May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

"Horizontal Heiress" oh shit. You did it again. I am laughing.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

In the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are pulverized as the West installs a "green" economy where Ukraine used to be. Aren't we so woke?

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Proxy wars (fuck yeah!) Windmills (fuck yeah!) Blackrock (fuck yeah!)

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Ukraine is just a province of Russia so Putin will get the last laugh.

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I'm fascinated with how fiercely the Western powers and wealthy investors and industrialists are even now attempting to mould Ukraine in their own image.

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How much US munitions (at $1m a drop) have been rained on Ukraine so far? It's better than Vietnam or Iraq!

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I loved "Everybody has AIDS". A more masterful skewering of "Rent" and the Broadway set that supports such drek could not be imagined.

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The modern remake would be everyone is trans, trans trans trans! We live under a theater kid occupied government.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Saw this in the theater in 04 with my 22 year old son. (Who went on to be an Army Ranger) This is South Park at its finest. Both my boys and I have laughed and enjoyed Matt and Trey for years.

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Your memes are gold! 😹

I was recently thinking about Team America and how it would be received if released today. Great analogy!

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Great minds think alike, comrade.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Putting aside the film's social commentary, the barfing scene is an exquisite confluence of the arts of puppetry and film. Sure, there is the shock value of the other scene showing puppet carnal relations

(puppets in flagrante delicto), but the barf scene is pure genius. Watching it brings tears to my eyes even though I know what to expect.

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The puppets have better acting skills than most of Hollywood. Epic barf scene.

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I have also developed a gag reflex to woke DEI/ESG word salad.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

🎼What the world needs now is...🎶 Burt Bacharach and Neil Diamond ❌

...four more years of straightening out indiscriminate fucking by that orange headed dick POTUS.

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Doctors Are Obedient By Nature.

Therein Lies The Problem.


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Yuri - such language! 😂

Beg to differ a bit on one matter: Putin, like Trump, is a dick.

El Gato Malo had a recent post noting that notwithstanding the Covid outrage, the climate hoax remains the most vast and intense psyop we’ve ever been subjected to. But I’d argue that the ‘Putin’s Russia’ grift perpetrated by the MIC is a close second, and that it’s been vastly more successful than either the Covid or climate hoaxes.

It kind of makes sense: Everyone can see the weather, it’s obvious to most that ‘climate catastrophes’ are just the same ol’ weather we’ve always had.

Plenty of laymen saw through the Covid psyop, because they live through a viral respiratory pandemic every flu season, and what they were being told plainly made no sense.

But even ‘well-informed’ Americans are profoundly ignorant about Russia, its politics and culture, partly because they don’t know much to begin with, and partly because CIA et al have fed us a steady diet of disinformation for two decades now.

This is even more true of Ukraine, which far from being a democracy, is a one-party police state armed by NATO after 2014 to destabilize and ultimately dismember Russia. The recent Pentagon leaks made it pretty clear our own intel officials simply parrot Ukrainian propaganda.

I wrote a post on my own substack a while back about this.

As a result of all this, Gallup found recently that only 9% of Americans have a positive view of Russia. I spent a semester there in 2018 and loved it: I’d emigrate in a heartbeat, if I weren’t needed here to help you subvert subversion.

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I visited in 2018 for the World Cup, perhaps we were there at the same time. Agree that China is a much greater threat than Russia, but the former grew powerful enough to buy all our politicians and corporations.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Bro, how many mushrooms did you eat before you did this? LMAO

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I don't use drugs, this is au naturale creativity ;)

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Well maybe somebody slipped one or two into the Stroganov....

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I Just Got Back From

My Annual WEF Meeting.

Or As I Like Call It

- Our Family Reunion.

My Claim of To Fame Is That

I Am The Only One That Dated

Ivanka That Didn’t Fuck Her.

I Dated Her Mouth For A Week,

But They Will Never Let Me

Live That Down.

The Hamptons In The Spring

Can Be The Chilliest Place On Earth.

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We Always Knew


Would Be What Killed Them.

It Went Like This:

FEEL Scared And Unprotected

FEEL Safe And Effective

FEEL Dead. Service Disconnected.

That’s … The That … On That.


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May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Excellent work as always Yuri!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I love that movie! The soundtrack is very on point too! I think I still have the CD somewhere.

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Another great post. Thanks for bringing back Team America.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

insect burgers? Fuck Yeah

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