May 9, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Ikigai is a new word and venn diagram for me. Thank you so much for the speech, Yuri. I will attempt to show it to my 1996 born son. He's optimistic that the 3D gaming model printing and painting business he is trying out will be successful in hard times...( your older speech I occasionally try to sneak into messenger to friends). He's also fairly sure his Mom is a tinfoil hat wearing,occasionally correct, but fatalistic weirdo...

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I agree with all the scrumptious advice, except wear sunscreen, that crap is full of toxic chemicals!

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May 10, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Re: get married and reproduce first off YES, secondly Did you ever read Meg Jay’s book the defining decade: why your 20s matter? I thought it was quite helpful when I was young. I can’t crow too loudly because I indulged in extended adolescence to a degree and didn’t get married til 30 but I bought copies for my younger brothers 10 years ago, alas it didn’t take and now they are 35 and still single miserable manchildren. The crux of the book is your 20s aren’t just a decade long party where your choices don’t matter and you’ll suddenly & magically have the family and career you want when you turn 30 just doing what feels right. The choices you make in your 20s matter.

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May 10, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I love you Yuri. Best blog on the entire internet.

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May 10, 2022Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Don't forget to tell them to go get a job working for a Purdue grad. They obviously received an immensely better education.

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Nice one Tovarisch. Now add in a word to the males to stay away from plastic bottled water, get vigorous daily exercise, and try to build up a normal level of testosterone, before it is too late. To the females, it is okay to be a mom...and no, tattoos do not make you edgy.

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This could all be fixed if we just took away everyone's allowances...

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