Well my kid left The Uni of Guelph in Canada and she was a scholarship student, 93% average, one credit left to complete a Neuroscience degree…..No Jab, No Degree. She won’t get that piece of toilet paper and she is fine with it. Her old classmates are moving on to Clot-Shot #4…smart is as smart does.

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Smartest kid there and the only one worthy of a neuroscience degree based on that one decision alone.

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I will just thank you for her. Support like this makes her feel good as she watches her friends move on to what they think is “Greatness”, questioning her decisions yet not having a clue about what is going on. We are bracing/preparing for what James Corbett wrote about in We’re All Dutch Farmers Now….so I Concur Good Citizen! Btw did you write that fictional letter writing piece? I REALLY liked it.

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If she’s smart enough to (almost) get a neuroscience degree AND not get jabbed, she’ll be fine. I hope I see her name in lights one day as a big flip off to her college and NPC classmates. I wish here all success and health (you too)

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I agree w Good Citizen. She is the smartest one in her class. It’s their loss. This world is changing and sadly, many of her classmates won’t last 3-5 years, so their degrees won’t matter. Kudos for raising a discerning thinker. The “education” she received didn’t get her. Yay!

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Outstanding! Give her a pat on the back for her courage. We will need people like her in the very near future. 👍🤓👍

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Do smart people even go to the Ivies anymore? It's all legacy admissions and diversity students, taught by diversity hires and plagiarizing grifters, as far as I can tell.

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Good question, but some smart people will probably continue to attend as long as credentialism lasts.

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I dunno. You'd have to be a masochist to go to an Ivy these days. Anyone who puts credentialism over their mental (and physical! - see clot shot requirements) health is not very intelligent in my book.

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Just because one’s ‘ legacy’ doesn’t mean you’re stupid. My daughter was top of her NYC private school class. Her high school performance was stellar. She received so many departmental awards (6 or 7) that her school changed its policy going forward that limited the number any one student could receive. She graduated Harvard. My husband’s Harvard classmates had none of their kids accepted. Annually, about 10 to 12% of Harvard’s class is legacy.

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Legacies and athletes were the best students I knew at my Ivy. They are better rounded human beings who have more discipline in order to meet family expectations and juggle a busier schedule with practices and games.

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I’ve known four Haaaaavard grads and all of them have been dumber than a rock.

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Most Ivy Leaguers are intellectually anesthesized. The average Texan is smarter than the average Haaaavad alum.

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"[Harvard] Alums include... The Unabomber"

Probably one of the saner ones of the group you mention.

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And did much less damage compared to most in that group of fellow Harvard alums

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in order to maintain my sanity and not get completely homicidal, i've decided to turn my perspective upside down.

if what we think of as universities were founded in the 13th century (Genoa, anyone?), then for say their first 700 yrs they were religious institutions that considered teaching theology and inculcating au courant religious morality as their first priority. men were being sculpted to serve god and country!

so the recent 50 yrs or so of the notion of college as an intellectual free-for-all, a place where any and all ideas could be debated, was actually the aberration and our glorious interregnum of freedom was just a placeholder until a new religion appeared to swallow our sense-making and morals-instruction institutions.

so we're just back to where we started: professors are priests, priests are professors, you either bow to the ruling gods or be expelled, if no one ever sees you mouthing the proper prayers a whisper campaign against u will commence, and all our supposed cultural/intellectual leaders and institutions earn their keep by providing moral legitimacy to the ruling class.

plus ca change!

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As an alum of #3 on your list, I can attest that the ideological conformity was already suffocating in the 90s. I suppose I should thank the place for launching me onto my lifelong trajectory as a reactionary dissident. (Excesses of sanctimony are bound to push a few people into going, "F this.") But I'd rather send my own children to the library for their education than to any of the Ivies. Or any university at all barring a few small Catholic colleges which are so counter-culture USNWR doesn't even know they exist.

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Could you please name any institution that you might consider sending a kid to? I have a daughter, recently graduated from a top woke ballet school in NYC and now hoping to head for College. I have a son too at LMU, which is a Jesuit school, horribly expensive and crazy woke. Would never have chosen it but he was a recruited athlete until lockdowns hit freshman year.

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We're looking at Christendom, Wyoming Catholic, Benedictine, Steubenville ... all guaranteed non-woke. You have to decide if you want them to have a shiny credential or an education. These schools offer an education.

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Thank you so much! I will look into these schools and a few others that our host has kindly suggested:))

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My third child is going to Steubenville right now and she loves it! Highly recommended especially if you are Catholic. My youngest wantsto go there as well but they don't offer a Physics program :( We are looking into Benedictine now for her. No jabs, no masks during the the whole Scandemic either!

