Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

"Wu is a rebel in the streets but colonized in the sheets"


How stupid would Gay be without her smart glasses and her androgynous afro-pixie haircut?

I think she's Urkel's sister.

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Urkel had more academic integrity.

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Jan 3Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

"Wu is a rebel in the streets but colonized in the sheets" I'm stealing (errr, plagiarizing) this....so good! Any other examples?

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I listed all of them here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-f-white-supremacy

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Jan 3Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you! I Love exposing hypocrisy.

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That's why we call it "How To Subvert Subversion" ;)

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Wokeness is psychosexual (jealously). "But they have white husbands, how could they be jealous?"

Well, folks, they arent the right kind of white husbands and bonding and satisfaction doesnt really occur by these or any women, unless its the right kinda man who actuall makes them [redacted] really good.

See Naomi Wolf and contrast her 1st and 2nd husbands for an illustration of the phenomenon.

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Ha, checked out the lucky guy and the cucky guy. You're right. My wife used to be married to a woke cuck, now she's not.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Gay is hired for the color of her skin; nothing more and nothing less. The real hypocrisy is that the donors only pulled their money when Zionists were criticized and not years before when straight white men were systematically attacked and discriminated against strictly because of the color of their skin, their gender and their sexual orientation.

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Oh maybe the Elders of Zion didn’t tell the donors what to do until after October 7? Right? The Zionists? Yes. We run the world asshole.

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Look, it’s obvious that Gay was in zero trouble until she equivocated about antisemitism. Bill Ackerman and Stefanik didn’t say anything about her racist DEI grift before that or how Harvard systematically discriminated against Asians and straight white males. No need to be so defensive or rude either, asshole. I didn’t say Zionist run the world; obviously if they were so smart they would do more on earth to follow Jesus and get a chance at eternal Heaven I have a simple belief: Jesus followers go Heaven and those that don’t go to Hell for an eternity of suffering. Now fuck off, bitch.

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Oh boy your type always outs itself. Doesn’t it. AntiSemite 9/11 conspiracy theorist. You can’t keep it together.

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Your type always reveals itself as just another antiChristian. And for the record, I am definitely not an antisemite. Blocking you now since you’re a racist and Christian hater.

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You are quite the advertisement for Christ. Asshole. I’m sure Ackman was too busy poisoning wells and making matza with Christian boys blood until 10/7.

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Yea. Don’t forget what you did on 9/11 either. Unlike you, I served in the military and had to do the dirty work you got us into.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The name Bobo is so on the nose. Bourgeois bohemians all. Seriously why does black studies have to be all victimhood all the time? Is it because it fits into the Marxist project better? Where are the endowed chairs for Booker T. Washington and Mary McLeod Bethune? These two embodied equality - they would take nothing less. They loved and wanted the best for their race, yet didn’t think skin color determined their fate.

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Inwas thinking Bobo the Clown.

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Or, in view of his photo, Bobo the Hut.

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you are correct in so many ways

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You're late to the party. The Ivy League was already treading deep waters of awfulness forty years ago when I was there, when I decided to jettison any thought of participating in higher education. By that time, English literature was riven by De(con)struction and the Philosophy department had abandoned any attempt at meaningfulness. What is happening now is that the world is finally getting to see just how loathsome the postmodern ideation is in practice. It's great to see it finally FINALLY happening.

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My therapist 20 years ago - the only one I ever had who was worth her salt - warned me "dont go into academia, youre smart, they will eviscerate you"

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I congratulate myself for my prescience. (That's tongue-in-cheek.) Really, it wasn't much more than a visceral repulsion I felt, rather than my having thought through it. In my immediate family, three of us attended Yale graduate schools over 4 decades, I being the last in the 1980s, and the deterioration was evident to me over that time period. I met several significantly talented, genuine scholars -- but I was in an exotic department. In the English Department, they were already condemning literature with strident asseverations of a superior moral kind, entirely divorced from the literature they pretended to analyze and critique, but which even I, as a young man, could see was simply parasitical destruction of literary achievements they themselves hadn't the talent to obtain. But now!!!

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or bore you to death

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Barn burner! Keep taking them to the mat and make them tap out Yuri!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Fantastic! One of your best Yuri!

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Bobo is taking vigorous notes because he's a Knowledge Vampire ready to stamp his name all over that other dude's scholarship. I wouldn't be surprised if his KV has been his key strategy for ascending the ranks.

I can also predict there will be in fighting once one the boys is the club is scapegoated and disgraced by the real ringleader of the crew. Who do you think the puppetmaster is?

This crew won't last.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Author

There is not a single leader or puppetmaster, which makes it harder to reform. The groupthink mind virus pervades 12 board members, 700+ professors, and thousands of administrators who now outnumber the undergraduates. 90%+ are lefties. Replacing Gay wouldn't affect much because people like Bobo are waiting in the wings. Only a significant drop in funding from donors and the government would lead to real change. Mockery from samizdats like this one will help shift the culture, which is upstream from everything else.

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"Like Gay, her cousin Roxane, and many other DIE commissars, Wu is a rebel in the streets but colonized in the sheets"

Hahahaha. Amazing.

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sooooo many others. Kamala Harris. that new SCOTUS judge. the list is endless

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Meghan Markel is the spoke model for this.

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Did you mean spokes-scarecrow?

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Are you referring to Ketanji? I could not believer her answer when questioned “ what is a woman?” 🤮. Hired to check the boxes

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Every single court case involves some general knowledge. On an abortion case “I am not an abortion provider”?

