Remember when people used to complain that Giuliani and Bloomberg had cleaned things up too much and the city was no longer "gritty"? Good times, good times.

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I member!

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"Where are all those dirty hookers and addicts ODing on the streets?! It was so awesome watching OTHER people commit crimes and ruin their lives while I smugly looked on from a safe distance!"

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Hey, take a walk on the wild side!

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"They would rather die than admit they were wrong".

Pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

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But it's not true. As soon as they figure out a good way to export their problem into your town/state, they will. It's just a matter of time.

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No, I've heard it out of their own mouths -- getting a gun stuck in her face and her phone stolen and her neck injured from the headlock this piece of shit put her in and all she could say was "well he probably needed it (the phone) more than me". And that's just one. An insanity has taken over the liberal class and they no longer know right from wrong or even the most basic sense of self-preservation. They've cornered themselves with the most nonsensical rationalizations and can't back down because that would mean admitting the right wing was correct about crime and "profiling" and all the "racist" behaviors they are so superior to. It's a kind of death cult, seriously. But instead of just offing themselves Jim Jones style they're determined to take down our entire society in a perverse ritual of false guilt. They won't be happy until the US is like El Salvador before Bukele and even then they will find new reasons we need to be further debased. I fear it will only end when we refuse to take it anymore and give them the sweet death they are pining for.

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We will know we have restored a LEGITIMATE government, city, state and federal, when NYC is once again a bastion of American Exceptionalism.

A death spiral with Adams, Hochul and Biden.

Election integrity…really?

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As a born and raised New Yorker, I'm old enough to remember the dark ages of the '80s and early '90s, and believe me, things were even worse. A quick search online bears this out: in 1990, there were 2,245 murders in NYC, compared to 386 in 2023. And it wasn't just violent crime. Aggressive panhandling on the subways, garbage everywhere, public parks taken over by drug pushers. Believe me, people were pretty demoralized. It's horrible to see my city declining again after an era of constructive improvement. The white pill: if we did it before, we can do it again!

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It was worse then but we didn't have the government actually making it worse. Sure they were corrupt and overwhelmed but the city was bankrupt from decades of white-flight. This time it's being done by choice thanks to a perverted ideology that has gripped the governing and corporate classes.

I also wonder how honest the numbers are now. I'm sure precincts are under-reporting crime stats, just not sure by how much. I'm not saying the murder rate is as bad as then but if things continue on trend and God forbid we have another financial crash, it could make the 70's to 90's era seem tame.

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True, but as for the toxic ideology, I wouldn't really call Mayor Adams "woke," though I'm hardly a fan of his. In some ways, he's a hapless victim of circumstance. It was the uber-woke de Blasio who dialed up the crazy. Then the border crisis happened and NYC started to unravel.

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Yeah, I don't have any particular antipathy to Adams. He seems like a mostly practical guy that's been handed a shitpile from de Blasio, that dirty crook. He was so corrupt it is outrageous they are suing Trump into the ground while he and his wife not only stole millions from the taxpayers but gave out sweetheart homeless shelter deals to family members (along with our sleazebag Governor Meatball). Not that Hochul is better -- she creeps me out frankly, and this new bag search thing she's doing at some stations is just more pervy Dem authoritarianism.

But then only certain Repubs get sued for corruption anymore. If the entire political class kicked tomorrow the country would throw a party.

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In the '80s the country was closer in values. Religiosity was up, there was an acknowledgment that there was a difference between right and wrong. Also there was a political will to solve the problem. Progressives and shitlibs are more than content to conscript everyone else to the graveyard if it makes them feel morally superior. Things will get worse.

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Decline is not inevitable. Let's hope for another historical upturn!

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We were just given the crime statistics on the other coast. “Down!” 😝 IF even remotely true, the reclassification of felonies to misdemeanors, widespread plea bargaining of even homicides down to misdemeanors or entirely dropped charges, and the citizens failure to report crimes are the cause. The ‘numbers’ are most certainly *not* down. Add the wide discrepancies between Govt figures and those #s on the newsbreak app, and no one believes that crime is down.

