IMHO, We The People have continually suffered as casualties in a war with China since the plandemic began to unfold in 2019. Whether SARS-CoV-2 was released intentionally or on purpose, the 'cure' for that GoF virus has been much more deadly than the manufactured disease.

Our US military, unlike China's, was mandated the gene-therapy poison bio-weapon "vaccine." Would any American, much less our military members and first responders, ever have taken a "vaccine" if it was fully disclosed and understood that the injection was crafted from the components of a lab-made GoF virus, in other words, a bioweapon?

The collateral damage from the Plandemic War on Humanity is still unfolding. The number of victims will continue to mount for at least another seven years as any clinical trial would have legitimately been 10 years. That clock officially began ticking in December 2020. This of course speaks nothing of the fact that *men & women's fertility* and therefore, future reproduction of Americans needed to fight the good fight against our nation's enemies, was likely the target all along.

We are in WWIII, the battlefield is global, and We The People need to wake up as our enemies strolled through the gates long ago.

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Yes that was a big miss, as well as CCP fentanyl and TikTok ruining the bodies and minds of millions of Americans. Updated the post to reflect that.

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Thx Renee i was typing up a long post that was in a similar vein...but i had to nuke it because you did a better job than me articulating your thought process!

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Well, not quite a war with China ...

The GoF was well funded by the NIAID/Fauci & cronies, entirely funded by US-taxpayer's money and done in Wuhan because of the US-moratorium on this kind of research in the US ...

The US military-pharma-financial-complex is destroying God's own Country from within in front of our eyes !!! No need even to recall the additional debacle in Ukraine and the ME as well as the unsurmountable pile of DEBT accrued during the last decade ...

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Perfectly distilled again Yuri.💯

I witnessed PRC Sleeper Cell Industrial Espionage first-hand in the chemical industry. Some details here:

Redux - China’s Fake Science Industry: Fraud is a Lifestyle

China endangers world health, safety and debases the foundations of science


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7 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

I think you missed out an important point. I hear many times that the 'west' will prevail as it always did and we're just better than them. That's clean hubris. There is work to be done here. And it's really similar how the Qing China was thinking about those pesky westerners at the start of the 19th century. We know how it ended...and oh boy, do they remember. (I think it was beaten into any chinese kid, even if they not necessarily draw the correct conclusion.)

The first paper from which we can date 5th generation warfare was made by chinese military officers. I remember reading it once, but it's clear that they were already on point in a lot of aspects. This also goes against that the chinese can't do anything by themselves. They have a deep pool of talent and even if the communist governments are really proficient of being antimeritocratic, we don't want to find out if the right people get to the right places. And it's not like we have our best leading us either.

There's really no way around it, we need industrial capacity. Ukraine proved that even the "invincible" western technology can be bypassed in months, if not weeks. The chinese already wrote this down also...they don't need to make the best weapons, their aim is to spoil the fun and force the enemy into battlefield slogging. So drones, munition and people. And they're already ahead of the US in this aspects.

There's not much we can do at this moment, but we don't need to. We have to play the long game...we need families, we need free people and we need brave people. I think these are connected in a way. The western militaries are lacking manpower and lulled themselves into the dream, that we won't even need people in the future...our high tech is just that good. We need to forget that bullshit. For the people, by the people. I understand anyone who doesn't want to serve right now, but that's why it is important to throw off our fake and gay overlords asap. The game is on and currently we are losing.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Xi is a brilliant strategic leader, Putin is a brilliant tactical leader, and whoever is our president is stupid and foolish. We deserve much better.

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We like to delude ourselves that our system is better selecting out the right people and in an ideal state it is but it's only conditionally true. Yuri's post before this is a great example.

If you can game the system like this(and it's not only those doing it) then you can be sure that there are shenanigans going on. Credentials might be useful, but not when it's only about ticking the right answer. As my teacher said...we are learning here how to learn, so if something unexpected comes we won't be caught with our pants down.

The covid debacle proved once and for all, that the establishment only has one answer for everything and no one can question it...but the world never worked like that. Thinking about everything like there's only one right answer and everybody else is a moron is a good way of getting played.

