EXCLUSIVE: An e-mail from a Demoralized DIEvy League university about all the ways they will work around the Supreme Court decision to end affirmative action - are they openly breaking the law?
Time to dismantle the whole unhinged Education System filled with the corrupted, crazed Uniparty Nazi's. Those in the Ivy League now doubling down must be deported to the nation of their choice where Soros's indoctrination/brainwashing has been instituted for decades if not centuries.
As disgusting as these DEI frauds are, I really don't think we should be calling them "Nazis". The word "Nazi" is being thrown around way too casually both on the left and the right.
I stand by that choice of identification as the 'Modern Day Nazi's' are the descendants of the German Nazi's supported and funded by the eugenicist Nazi's in America and the U.K. for both sides of WWII...As GM, Ford, Dupont, IBM, GE, Standard Oil, etc. The mega-wealthy aligned with the Monarchs, City of London Central Bank Family Coven and Conglomerate Corporatists which were once united under the Dutch/British East India Trading Company were always the entitled and viewed all of 'THE PEOPLE' their 'Human Cattle Herd'; their slaves to do with as they wished.
The reality was and remains that the current 'ism's' are simply TOTALITARIANISM; MODERN DAY IMPERIALISM. Twisting definitions is PROPAGANDA with the purpose to confuse which is necessitated since WWII as it's mandatory to CONFUSE western populations since the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Revolution and Constitution created social evolution in government past IMPERIALISM/TOTALITARIANISM as the primary Government Model through all time.
Imperialists were and remain as brutal, entitled and evil as Nazi Germany or any of the totalitarian states of the 20th Century ever were...As brutal as the eugenicist ENTITLED TOTALITARIANS long before there was terminology to define them. Only technology allowing design of more efficient weapons across all domains have really changed the equation of death and devastation possible contingent upon 'HUMAN RIGHTS' based in humans under totalitarianism of all kinds.
Legally, Blaze, the new Trump Justice Department can actually DEPORT Soros, being that since he was NOT born in the USA and is a naturalized "citizen" - he took an OATH
to "UPHOLD" the US Constitution. Since then in the 1960s, Soros has used his ill- gotten (money-changer) $$$ to destroy OUR nation, it's sovereignty and individual sovereignty from WITHIN by inserting his moles into AG and DA positions of power in MANY states - including the federal government . Amy Klobuchar is one of them.
Soros, like Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry (& his wife Teresa Heinz), Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen are all members of a so-called "NGO" ( Non-governmental organization ) the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - the MOST pernicious (globalist) front group within the US - pushing for "ONE-WORLD" governance (government) since 1921 when it was first established. Soros is the author of many books calling for "A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS" resulting in the UN becoming the head of a TRANSNATIONAL apparatus of un-elected Administrative state bureaucrats at the UN controlling and redistributing the (global) 'means of production' as Karl Marx called it - into perpetuity - for the "common good."
BTW, Blaze, FYI, "NAZI" are "INITIALS" - like ACLU, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NEA, AFT, etc. "NAZI" = the "National SOCIALIST German Workers" (party) - they called themselves "NATIONAL SOCIALISTS" in short form; and they were a LEFT WING labor party. MANY uneducated refer to the NAZI's as "Fascists" - That is partially correct in that Hitler COPIED Benito Mussolini's fascist ECONOMIC model that preceded the "NAZI" party by decade. Back in the early 1930's, the Fascist (economic) model was hailed BY the West - including FDR, the NY Times and so many others as as the "Miracle" of the age.
The USSA has been using Mussolini's (economic) model for over a half century and it his about to IMPLODE!
Tax all organizations at the same rates that you and I pay. Tax every endowment and “non-profit” and NGO at either personal tax rates or corporate rates. There is no way to carve out any exceptions because Soros, Gates, Bezos, and all these clowns have an army of tax lawyers to find the loopholes. There is no soft, easy way around the massive grift.
12/06/24: "How many commissars does it take to write a virtue signaling e-mail about potentially illegal activity?"
No one is about to be the only person to send out a message that can lead to evidence admissible in court that the Non-White KKK in the Ivy League is doing business as usual.
The voters of the state of California have rejected affirmative action on multiple occasions and yet it hasn't been much more than a speed bump for our liberal clerisy who believe it's their divine right to socially engineer by race.
The people who live their lives entirely inside academia see themselves as a morally enlightened priesthood and for them getting to craft their ideal society of racial egalitarianism (sort of a cross bw John Lennon's "Imagine" and a United Colors of Benetton ad) is a great moral crusade that exists on a spiritual plane higher than law or politics or democracy.
