfectly. So many of them, including in the Virginia and Maryland suburbs, desperately word-searching the digital edition every day for their own names. They are legion. But, to extend your metaphor, I think Boris Yeltsin is going to shake them up a little.

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After I noticed I missed spelled nomenklatura I decided to leave it as a portmanteau, "nomenkulturist".

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That was supposed to be "... don't do it ... ". I have begun to wonder if Android is purposefully trashing my texts.

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Come over to the light. It looks like a piece of fruit.

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The Western press are now an arm of the state; people like Bezos et al cloak this fact by pedalling the idea that they are great individuals who made it to the top and stand on their own. Those days are long gone: "Jeff is one of the world’s wealthiest businessmen because he ... " is a cunt. Like nearly all of them, trading on the idea are no different to men like Carnegie who appeared in the last quarter of the 19th century when the US made things as emerged as they world's greatest industrial power.

These goons that appear now are actually part of the corporate, Wall St., military-industrial complex machinery that controls the state. Mainstream media is part of that and sponsors it. These people would have gone out of business long ago if they were really like those men of the 19th century.

Bezos posits the subconscious frustration that they can no longer lie well-enough to fool enough people because people they can see with their own eyes the cesspit before them and the fact that the economy, social mobility has now gone the way of the dodo.

I'm all for you and independent substackers but these people aren't going to go away. Bearing in mind what I stated above it may well be that these insidious snake-oil-salesman will still be state sponsored and worm their way into independent media like a virus, even if mainstream media outlets appear to die a death.

I'm pessimistic because this is not right or left. This is a group of perverted fanatics who've taken control of all Western state apparatus over the last forty years or so as part of their plan to have global control over everything. They're not going anywhere until enough people/countries outside the West stop them by force if they can manage it. Let's see what happens if Trump decides to adopt Kennedy's plan to scatter the security services to the four winds like his Uncle tried, for example.

Sorry for the pessimism but that is what Bezos et al are part of and I still think things will get much worse before/if they get better.

You, substack and all of us must keep up the fight to inform on them, tell the truth and play our part as they double-down.

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I think you're right. The fight is just beginning.

Our Oligarchs have worked decades to get into this position. Not trusting Trump or Elon completely, I take a wait-and-see attitude on the promised evisceration of the Deep State. I appreciate Trump's openly expressed contempt for our politicians and our horribly misnamed "elites", but words without deeds are just "sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Limited hangouts abound, I fear.

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I'm a little more optimistic than you. But I think you nailed the over arching issue.

The media exists to manufacture consent. They are simply there to tell the D's and our overlords what is acceptable to think. Trust is immaterial because the elite and those benefited from government largesse, corporate interests and higher educational system- are still getting the messages (narrative) from the media. Why else would they not be concerned about the lowest historical levels of trust with the public?

Perhaps it's because this actually reinforces the message to the elites and power brokers in D.C. that the FAR- FAR-FAR Right is a threat to democracy? Maybe it's just to keep them all in alignment, ergo "consensus"; aka; groupthink - if not they may be excommunicated from the tribe....which overrides curiosity or the desire to seek The Truth.

To do otherwise they risk careers and sinecures. The ventriloquist (MSM) are simply telling "the blob" (sprawling government/bureaucrats) and other decision makers (corporate influence/lobbyists) what is safe to think in order for all these robber barons to take bed with the government, at the expense of our individual sovereignty, penalty free, for the mutual benefit of those three parties to feast on a middle class carcass

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Yes, sorry Ryan, I do retain some optimism but you got my point as I get yours. Thanks.

The mainstream media are in a feedback loop with the overlords. I know what you mean about manufacturing consent but I also think the overlords own and control what is said now making sure the right editors and sub editors are in place to censor, oversee and shape the angles and framing of any given subject - even making stuff up when it suits them. These media people are in effect like actors playing and performing as they are directed, shaping, twisting words to suit instead of character, as it were. The mainstream press take orders in other words in a narrow pyramid shape of control - something the US excels at. If people don't comply they're out, or worse ... that UK rag The Guardian's arsehole collapsed a few years back when they ran Assange's exposes and then got a very public visit from MI5 and other security services taking away their servers etc. Now it is a schill, pretending to offer lefty-liberal perspectives - psuedo journalism. This was a serious and blatant line in the sand drawn I suspect on orders from Washington. I cannot overstate how profound an event that was. We now live in that Orwellian world.