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Sooner or later the elephant in the room must be addressed. Women are destroying society. The idea ‘just let the caring loving kind women run things and wars will end.....’ etc etc. it turns out once women get into majority power or run things on their own, almost all the institutions they run are destroyed.

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Mary Barra, diversity hire for GM, is committed to an all EV lineup in 11 years. Committed. A virtual impossibility. Does she not realize this? There was a time when any head of any car company were car nuts. Guys who loooved engines and cars. Now, it wouldn’t surprise me if a major car company hired as CEO a mixed race trans lesbian who didn’t have a driver’s license.

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“CBS Television announced today the hiring of Stevie Wonder as head of programming. “We feel Stevie having never watched a TV show in his life brings a unique perspective to programming and film.”’

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you forgot illegal

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“I don’t need no steenking driver’s license. No cop gonna catch me.” GM Board - “I think we got our next CEO.”

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And missing a limb. Can't forget that.

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I would qualify that statement with “leftist” women.

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Yeah. For sure 95% of them are left at that level. But Liz Truss, short lived PM of the UK was not equipped to be PM. We got fooled with Margaret Thatcher. Truss was a dithering conservative.

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Woke women are destroying society.

based women are not allowed in.

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As a woman, I tend to agree. It depends very much on the women. Marxists of whatever name they call themselves, yes. You wouldn't have wanted to mess with women who founded religious orders. They believed in, and obeyed God and he helped them do what He wanted done. Never forget Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

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Or the original Saint Teresa of Avila.

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Heather MacDonald has studied and written about this exact dynamic, not sure if you’ve seen it, if not you should check it out.

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As indicated herein by another, it is the fake women, the wokist wankers who are the convoluted enemies of freedom and justice.

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Except the kitchen

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

[Diversity Science]

Is this "The Science" we're advised to follow, not question, and not do our own research on?

[third black Fortune 500 CEO in history]

How many more before we can stop mentioning this?

Also, something I've noticed about F500 bios:

It's always about TITLES, never about accomplishments.

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Isn’t that true! I often see bios where people have had 15 major positions in 25 years. Soooo accomplished. NOT. If they had been any good they would have remained in one of those positions. Either they grift their way from one golden handshake to another, or boards thought ‘OMG get this person out of here before he/she ruins us’.

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So true. Two years here, three there. If you had that kind of failure on your resume, you couldn't find a job shelling peanuts.

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The sheer lunacy of the elite class presents itself every day - it’s steady material for the Babylon Bee with no heavy lifting.

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Uni-versity is obviously the opposite of di-versity.

We've had universities for centuries and more, but we've never had diversity before.

So far, diversity isn't looking as an improvement.

Perhaps we should endeavour to swiftly return to university instead?

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This is a super cool thing to do. You are correct in that no one else is listing these cowards. Thanks for the info!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Harvard's reputation is being damaged, it is possibly at the beginning of long decline. I would never go there.

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I wouldn’t hire an Ivy grad. Or any of the big Uni’s. “I graduated from Berkeley with a Masters in ________.” Nope. Not hiring anyone. Hiring is a minefield now. I interviewed a number of people for a mid level management position in my company. Almost all women applied. About half were showing 4” of cleavage and had skirts 4” above their knees. Right. Like I would hire someone dressed like that. If they can’t dress appropriately for an interview how can I expect them to make good decisions?

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Yes agree. There was a time when a general BA had value, maybe as recently as the 1980s, but today everyone seems to go to university and the value is degraded, and now often, ideologically poisoned. There is no value in university today, unless you get a hard core professional degree, and ideally in STEM. A BA or worse, a degree in Grievance Studies, has negative value.

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The beginning? No, they're getting close to the bottom.

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I'd like to agree with you, but sadly, for a lot of people, especially of the woke cohort, Harvard is still number one. But I do believe its reputation is in decline, in real time, for the general public. I also think in general all universities across the western world are in crisis and their value to the average person has declined, and they will necessarily shrink in number.

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Every time a professor's toilet plugs, a pipe fitter gets his wings. And ultimately the pipe fitter will have the useful skills the professor wishes he had.

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Not employers. They will hire one possibly two Harvard grads who lose them clients and they will stop hiring Harvard grads.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I'm curious to see Gay's SAT scores. It may put some doubts of her intelligence to rest.

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No doubt someone who would achieve a nearly perfect score took the test for her. Ditto for Obama.

All part of the overarching social project that resulted in the sullying of our formerly respected institutions.

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Ha! How about Obama’s?

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At the risk of saying something unfavorable because many do not like his policies and beliefs, my guess is that he did well. Then again, who knows. I believe he said he was angry and going down the wrong path at some point in his life and I don't know anything about his academic life.

This is one of many issues of DEI - AA, people will forever doubt your intelligence and competency.

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He is well Spoken. He has a rico suave air to him. But I have never heard him say anything intelligent. He says banal cliches that are current thinking. And he says them well.

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Which should make competent hard-working blacks furious.

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Obeyme's a fucking imbecile, at the exact same level as Joey only smooth and shiny and brown. And he can read a teleprompter.

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I now have to wash my brain with bleach to cleanse it of their vapid obsequious PMC grins.


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I couldn't read the parts in the red lines it was too demoralized and hurt my head (not to mention the inducement to vomit)--Yuri's synopsis was however 100% spot on. Esp the vomiting ones.

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