For the Ivy League and for the other liberal-Left madrassas in places like CA and NYC, it would take nothing less than occupying their admin offices and installing a govt agent in every room to get them to abandon their sacred charge—and even then they would subvert until their last breath.
Almost anyone can have money or an impressive title and position, but to be a soldier on the road to utopia personally responsible for bringing Justice and Equality to our historically guilty nation is a priceless holy thrill. One Supreme Court decision won't change this.
As usual, always enjoyable and informative simultaneously. My message to all alums at these institutions - don’t walk away, push back constructively rather than antagonistically.
Look at the statements made by the universities in response to the 2023 Students for Fair Admissions Supreme Court Decisions. They openly vowed to continue discriminating by race, and made it clear that they intended to subvert the law by merely disguising (even further) their racist practices.
The administrators of the elite universities made it clear that they have NO IDEA how to run their organizations if they can't do so by enforcing racial hierarchies, and are deeply threatened by the very concept of racial neutrality. Racial discrimination is a core, central, integral aspect of what they do and how they do it.
It would be hilarious if it were not so sad for our future intellectuals ! Well, that is if they are stupid enough to pay the high fees so these people can earn enormous wages. Smart kids go to places where they actually learn something useful. May be one day I will be able to hire a carpenter or electrician who asks more than 100 bucks to look at the problem.
I have disassociated myself from both my undergrad and law school because over their open support and profiteering from transgenderism. This is the only way.
Well done, comrade. I’ve often wondered, what exactly is an underserved or underrepresented community? Seems to me the “communities” referenced get ALL the attention.
All I'm saying is that it used to be a bragging right to graduate from some of these colleges. Now, it is an embarrassment 😳 I would be beyond pissed off if I had a non-woke degree from there because they took something good and turned it into something laughable.
I am now embarrassed to say I went to a similar institution in upstate NY. What a disgrace 🤬.
But grateful I received a pre-woke education. I would probably be kicked out now!
Cornell was among the first and worst.
Correct, and plenty of PRC money and students. Debased institution.
Remove ALL Federal Funding from the universities.
Time to dismantle the whole unhinged Education System filled with the corrupted, crazed Uniparty Nazi's. Those in the Ivy League now doubling down must be deported to the nation of their choice where Soros's indoctrination/brainwashing has been instituted for decades if not centuries.
As disgusting as these DEI frauds are, I really don't think we should be calling them "Nazis". The word "Nazi" is being thrown around way too casually both on the left and the right.
Exactly. It should be reserved as a shorthand for New Zealanders.
I stand by that choice of identification as the 'Modern Day Nazi's' are the descendants of the German Nazi's supported and funded by the eugenicist Nazi's in America and the U.K. for both sides of WWII...As GM, Ford, Dupont, IBM, GE, Standard Oil, etc. The mega-wealthy aligned with the Monarchs, City of London Central Bank Family Coven and Conglomerate Corporatists which were once united under the Dutch/British East India Trading Company were always the entitled and viewed all of 'THE PEOPLE' their 'Human Cattle Herd'; their slaves to do with as they wished.
The reality was and remains that the current 'ism's' are simply TOTALITARIANISM; MODERN DAY IMPERIALISM. Twisting definitions is PROPAGANDA with the purpose to confuse which is necessitated since WWII as it's mandatory to CONFUSE western populations since the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Revolution and Constitution created social evolution in government past IMPERIALISM/TOTALITARIANISM as the primary Government Model through all time.
Imperialists were and remain as brutal, entitled and evil as Nazi Germany or any of the totalitarian states of the 20th Century ever were...As brutal as the eugenicist ENTITLED TOTALITARIANS long before there was terminology to define them. Only technology allowing design of more efficient weapons across all domains have really changed the equation of death and devastation possible contingent upon 'HUMAN RIGHTS' based in humans under totalitarianism of all kinds.
Legally, Blaze, the new Trump Justice Department can actually DEPORT Soros, being that since he was NOT born in the USA and is a naturalized "citizen" - he took an OATH
to "UPHOLD" the US Constitution. Since then in the 1960s, Soros has used his ill- gotten (money-changer) $$$ to destroy OUR nation, it's sovereignty and individual sovereignty from WITHIN by inserting his moles into AG and DA positions of power in MANY states - including the federal government . Amy Klobuchar is one of them.