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I have a B.Sc. from MIT, so I get the alum magazine, and there's plenty of 'woke' crap in there, although from time to time a sane opinion piece does appear. Also, MIT is the real epicenter of technocracy, and the belief that technology will solve all problems is ubiquitous there and responsible for much of our current suffering.

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These institutions of higher learning woke with their millions/billions in endowments are hedge funds pretending to be colleges. Go STEM.

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From the linked article on JHU camp cancellations: 'Adriane Thorpe, CEO for Summer Institute for the Gifted, a competing program, said the Hopkins cancellations impacted her more so as a mother than as an executive.

“I know what it is like to spend months planning summer experiences for my daughters,” Thorpe said. “I was heartbroken for these families and knew that our team could help support these students with amazing educational opportunities at world-renowned campuses like Bryn Mawr, UCLA, University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, Yale and others.”'

Ms. Thorpe is the perfect reason why the Dirt People and class traitors alike want to see these people skewered and burnt without remorse. Oh I spent months planning this camp for my daughters to feel superior by putting JHU's groomer camp on her resume. The horrid tragedy and emotional trauma of a camp cancellation almost crushed my soul it was so unfair. I mean, how was I going to brag and impress my friends at the Blue Haired Socialite Club's quarterly Crush the Deplorables Committee meeting?

Oh the trauma! <cue the Rage Against the Machine ... "Burn! Burn! Yes you're gonna burn!"

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As the product of a lowly state university and law school, I'll confess to having an inferiority complex when it comes to graduates of institutions like the fifteen that you have pointed out. However, after witnessing the output of our "best and brightest" particularly over the past two and half years, I agree with my fellow commenter that the subject of "smart" needs to be reconsidered.

It's seems like entrance to a place like Northwestern, let alone Harvard, is more about checking all of the boxes and falling into a predetermined deprivation category. Any remaining systemic integrity was lost when super-scoring of standardized testing was introduced. What does the ACT or SAT actually measure except for a particular student's ability to take a certain kind of test?

As an aside, I still fail to understand how a "publication" like USN&WR that never had solid readership to begin with and that no longer exists as a magazine for all intents and purposes can still have so much hold over the university ranking system. Universities and grad schools literally 'game' the system to jump up in the ratings. This is particularly egregious with law schools that fabricate job placement statistics to break the USN&WR Top 100.

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It feels like every system is gamed now, EJ

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Those tests measure IQ (check correlations if you're skeptical). That's the sine qua non of academic performance. Not so much equity, alas...

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Solid breakdown of the complete breakdown of lower indoctrination. You'd think wonky bugman Nate Silver could afford a mirror and a barber not on amphetamines.

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Thanks for keeping me honest, I will edit and never use fake demoralized pronouns.

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My alma mater, the U.S. Naval Academy is thoroughly demoralized. Not only do you miss out on the "normal" college life due to the military structure and discipline, you get all of the "wokeness." And there is no way to opt out; you have to be there at every CRT, transgender civil rights, & diversity is our strength lecture and workshop because attendance is always taken and no-shows are punished - severely. It's gotten so bad that many alums have joined a group collecting money to file lawsuits in a losing attempt to undo the damage. Personally, I am so disgusted with what the Academy has become that I've removed my framed diploma from the wall and thrown away all my Naval Academy logo apparel. It's been heartbreaking to watch the destruction.

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Thank you for your service comrade. Sad to hear what the naval academy has become, but I hope you still have pride in what you have achieved. I pray the alumni can take the military academies back - we cannot afford to lose them! Society can handle a bunch of woke Ivy Leaguers in the laptop class, but it cannot handle our cadets and future officers succumbing to the mind virus.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, I believe the mind virus has already infected a significant minority at all the academies and the junior officer corps. Fortunately, it requires a strong will and mind to take the academy path, so there are still many that quietly resist the mind control. I know a young officer and recent graduate. He selected the Marine Corps as his service upon graduation. I asked him why, and he said, “It is way less woke than the Navy. I couldn’t take what the Navy was serving any longer.” There are many like him. Will it be enough?

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Dartmouth is also notable for its rigorous lockdowns and several student suicides in their wake. Safety first! https://fallriverreporter.com/dartmouth-police-and-ems-respond-to-three-suicides-in-six-days/

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Tragically living up to their motto “The voice crying in the wilderness”

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My alma mater, Harvey Mudd College, should be relatively safe given its exclusive focus on STEM. With CalTech practically next door, Mudders suffer the same sort of inferiority complex as the Yaleys, so we overcompensate by being highly ranked DIII jocks teaming up with Claremont and joking that the CalTech nerds will windup working for us.

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You guys may not realize that for many families, it's cheaper to send a kid to the Ivies (with financial aid) than to a great public university where you may get in-state tuition rates, but the room and board and other fees will still make that school unaffordable. Strange but true. Trust me.

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MIT is an embarrassment, the one place where you would expect science to be followed they masked and jabbed up

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