“Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be explained by stupidity.”

Yep. And I thought I was the one being succinct yesterday!


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Evil exists, it can't be reasoned with, negotiated with, or anything else, period.

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Humor is krytonite against the psychopaths. It also works to crack the programming of some of the normies. At least for a short time or for a certain topic. The more kryptonite the better.

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While reading this, a light bulb went off in my head. Remember when they used to pull people off the streets or use people in the military to test drugs without their knowledge? Well, they got caught, but then they realized they didn't need to force people, they just needed to allow it to be legal in some places and I bet they are studying those people. Just guinea pigs. . .

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As I get dragged to the black pill, here you come and drag me back from the abyss. Thanks again. Heard your recent podcast interview and great to hear your voice. Kiss Baby Yuria for me.

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Kissing your child is like snorting a crushed white pill ;)

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Hanlon' s head would explode today.

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Hanlon's Razor always bothered me because it has two tells right off the bat that expose it as a fraud or worse, gaslighting from malicious types.

One, it presupposes that Stupidity and Malice run on some kind of continuum. Just going out into the world should expose you to people who are both stupid and malicious.

Two, the razor indicates that Stupidity, in a position of Authority, can be mistaken for Malice. I'd argue that that is because it is. Stupid authority is itself a kind of malice, evil, as it is an inversion of good and true authority.

Mistakes are one thing. And rulers can and will screw up. But when they refuse to admit it, and correct and apologize, well, it doesn't matter if they are dumb or just mean, they are garbage authoritarians at that point for either reason.

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And also (think of Bill Gates):

"A bribe works wonders in the eyes of its giver;

wherever he turns he prospers."

Proverbs 17:8

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Absolutely way overdue. I have felt for many years that Hanlon's Razor had effectively been weaponized. How? By having the corrupt/crooked within government put on a show of incompetence soo no one would look any deeper. It's like the "That's Conspiracy theory" tactic except Hanlons Razor wasn't IMHO created to be a deceptive tactic as was "that's conspiracy theory:"

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Quoting myself from a recent thread over at Eugyppius:

"Sadly, the reality is that the accredited certified civil engineer gets materials and workers of substandard quality, an impossible dead-line, and is whipped to ensure the project turns more profit than projected for the shareholders of the parent company.

He can either take his integrity and honour and quit, and then try to feed his family on being an upstanding moral citizen - or knuckle under, rationalise it into "Just obeying orders" and "If I don't do it, they'll just pick someone else, maybe someone much worse" and try to get the job done anyway.

That's where the true evil is: the persons enticing someone to rationalise an immoral action to be of no personal consequence or responsibility, as per the archetypical phrases above. To show how old this method is:

Höder isn't evil for killing Balder with the arrow of mistle-toe; Loke is. Höder is blind and no-one but Loke knows the mistle-toe alone never swore to never hurt Balder.

And of course, Loke provides the arrow and helps Höder aim. That way, Loke can claim /he/ didn't do it."

The Old Ones knew that evil is the voice whispering from behind screens and fans and cloaks, the slow dripping poison of honeyed words, the condemnation of plain and openly spoken words and the annointing of wicked practices as being commanded by higher authority.

Your will, and your will alone. Not god(s). Not officers or bosses or priests.

Just you and what you do.

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this is why the evil vizier poisoning the mind of the king is such a well-known figure in literature.

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That the arche-type is present in virtually every culture all over the planet tells us something.

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Oh, it tells *Us* AND *Them* something alright.

The problem is those whom it just doesn't seem to reach.

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Exactly. As long as those who resist are few, below a certain percentage, the system and those who run it can use fear to keep people in line. Once the number who say no rises past that inflection point the system can no longer keep them in check.

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"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me again and again, I’m an NPC."

I don't know why I think this is so damn funny! Thank you!

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Cuz it’s true

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What's interesting is how many otherwise highly intelligent people who aren't woke will STILL to this day insist that what our elected reps do is incompetence and not malice.

There have been multiple levels of indoctrination tailored to each generation. It wasn't until the Millennials that they kicked it into overdrive but still were very secretive/covert with it. Had it not been for covid's exposing what was going on in the classrooms (thank you Zoom/remote learning) they might still be keeping it under wraps. Once that was exposed with video proof floating around the net it was impossible to deny anymore. This is where the moved from STAGE 1 to STAGE 2 of the DLJ (pronounced dilge) method. A method developed by Intel agencies to combat exposure.

STAGE 1 D-DENY: Deny that X is a thing.

EX: There is no such thing as the Bilderberg meeting. Mainstream media was good about this until it became possible for the avg person to video record compliments of smartphones thus making it impossible to deny this annual gathering was a real thing

STAGE 2 L-LIE: Lie about what X is

EX: The Bilderberg meeting is just a bunch of wealthy people getting together to share stock tips and make fun of the poor. The logistics alone to coordinate this meeting EVERY year is proof that is is much more than that

STAGE3 J-JUSTIFY: Justify that X is necessary/needed/for the good of all

Bilderberg is still at stage 2 in terms of the masses but many are awakening to how there is no way this annual meeting of the worlds elite consisting of titans of industry, current and former world leaders and various experts in a number of fields is just a bunch of elites having a party.

For the public education system here in America, the remote learning forced them out of stage 1 and to stage 2 but they weren't able to stay at stage 2 for long before being pushed to stage 3 by all the exposure on social media. It's part of the reason they want to crack down on online speech. Today you can hear most within the public education system claiming that gender ideology and sexual exploration of under age kids is "necessary/needed".

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Hanlon's Razor

"These aren't the droids you're looking for"

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Exactly correct formulation. There are a large number of people who simply will not admit to an error, even to the point of repeating the error over and over and over. This doubling and tripling down on a mistake seems to only occur when the deleterious effects are all external to the decision maker. This is the definition of malice.

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Great post, Comrade Yuri!

Your steady supply of samizdat provide great pleasure for my five bagheeters every month!

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Always attribute to malice that which harms ordinary people and benefits the global elites

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