Soros, like Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry (& his wife Teresa Heinz), Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen are all members of a so-called "NGO" ( Non-governmental organization ) the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - the MOST pernicious (globalist) front group within the US - pushing for "ONE-WORLD" governance (government) since 1921 when it was first established. Soros is the author of many books calling for "A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS" resulting in the UN becoming the head of a TRANSNATIONAL apparatus of un-elected Administrative state bureaucrats at the UN controlling and redistributing the (global) 'means of production' as Karl Marx called it - into perpetuity - for the "common good."
BTW, Blaze, FYI, "NAZI" are "INITIALS" - like ACLU, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NEA, AFT, etc. "NAZI" = the "National SOCIALIST German Workers" (party) - they called themselves "NATIONAL SOCIALISTS" in short form; and they were a LEFT WING labor party. MANY uneducated refer to the NAZI's as "Fascists" - That is partially correct in that Hitler COPIED Benito Mussolini's fascist ECONOMIC model that preceded the "NAZI" party by decade. Back in the early 1930's, the Fascist (economic) model was hailed BY the West - including FDR, the NY Times and so many others as as the "Miracle" of the age.
The USSA has been using Mussolini's (economic) model for over a half century and it his about to IMPLODE!
Tax all organizations at the same rates that you and I pay. Tax every endowment and “non-profit” and NGO at either personal tax rates or corporate rates. There is no way to carve out any exceptions because Soros, Gates, Bezos, and all these clowns have an army of tax lawyers to find the loopholes. There is no soft, easy way around the massive grift.
12/06/24: "How many commissars does it take to write a virtue signaling e-mail about potentially illegal activity?"
No one is about to be the only person to send out a message that can lead to evidence admissible in court that the Non-White KKK in the Ivy League is doing business as usual.
Yes. Burn the universities (metaphorically) and salt the earth.
The voters of the state of California have rejected affirmative action on multiple occasions and yet it hasn't been much more than a speed bump for our liberal clerisy who believe it's their divine right to socially engineer by race.
The people who live their lives entirely inside academia see themselves as a morally enlightened priesthood and for them getting to craft their ideal society of racial egalitarianism (sort of a cross bw John Lennon's "Imagine" and a United Colors of Benetton ad) is a great moral crusade that exists on a spiritual plane higher than law or politics or democracy.
For the Ivy League and for the other liberal-Left madrassas in places like CA and NYC, it would take nothing less than occupying their admin offices and installing a govt agent in every room to get them to abandon their sacred charge—and even then they would subvert until their last breath.
Almost anyone can have money or an impressive title and position, but to be a soldier on the road to utopia personally responsible for bringing Justice and Equality to our historically guilty nation is a priceless holy thrill. One Supreme Court decision won't change this.
This is spot on. All humans yearn at some level to be part of a greater good. And when you reject God…..
As usual, always enjoyable and informative simultaneously. My message to all alums at these institutions - don’t walk away, push back constructively rather than antagonistically.
scam. no different than “climate change”, “green energy”, etc. its just a money laundering, racketeering, shakedown operation
Look at the statements made by the universities in response to the 2023 Students for Fair Admissions Supreme Court Decisions. They openly vowed to continue discriminating by race, and made it clear that they intended to subvert the law by merely disguising (even further) their racist practices.
The administrators of the elite universities made it clear that they have NO IDEA how to run their organizations if they can't do so by enforcing racial hierarchies, and are deeply threatened by the very concept of racial neutrality. Racial discrimination is a core, central, integral aspect of what they do and how they do it.
It would be hilarious if it were not so sad for our future intellectuals ! Well, that is if they are stupid enough to pay the high fees so these people can earn enormous wages. Smart kids go to places where they actually learn something useful. May be one day I will be able to hire a carpenter or electrician who asks more than 100 bucks to look at the problem.
Obviously some of their megadonors have abandoned ship and they are doubling down on woketard hires to go after the Kamala class with a tin cup
Excellent piece.
I have disassociated myself from both my undergrad and law school because over their open support and profiteering from transgenderism. This is the only way.
They're cramming in whatever they can before Jan 20 takeover and dismantlement.
Oh well. They don't quite realize that DOGE is really The Department of Elimination
Well done, comrade. I’ve often wondered, what exactly is an underserved or underrepresented community? Seems to me the “communities” referenced get ALL the attention.
They should really teach emotional intelligence at Harvard if they want to save themselves. Proof smart people can be really, really stupid.
All I'm saying is that it used to be a bragging right to graduate from some of these colleges. Now, it is an embarrassment 😳 I would be beyond pissed off if I had a non-woke degree from there because they took something good and turned it into something laughable.
“Brochure diversity” explains it perfectly! Glad Rob dug the label too!
These institutions are destroying their brand. May not be accidental.