All that said, the unconventional ways to power in Russia and China can work in their favor. It's a cutthroat game. You can easily pay with your life (maybe we should bring this back for our dear elite...consequences). This way you have a much higher chance for a guy on top who knows his power politics. Is it not fair? Maybe. But the US hegemony is over and if they won't start giving out bitchslaps then everybody will smell the blood in the water.

(When Qasem Soleimani was killed, it was something like this. There was grumbling, yes. But in that moment, Trump showed that the US is still the strongest dog in the pack.)

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Clearly we need Trump, which is why they are sponsoring Kamala, or attacking Trump, he'll blow them to bits if they don't behave at least a little, no more free hand. But first, the Marxists here at home, or 'vacationing' here.

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Yep, the perpetual American Empire. Follow Mike Benz talking to Shawn Ryan.


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8 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

I think the difference is that Russia doesn't want WWIII any more than we do, it just wants to secure its borders in exactly the same way it has wanted to do so since the first Czars. Bill Clinton ruined the stasis by talking Ukraine into giving up its nukes. Democrats should never be allowed anywhere near defense or foreign policy. They have no grasp of reality. Russia never changes. China on the other hand is feeling its oats, has never experienced a world war and is willing to fool around and find out.

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While it would be easy to blame Democrats for every American foreign policy mistake, it cannot be forgotten that the Bush administration pressured Libya to give up its nuclear ambitions. Once Gaddafi cowed under pressure and stopped its nuclear program, the Neo-Cons invaded Libya, destroyed it, and created an immigration crisis in Europe.

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The Bushes are also responsible for ensnaring us in Iraq and Afghanistan by trying to turn both places into Switzerland.

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Two words: Jimmy Carter. He is responsible for everything going on in the Mideast now, and since his presidency, including the Gaddafi affair and the Iraq War. It is easy. Everyone who came after him had to deal with his disastrous incompetence and ignorance of history. This is not to defend Bush, put to point out the hand he was dealt and by whom. The other obvious difference is that Bush actually liked our country, and no Democrat since Kennedy has.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

An absolutely stunning piece of work Yuri. Just a few tiddly typos to tidy up, you need a kind neighbour to proof read for you!

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Where are the typos? I'm a one man band posting 3 times a week, so please forgive any errors. Grateful for readers who spot them so I can clean them up.

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"...one man band..."

What instruments do you play?

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Forget China and Russia. The real enemy is our own government. They are destroying the country from within and the spoils will be divided between China and Russia. No wars, no dragons, no bears, just an "inside" job. Witness:

The rising police state.

The military being trained to handle domestic violence.

The shredding of the constitution.

Millions of non-citizens living within the borders.

The war on food.

The invasions of endless drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons.

Rising wokeism.

Rising debts creating inflation.

Attacks on free speech.

An extremely contentious election.

And you can add a thousand more various attacks upon the citizenry.

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The White House photo showing salads from McDonald's, ah good times. I wish McDonald's would bring the salads back. Those were my go-to. Asian chicken salad and crispy chicken bacon ranch salad. I loved the fruit and nut "salad" with the dip too. Thankfully Wendy's still has salads.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

"Ya got that right" 🇺🇲✍🏼😏🎸🥁🎶

-Lynerd Skynerd 🐲/🐻 = 🌐🪖☠️

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2 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Illuminating! Thank you.

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One interesting thing to note in the 100 company graphic from PwC is how it treats the world’s 8th largest company, which is based in Taiwan, and has a market cap of about a trillion dollars. Seems like TSMC’s market cap was added to China’s tech sector, but then the graphic only names the smaller Tencent and Alibaba. This erasure of Taiwan is pathetic kowtowing by the PMC NPCs at PwC to their CCP overlords. May they be appropriately shamed.

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I want to Make McDonalds Great Again. I don't care if the Native American Indian cries again in a TV commercial, McDonald's was great when the burgers were cooked fresh (not nuked in a microwave) and styrofoam Big Mac and Quarter Pounder containers littered the side of the roads. Those were the days!


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What danger? “The people are not our adversaries, but the military industrial complex profits from destabilization.” I’m not interested in profits for the MIC, and I support “level headed diplomacy” so all people may prosper and stop living in terror of nuclear annihilation.

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Freedom is our superpower.

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