14 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

I don't see how anybody could ever vote for Trump.

I'm going to vote for the lady who didn't earn a single vote in a primary, lied about the health of the President of the United States, couldn't gain more than 5% support in the last election, and who had trouble elucidating the basic platform on which she runs. If Trump gets re-elected, project 90210 will be implemented, The Handmaid's Tale will become reality, pussy grabbing will become the national sport, and I've heard that he is going to form execution squads to eliminate all non-white people in the nation. Plus, I feel that killing unborn babies, funding illegals who have been funneled into the country is more important than helping American citizens, and... Did I mention that Orange Man Bad‽‽‽‽

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Is that you, Heather Cox Richardson? Comments like these are all over Trump Derangment Substack. See christofascism article.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Nobody has ever seen both of us in the same room, so...

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10/04/24: So funny! I'm an unborn child, you're killing me!

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The political signs are up in Texas too. Make our kids safe again. Make groceries affordable again. Never thought I'd see grocery/food prices be such an issue, not in America. I was told this couldn't happen here. I was told to shut up when I was the canary in this particular mine.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thanks for making us laugh at the darkness and your creative spellings like “consoom” excellent! Whether everyone agrees or disagrees with the finer details is irrelevant because you’ve captured a snapshot of the madness we’re enduring & thus made it a bit more bearable☀️

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Laughter is the best medicine!

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Yes it is!

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Sadly, too many stupid women (and men) are voting for women’s “reproductive rights” – or so the MSM tells them and they are too stupid to understand the reality that abortion should not be a national conversation, nor should it ever have been. America is too diverse and big and just can’t get along – especially on moral issues like abortion and marriage. So, Jackson Women’s Health Organization took the 15- week bait, and Roe v. Wade got thrown out. Don’t throw it back in! Let it always remain with the states. But, as Ron White says, “Can’t Fix Stupid.” And that’s why Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Tytler, Tocqueville, et. al. said democracies (even in the form of a Constitutional Republic) always end in bondage.

One of the wisest Founders most people don’t know about, Robert Yates, aka Brutus, discusses how America will become a big country and how the sovereign states should remain small republics. He quotes Baron de Montesquieu from the Spirit of the Laws about how free republics should be small: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/name-that-anti-federalist?r=76q58

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My across-the-street neighbor, elderly couple -- early 80s? -- moved to Middle TN from FL a couple of yrs ago. They were fleeing hurricanes, "Bob" told my husband. Two weeks ago the signs in their yard went up, as follows: 1, VOTE like your daughter's RIGHTS depend on it; 2, Harris-Walz; 3, large punctuation mark comma followed by LA!

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My neighbors have the “daughter’s rights” sign in their yard. I only wish they’d put it nearer the curb so my dog could piss on it.

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I don’t suppose they realize that their daughter’s “rights” are really cheap labor.

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All I can say is that their grandchildren must be so proud!

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Daughter's rights...meaning the right to get killed in the girl's sport of their choosing by a biological male? Or perhaps you mean your daughter's right to encounter a fully undressed male in her locker room or bathroom? Or perhaps her right to getting rape'd in either location? To which daughter's rights are they referring? These people are taking a single issue and trying desperately to get a vote or two by ignoring their abject failures to protect a daughter's right to have female only places. And btw the power was returned to the States which means they actually have more power, not less. But let's not allow facts to intrude. Arghhhhhh! Eeejits!

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Great questions. I would ask them, except for the fact that I don’t talk to them. 🤣

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I don’t have a yard but I’m down with the based sign!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Don’t forget the Barbie sign, I thought it was parody but I saw it on a neighbors lawn along with some of the same above

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How cringey is this Barbie sign you speak of?

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Oooh I haven't seen a Barbie one. Though I'm in a pretty red area (just a few Harris signs here and there) so it's not that unusual to only see the standard harris one.

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last house in a dead end street. nothing but dogs and cats and occasionally deer and possums pass here. so I never had any signs and never will. thinking of it, these beasts would probably do much better if they were voting. Give the politicians rabies.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

I have a big yard and a big fence to put my BIG BASED signs in plain sight without being yanked out by troll neighbors! Sposeba, Comrade Yuri, for this idea!!

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My HOA just ordered all political signs down within 24 hours.

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What is an "HOA"?

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Homeowner’s Association. Little kingdoms where often the board members act like tyrants.

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Home Owners Association

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Oh. I thought perhaps it was a front group for Kamala ("Hores of America").

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9 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

Here in northwestern CT, the best sign yet: ILLEGALS FOR HARRIS : )

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Northwest CT is a hidden gem.

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I saw the Harris-Obviously sign on my way home from Bible Study this morning. Let's just say it's a good thing I was still in a Bible study frame of mind when I saw it---otherwise I might not have thought words of grace. I did say "bless their hearts" with all the genuineness of a good Southern woman.

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Thanks for posting the JibJab video. Twenty years on, it’s still funny.


“What’d I do?!?”

I miss being able to laugh at ourselves. And I miss evenhanded mockery.

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It was a far more innocent time, despite the wars.

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That jibjab was my first taste of politics. I want to be able to laugh at my government again, instead of grimace.

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I miss JibJab!

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10/08/24: Whatever happened to them? They were featured on Leno's Tonight Show (back when it featured humor, not NBC-Pravda's hysterics).

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12 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

I have a sign in my yard that says "Presidents are temporary. WU-TANG is forever". This is virtue signaling done right IMO - C.R.E.A.M.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoAuthor

I have seen a few of those, classic. Cash rules everything around me.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

We have a neighbor who has a Pennsylvanians for Harris sign. But it's INSIDE the house in the window. You can barely see it. You have to walk right up along the edge of their lawn to make out what the words are. They're REALLY proud of that sign. :D

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One of the houses I drive going home who has had socialist sign out front is doing the same.

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I wrote about this myself. Your article is better but I'm glad I am on the same thinking track as Yuri Bezmenov. That's encouraging to me. :-) Hope it's ok to post this. https://amusings99.substack.com/p/virtuous-conformists?r=fuu7o

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12 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

It would be clearest to simply post Soviet propaganda posters as yard signs. You showed a few examples of what I mean, but they need to be produced specifically for yard use. And don't bother with Kamala or Walz's heads. They simply take away the impact of the original art. Then your democrat neighbors can seethe with blazing hot envy at your own naked zeal for The Cause. Gloves off! Call it what it is! Goad them into full disclosure!

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