Crazy stuff going on here in the US. I’m not sure what “foreign” city I’d live in. I’ll have to think about that one. We bought 70 acres in Idaho and are moving from our suburb town to that land in 2024.

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Based AF

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Awww thanks, sweet Yuri! I owe it all to God and DS! DS is truly the guardian of the lives of our family. It’s GOT to be a heavy weight. I can’t even imagine, but he’s happy and cheerful along the way (at least the majority of the time). It’s going to be a SCARY move, but also adventurous!

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I think it's always safer to live somewhere you can "blend". When SHTF, a white guy in Mexico will stand out like a white guy in Mexico.

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I agree!

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Don’t be. It has been a LOT of hard work preparing and struggling to pay mortgage on the house and the land. It’s not that I’m not thrilled and delighted...I def am! 💗

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But, as you mentioned, Taipei doesn't want us. Good for them.

No matter how many times our media repeats it, diversity is not a strength.

I believe in the "separate but equal" ideal ("equal" as in free to experience the outcome of your own choices). I watch the animals on our farm and they don't mingle. They stay very separate, voluntarily, and thus they get along fine.

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Frighteningly lucid commentary on our world. Thanks? Sorry, but it hurts to see it.

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fun fact: in ~1967 my high school football team bussed about 100 miles to East St. Louis high school for a night game. curiously to me at the time, the bus pulled up to the stadium entrance only with inches between bus and stadium. we literally stepped of bus and into doorway. no left or right. so no one could come up to us. took me a few years to understand what the driver was thinking.

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We are all Snake Plisskens and Rooftop Koreans now.

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I lived in Tokyo until recently. It's safe, friendly, and as beautiful as a concrete jungle can be. But now glad to live in the US (small city in the South) where we have found a strong Catholic community. Especially for those raising children, few things are more important than a community of like-minded believers.

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Nice one comrade.

UAE: the most powerful passport, the safest cities in the world. Police there don't mess about while driving Lambos.

12 cities in the U.S. only 2 in Mexico. When will Mexico build a wall?

If I read/hear some variation of this from gringos I'm going to pull my pubes out one by one: "My husband and I really want to move to Mexico but the violence there is just too scary. So we'll stay in (insert one of those 12 U.S. cities)."

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The data substantiates the theory that Mexico markets itself as rough around the edges to keep the gringos out, but it’s safer and better quality of life than any FUPAZ.

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“Does Bukele have what it takes to become the Latinx Lee Kuan Yew”

I actually lold at this but it’s absolutely brilliant I hadn’t made the connection

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I'd subscribe for $5.00 a month, not $9.00.

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Agree, all these subscriptions are getting to be too expensive. I wish I could subscribe to all the writers I enjoy reading, but I have to choose.

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I emailed you with a discount code. Everyone else - ask and ye shall receive: yuribezmenov22 [at] protonmail.

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"Chinese Taipei", Comrade?

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Sensational research Yuri. A big dollop of reality for the useful idiots swallowing the Democrat CCP-funded garbage - but they're probably too brainwashed to see it, can't think past 'Trump bad therefore Biden good'.

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Yuri, are you sure that living in Taipei is a good idea? It will only be clean and safe until the CCP invades - maybe better to persuade your relatives to emigrate elsewhere.

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It is worth protecting. Much better to live there under invasion risk than any American FUPAZ.

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How about option #3: emigrate to a non FUPAZ community under no invasion threat?

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Shame that this is mostly up and up TRUE.

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Eye opening!

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Well yes, freedom is costly.

Well, yes, there's public safety and horrors behind the big gates behind which ordinary women have little hope of freedom.

Hong Kong was probably not so safe for that woman who got chopped into pieces by her ex husband and his nice family.

Them wide-open rural spaces filled with the God-fearing tend also to be the refuges of the Warren Jeffs types, but out of sight, out of mind 'n all that.

Hey look, I'm so old I can remember when it was a little hazardous to enjoy normal life in Birmingham because those pasty-faced IRA guys were trying to blow up everything.

But I agree--widely-divergent cultures mix poorly. This has always been true. It's also always been true that too many aimless young men concentrated into urban areas are hazardous to everyone's health. That's why wars are so handy. One hopes a fair number of them won't make it home.

You could've been writing this about Rome, once upon a time, too. Plus ca change 'n all that.


PS: I remember when Ukraine was the most corrupt country in Europe and prostitutes were their most well-known exports, so Ukrainian girls weren't encouraged to be too picky about whom they associated with.

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PPS: History is cruel; what goes around comes around. Everyone invades their neighbors if they can and once they get their hands on ships, they expand that concept of neighbors pretty far. The Scandinavians transformed the world by invasion and conquest; the British, among others, did too; it's always painful to pay for the sins of others committed 500 or 1000 years earlier.

Christianity grew from just another Middle Eastern sect to a driving force of conquest and cultural transformation, and then its younger sister Islam did the same, and those related world-views have caused both terrible destruction and the flowering of some of the most magnificent works of art and thought on the planet. You win some, you lose some.

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Je t’aime Quebec

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