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The 1981 movie Escape from New York predicted the future.


It was no prediction.

It was written by a time traveler!

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"New York is not America. East of the Appalachians, it is still Europe. West of the Alleghenies, in the Middle-West, is where America begins"- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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But can the people supporting this concept of illegal immigration explain why?

Why so they support this?

Why do the NGOs support and transport the illegals into the US ?

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Money, power, votes. Same as it ever was.

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Maybe more?

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Referring to “NGOs” is just too vague. We need to say the NGO names. We need a comprehensive database, to include funders and affiliates, that lists all the NGOs, non-profits and other organizations that facilitate the open border, internet censorship, DEI-CRT, the sexual transitions of children, and our out of kilter legal system - especially those that receive government funds. Otherwise, every thing we do will be haphazard.

Does anyone know of such a compilation?

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the lies start with the term NGO, as many of these are funded by the government directly or indirectly

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Catholic Charities and Jewish Philanthropies are two that jump to mind. Human Rights Campaign, Greenpeace, and Amnesty International. All tentacles of the beast.

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Make these orgs pay taxes. Dead in a heartbeat. It’s a grift. The philanthropists get a tax deduction while they use the orgs to reshape society. They can pay the woke nepo babies of the upper classes that otherwise couldn’t make that kind of scratch. Does anyone have the will to change this?

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You want to know why? This is the Cloward–Piven strategy being used to destroy our country and overturn the Constitution. The Left has been working on it since the 60s. That is why. Obama is an advocate and Biden follows his directions.

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Obama doesn't make any decisions. He's just as much of a puppet as Biden. Someone is pulling all their strings, and don't think it's "Soros," because he's also a small fish compared to the ones who are really in control. True power doesn't show itself, it employs front men.

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The FED and their owners???

Later Jay

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There are some very useful idiots (ordinary citizens) who support illegal immigration for a few reasons including: the US is an imperialist power and we "owe" it to the world to accept whoever wants to come as a form of penance on behalf of Americans, we are a wealthy country and can handle their arrival if we just prioritize the "right" values, no country should have borders anywhere. Very useful. Very idiot.

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This does a great job highlighting why bussing is a good tactic in the short term.

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Later Jay

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AHHHHH HAHAHAHA you get what you deserve NYC. This is obviously better than a “carceral state”, right, East Coast libs? You simply COULDN’T vote for law and order because it would be icky and give you the wrong feels, and yuck orange man bad he’s just too tacky ewww. All decent people should leave our cities post haste. Actually, no, please stay put because we don’t want to catch your crazy brain disease that led to all this in the first place.

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I haven't been back in almost 3 years! The last trip I took on the subway and PATH was in June 2021. I remember feeling like the homeless were so much more aggressive. My daughter and I were walking down the street on Lex near 64th street. Some homeless person decided to try to block our way down the sidewalk, trying to push us into the street. When I tried to swerve around him, I noticed that there were so many more like him along the street. I yelled at him to get the fuck out of my way, and he moved. But I felt like that kind of behavior had become more and more common and I was so glad to be done with it.

Thanks for giving an update on the state of things. I hear about how things are going from a few friends who are left there. It's really sad.

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bring back the gladiator games..

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Been wondering how it's been going since I left in 2022. I miss plenty but not what I left.

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When I read - Karenland FUPAZ (Federation of Urban Progressive Autonomous Zone) I spit out my #covfefe. What you’re doing matters, keep up the great work.

Ck Ur 6. Head on a swivel. Find Fix Finish.

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03/05/24: "The New York Post because they cover these local stories and have decent opinion writers, except when they get co-opted by the Murdoch Neocon TDS Mind Virus." So you've noticed this as well. As for their op-ed articles, I find @ 85% of them are written by people who are trapped in the intellectual amber forged circa 1991. Their writing style (regardless of subject) can be charitably described as "deceased." My god, journalism is the death of the brain...

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This reads like Stinking Ninth propaganda!

Struggle session for you!

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Learn something every day. Just ordered the book Washington’s Immortals.

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