All the proper journalists have now quit or more likely are on places like Substack, going independent unable to sell their souls or "take the King's shilling." This is a cause for optimism as Mr. Bezmenov suggests.

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Lesson? Never trust a democrat!

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Never EVER!!

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Even if the media was 100% truthful, I would continue to ignore it all. News is here today and gone tomorrow and quite useless in between. I despise the ads and the marketing for eyeballs and ears. You can survive quite well ignoring the news and getting about your day your way with no care or fret over things you have no control over.

News creates fear, worry and stress which is totally unhealthy except in very small doses which can be whisked away with present moment thinking and living.

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No one has written a better book describing the infantile and reactionary mind of most Westerners than Mattias Desmet. We are constantly reminded of Joseph Goebbels' quote "A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."

We have been programmed and lied to for at least ten years by Amerika's PRAVDA. It will take a long time for recovery from TDS and Marxism.

If EVER a company creates an electronic "reader" that is easier on the eyeballs than newsprint, all the paper media will disappear. The so-called Legacy Media is losing more readers than California is losing citizens with income.

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Poor Jeff would have to fire 90 percent of his newsroom in order to restore any credibility to his rag. (And I think few of them are talented enough to support themselves on Substack; they were hired to regurgitate the party line.) Of course, firing them would save him some of the money he lost in cancelled subscriptions, many which I would be willing to bet have rejoined the fold or will shortly having tried to make a point. I also see a simple ego at work. Jeff sees Elon Musk has become a national hero for standing up for freedom of speech, he's now an object of admiration, and Jeff would like some of that love.

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“We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be accurate” and Bezos thinks they’ve failed on the second…? Note to Jeff: the first criterion yields the second, or…the horse comes before the buggy.

One more thought, anyone who has consumed the last 4 years of the Post’s tripe knows very well who it endorses. A formal endorsement of Kamala by the Post would be superfluous.

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Definitely have some of those types in my life. Blueanon. Their beliefs are so sacred to them that they wall them off from the possibility of cross examination, because deep down they know that they can't stand up to scrutiny.

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Thank you Mr. Bezmenov... Spot on... and the last line,.."the reckoning has arrived fro the Sackler's of information" was a perfect ending.

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A word of caution about that vote count graph. When I first saw it there were millions of votes yet to be counted, especially in CA. When we get a full count, I would expect the discrepancy to be smaller but still present. But I will wait for the full count.

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The longer it takes, the more they are cheating.

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Won't affect President but most of the uncalled House seats are in CA.

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Yuri, there is little chance the 250,000 WaPo subscription cancelers will surface on Substack. They are liberal/progressive bias junkies who will just go down the block to the next dealer: NYT, Atlantic, Daily Beast, et al.

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Bezos’s article is so lost in its own self importance and disillusionment.

He actually believes that his paper not kissing Kamala’s ass (as required by every “elite” democrat), somehow proves him to be genuine and credible. His disdain for (newly) freelance journalists who post on substack or elsewhere out of the chokehold of wokeism is painfully obvious. He is blinded by arrogance and almost self pity. Instead of welcoming those same journalists to his publication, he insists that all he needs to do is become more credible by FIGHTING the misinformation 😂😂😵‍💫

Talk about missing the point entirely. When he gets his head out of his own ass, maybe he’ll start to see that he himself is the problem. He doesn’t understand why his messages come across as so ridiculously fake to the alternative media readers. Should he decide to take action against his current staff, they’d be more than willing to cancel him and he knows it. He doesn’t have the balls that Elon has. Jeff would rather be a slave to his “elite” community and so he shall remain captive to their endless woke demands, mental instability, fear mongering, racism, victim mentality and sociopathy.

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Bezos is a nouveau riche guy who is desperately trying to shed his nerdiness, be accepted by the rich and famous, and get himself and his not-such-a-trophy girlfriend invited to all the fun parties.

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