Excellent analogy. Progressives think there is some perfect system. It can only be attained by absolute control of both mind and body, and forest. And climate. They have proven themselves spectacularly wrong, and yet persist in the belief that they are right.

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I believe they know they are wrong but their greed and lust for power and control is their God so they will continue as they’ve been doing and acknowledge no wrongdoing or malfeasance.

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Progressives believe that unanimity is possible. That is their deepest delusion. I noticed it four decades ago reading Arthur C. Clark's "Childhood's End." After putting humans on welfare for a few decades, the aliens reveal themselves to look like devils. No significant resistance happens. Later, the children merge with the Overmind and leave the adults behind. Not a single remaining adult couple attempts to make more children.

This delusion explains the COVID response. If EVERY person socially isolated for a few weeks the virus would have died out. But it required EVERY person. Couldn't happen.

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This is so on point that I got goosebumps over and over. I’m sharing it. Thank you.

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Cormac McCarthy used 'carrying the fire' as a symbolic expression of civilization (and courage, two things which are closely linked, although that's rarely noted) in several novels. The Road, No Country for Old Men, Blood Meridian...

Great essay.

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The communists in charge in LA are right in schedule for the eminent destruction of western society.

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Yup they ran out of useful idiots and now they're getting a stronge response for the RSVPs sent to useless idiots.

It always ends this way with the Left. Always

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James Baldwin told us years ago the fire next time.

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“The world, like fire, may be a good seruant, will bee an ill Master." Thomas Adams.

Fire as analogy for desire, hedonism, and greed.

The American Imperium, fueled by the Fed, embodies “Worldly Goods.”

It has corrupted so completely that our society has brought down the flames upon itself and still cannot repent of its foolishness. Sodom and Gomorrah have become the ideal, not the warning.

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Nailed it beautifully.

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Fire in the minds of men will never ever be quenched!

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Only a fellow countryman of Fjodor Dostojewski could write such a powerful article on current events ...

My deepest respect to you and your beautiful mind !!🤗🤗

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Comrade Yuri: Thank you for your fiery assessment of today’s hot topic. 🔥🔥🔥

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Excellent piece.

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Well said, Yuri.

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Interesting analytical juxtaposition (mirroring RI's words below) by Yuri. Let me add a biological parallel: When sitting around watching a camp-type fire---whether in the back country or a back yard---I often point out that our enjoyable fascination with "watching the fire" is atavistic. Why? Because each of our ancestors were the ones who enjoyed being close to the fire, watching it, and using it for survival. They didn't die from uncooked food, freeze to death, or get eaten by a predator before being able to reproduce. And here we are. My proposition is kind of pedestrian. Yuri's is more lyrical. Both, I think, are accurate.

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From the Secret Service’s performance to Kamala Harris’s career to the LA fires, everywhere we look we see the fruits of DEI. The result is a barely functioning society whose elites have increasingly embraced anarchotyranny as a governing philosophy.

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Texas freezes (2021) because wind turbines have made the grid unreliable.

They blame it on climate change and natural gas.

California burns because of high winds and poor management of every resource.

They blame it on climate change and President Trump.

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What a succinct commentary on the reality of today and an excellent analogy.

If this horrible nightmare that is consuming the greater LA area doesn’t red pill the masses I’m not sure what will.

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I think you're putting the cart in front of the horse.

Using your first analogy, unfortunately a lot more needs to burn to make space for new saplings to grow into majestic trees.

I don't think it's a question of rebuilding just yet. These fires are the first effects of a deeper malaise. Progressives will carry on tomorrow like yesterday. It will take a lot more to break the psychosis.

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