Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Wow, I didn’t realize the Disney TRASH HEAP was so colossal.

I knew they were sick but, this is projectile vomit sick.

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The Trash Heap known as Disney could be burned to generate enough alternative energy to power a small country......

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It’s good for ESG!

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Yuri--Yes; the entire country would receive their "Sustainable" badge of honor and who knows what would happen collectively to their stock companies!

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The Tragic Kingdom

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I literally couldn't read those bios because I was starting to get nauseous.

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Yall need to realize children aren't their target audience anymore. Sure, you'll see kids at Disneyland and my 4 year old will still watch Sleeping Beauty on and endless loop. Their target audience is now the obese, purple-haired, Mickey Mouse ears wearing weirdos that get covered in Disney tattoos and make their love of the Mouse their sole (soul?) identity. That's who eats this shit up and cries when they release a new Star Wars trailer. It's creepy. My wife and I loved going to Disneyland when we were in college. It was a big part of us falling on love. But now, it's a soulless hellscape devoid of character and charm where everyone is glued to their phone to see how they can purchase the next thing and save 5 mins on a wait time. That said, that new Star Wars ride is pretty incredible.

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Spot on. Ironically the Peter Pan effect has caused Disney to pursue a new market while abandoning its core market.

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Exactly. I’ve still been to Disneyland a few times in recent years, despite not wanting to give them any of my business. The type of humanity that walks around the park, though, makes me so so so depressed. Perpetual adult children, spoiled actual children and over-indulging parents, and just the sheer lack of physical healthiness all around leaves me feeling worse than before. It’s not happy, it’s degenerate. And makes me want to cry.

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I actually went recently. It’s crazy how militant it is now. You CAN’T buy tickets to get in at the entrance. 😳 You must purchase in advance on line. If you opt for both parks (CA Adventure and Disneyland) you must declare which one you will start in and you can’t go to the other until after 11 am. They search your bags and take your picture before entry. A far cry from the carefree days of just going to good ol Disneyland. (PS mobility scooters were everywhere and the ugly Star Wars area had tons of likewise humans to match.)

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I actually beg to differ. They aren't trying to target a specific existing audience. They are trying to SHAPE the audience to fit their values. This is the future of marketing. The expert class has realized they have the power to manipulate people, especially children, through relentless and universal messaging. If every source of information you're exposed to holds a united front on a given topic (transsexualism, erasure of ethnic Europeans, etc.), it will tend to pull you in that direction, even if you already hold a contrary view.

Being bombarded with contrary information demoralizes you and makes you doubt yourself, and especially when you get into the workplace with hundreds of other people exposed to the same programming, you are likely to either A) just give in and adopt the "Current Thing" to make life easier, or B) pretend to believe the "Current Thing" to make life easier, and eventually come to believe it because pretending for a long time wears you down too.

If everyone you interact with is on the same information diet, you are very likely to conform. Most people won't have your resilience and will simply believe whatever confers elite status. So that's who you'll be surrounded with, setting the bar for appropriate interactions at work/school/whatever. That means even if they don't convince you personally, they will have shifted the Overton window. They've already done this with pronouns, for example. You simply can't opt out of using false pronouns.

It's true that there are still niche audiences, but my point is that it's possible to manipulate your audience when you have help, and progressives have a lot of help. They speak with a single voice, and they control every institution and almost every source of entertainment. Their only opposition is relegated to corners of the internet that most people won't naturally be exposed to, and which are easily suppressed by companies like Cloudflare and Google. Disney is a critical node in this brainwashing infrastructure, since they hold a huge portion of the "market cap" of children's entertainment, and it's easiest to influence your audience when they're children and lack the knowledge, life experience, and critical thinking faculties to resist your manipulations.

Disney isn't necessarily making a calculated business decision to pivot from giving families the entertainment they want to creating the audience Disney wants. Disney's leadership isn't capable of fulfilling its fiduciary duties at all. It's ideologically captured and gatekept by mediocre parasites who effectively profit from Disney's fall. The NGOs that control most large public corporations do not lose anything when those corporations collapse, since they have a full stable of corporations paying for their consultation (i.e. under their thrall). So they have little incentive to restrain themselves. And they're not getting paid to make money for Disney, they're getting paid to safeguard Disney from criticism from the left. So they are just doing what they're paid to do: constantly push the envelope.

But it turns out that when enough institutions and sources of information are all pushing the envelope in the same way, the audience IS influenced. We ARE seeing unprecedented rates of "LGBTQ+" identification. We ARE seeing demoralization among white people, especially white males. Whatever they're doing is having an effect. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, their information curtain has holes in it. Kids who are just intuitively skeptical of the saccharine social justice message are able to find alternative viewpoints that stand in stark contrast to the progressive worldview. But that's a minority.

In a way, you're right: Disney IS targeting obese, purple-haired weirdos, but along with every other institution, they're trying to create MORE obese, purple-haired weirdos - and they're succeeding. It seems like only 30% of children and young adults are resistant to their efforts. Of course, these obese, purple-haired weirdos are totally ineffectual. Many are almost fully incapable of just being adults. They're like stunted, neutered (often *literally* castrated) people. So even if they'll constitute 70% of the population in 30 years, there is still hope, since these losers are not capable of resisting the 30% who grow into normal, functional adults.

But in the meantime, Disney should be able to sustain itself by manipulating children into becoming the kind of adult who gets covered in Disney tattoos and makes their love of the mouse their sole identity.

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

“Rather than removing this content, we see an opportunity to spark conversation and open dialogue on history that affects us all.” Well taking down the movies many love would probably lead to the mother of all shorts, proxy contests etc.

Take your kids to Universal. Fun place and no politics / ideology. Just plain fun!

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Well, it would certainly cause this DisneyPlus subscriber to unsubscribe.

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What a business lesson case study:

How to take a multi billion dollar company with multi billion dollar franchises that were licenses to print money and then serve them up to DIE on the woke altar.

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I cancelled Disney + and Hulu. And I let go of my Disney stock. The problem is Disney doesn't make the vast majority of it's revenues through films. They make a majority of their revenue through theme park attendance and merchandise sales. Nostalgic fanboys and parents need to stop buying the toys, books, and games (even the back catalog stuff) and stop going to the theme parks. Deprive the beast of cash and, at a certain point, it will die.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

That “disability advocate” reminds me of my idiot sister-in-law, who’s always sporting the latest fake disorder. And always on the lookout for her next pretend “diagnosis.” They make a mockery of people who quietly and gracefully live with real illnesses and chronic pain.

And the crows are the best bit in Dumbo. Sorry, not sorry.

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Interesting she claims she worked in a psyche ward. Makes me wonder in what capacity. Other thing people need to remember is that most of these bios are horse crap with over the time embellishments and lies. The De Nonno character has direct ties to the Harkles.

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My guess is “trustee.”

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Feels like a Bud Light moment is about to happen.

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I know tons of people who still go to the parks yearly. They claim to not agree with the woke agenda, but wont give up their yearly trips to the parks. I don't understand 1, how people can actually afford to go there yearly and 2, why people still want to give them their money.

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

My daughter, now 26, loved everything Disney growing up. My son, now 15, couldn't tell you more than 3 Disney movies and has zero interest in them. We've written off Disney as any form of entertainment. They lost us several years ago.

Oh and the odds having two alphabet kids? My sister in law, who's left of liberal, has 2 out of 4 gay kids! The youngest one even had a whole newspaper article written about him when he came out in high school. They celebrate it in that family. Sometimes I wonder how my husband and his sister could possibly have come from the same parents. I think it's because he escaped liberal VT at 18. She stayed. And look what it did.

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One was indoctrinated somewhere and the other is an independent and critical thinker. It’s about that simple. The two alphabet kids syndrome shows that this is no genetic force causing these children to view reality through the lens of delusion. These young children are groomed for the parts, and are reinforced at home. Shameful!!!

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It's Creepy what the Hollywood mothers did to their kids.. Wonder how they will turn out as adults? They will probably be actors in a world where the bizarre is celebrated.

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Is Creepy one of the Seven Dwarves? It's hard to remember.

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He could be! Was he short with beady eyes? Was he a liar whose initials were AF? Then “Yes”!

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I recommend watching Monty Python's sketch: The Mouse Problem. At least it will make you laugh for a bit.

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amazing. thnks. I love MP. but had not seen this one.. so prescient like much of their stuff

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

It is a shame that the magic brought by the Happiest Place on Earth has denigrated into this…buh bye wholesome family fun…hello degenerate 🤡 world. Ps. I do own a boot-leg copy of Song of the South, which is apparently sooooo bad it didn’t even merit mention by Disney…

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Song of the South is LiterallyHitler™.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The wonder of the great majority of folks is that they don't care if someone wishes to behave (pick a letter of the alphabet.) What they resent immensely is the alphabet letters being shoved down the throats of their precious children. Or themselves, for that matter. I'm so happy that Walt Disney isn't around today to see what his magical empire has grown into. He would not be happy to know what Disney is doing to little children!

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Disney has forgotten its core purpose is to make money, and its core audience is parents with children. By targeting families, you develop lifelong fans with shows and movies and trips to the parks to create family memories that current kids want to replicate when they grow up and have kids. They ignore that business model in order to attract... people that cannot reproduce? Men that want to dress up like a princess? Is that a big money market?

Instead of crafting stories for entertainment value, they create propaganda that nobody wants to watch. Anything remotely successful has been a retread or a remake. They are banking on Inside Out 2 to save 2024. I'm sure they are furiously crafting Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3 and Incredibles 3 somewhere to get them out of the Onward-Encanto-Strange World-Elemental-Wish death spiral. Their last animated box office success for something original was Zootopia in 2016, and that had the first "gay" couple in a Disney movie. It has been all downhill since.

Maybe if they stopped forcing gay-this and trans-that and representation and anti-racism into everything and focused on making good stories, people would watch? Nah, let's lean into the woke stuff. That seems to be where the money is made.

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But that wouldn't keep the breakdown of the United States from within. So many companies have joined with the Marxist UN and WEF to take down the US from within as planned over 100 year ago. People don't realize how widespread this is in the American business community.

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Jun 11Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I have watched South Park's depiction of Kathleen Kennedy about 2 dozen times...

Still makes me smile.

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South Park always gets it right.

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DIEsney. Love it!

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Disney was already woke when woke wasn't even a word. I was a Senior Systems Engineer with Disney Interactive in 1996; I've seen them in action. Like when a Senior VP came with his same-sex 'spouse' for our studio's Christmas party.

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