That part about abortion translates to: “The children that I will not ever have must not have any privilege I ever had…”. 🤪

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A struggle session against the unborn.

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Yep. 😔

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Abortion was never about "women's rights". And it certainly was never about the rights of the unborn child.

Odd the way that millions of women were so easily talked into that particular narrative. Even with such severe consequences.

Here is where certain indoctrination tactics come in. Also known as feminism.

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Abortion is big business, and not for the procedure itself. Fetal stem cells and organs are big money makers, which makes it even more demented.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I believe it. Twenty years ago, a pair of locum physicians in Canada were suspected of having been telling mothers who gave birth under anesthetic or with no accompanying father that their child/children died (for no known reason), while they in fact arranged things so as to harvest the organs. They fled the country.

When the USSR was in power, it was quite common for "research scientists" to have mothers of "defective" children told after birth that these children had died.....and then use the still-living children for medical experimentation.

Never underestimate evil.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Mind-bender Edward Bernays used his tricks for the tobacco companies post-WWI to get women smoking, which had been taboo previously.

The same mind-bending tricks were used to get women aborting their children, starting in the 70s.

Both destructive acts, but millions followed blissfully along.

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I say that as a woman myself. I never fell for it.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Harvard has always been the first choice university for coastal elites and the 1%. It was always about grooming our future overlords. Seems like not much has changed except for the virulence of the ruling class ideology.

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The Kennedy Harvard School has always had some notorious connections. Klaus Schwab of WEF attended, where he met and colluded with Henry Kissinger.

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The only thing that’s changed is the global overlords have used the American Empire for basically all it’s worth, the last step being subverting and destroying it, lest it be allowed to return to being a bad example in terms of human prosperity and liberty. All that’s changed is the mission.

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Yuri, I love all the charts on this post! It’s eye opening in a detailed way and helps me show other parents why this is not a good choice! Do you have a Yuri list of colleges you would approve or recommend?

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FIRE’s free speech rankings are a good place to start. Have heard great things about Hillsdale and UATX.

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I have heard same for those two schools. I’ve heard Hillsdale is very hard to get into now with new demand. I am thinking of larger state schools that have STEM for my kids later as well as they seem to be more drawn to those subjects.

Looking at your charts, it paints a picture of doom very vividly where I can see if I brought my kids up in a “normie” environment they will have a hard time making friends at a place like Harvard. Those “protests” and club activities are social time for those students and kids would be left out of those parties if they don’t go. 4 years of pretending sounds unbearable.

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My son just started the University of Tampa. Beautiful campus and he tells me that the majority of people he has met are conservative. So far, he’s very happy there and has not encountered any weird progressive crap. Tampa is getting more and more popular because the university of Miami is now harder to get into than Harvard. The university of Alabama is also a good choice.

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I live near Tampa. It's gone from blue to purple to red in the last 10 years.

And congrats for your son. I think that's where my boy wants to eventually go to college

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At the elementary level, I had homeschooled years ago. Found the online IMACS programs out of Florida were excellent then for Mathematics and Computer Science. Though I don't know whether that has continued.

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I have read Hillsdale's digest, "Imprimis" for a long time. Parents thinking that way might subscribe to it to get a taste of Hillsdale. Although I think there is going to be a great deal of demand there.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Hillsdale is amazing. Their free online courses are also a must! Anyone can take advantage of them.

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FSU and TCU are good. We have relatives who’ve recently attended those. Near zero woke in sight. TCU may eventually fall; they’re destroying the fraternities.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I live in Chevy Chase, Maryland. I used to think that I was just conservative. But around these parts, I am some kind of alt right freak. My kids go to public school, and they are Asian and white. So they have no prayer of getting into the ivy leagues anyway, because we have not sent them to some pressure cooker grade school / middle school / high school that charges 60 grand a year for early DEI indoctrination and non-consensual top surgeries.

I met a dude last week in Brazil, who had just dropped his kids off in Scotland; they were able to qualify for those colleges easily because of the international baccalaureate program. That could be an option, but I read a lot about political instability and similar or more acute immigration problems in the United Kingdom. So this leads me to believe it is probably Hillsdale, a large state university out west, or welding school for my children.

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Scotland is off the rails with trans stuff and free speech restrictions.

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Scotland has real problems right now, and will continue that way as long as the SNP is in power.

PM Kier Starmer of England promises to be the modern totalitarian Lord of the Isles. He will squash you as soon as look at you (though the Brits were indeed forewarned before the most recent general election).

There are a number of American universities with Classical Education/Great Books programs.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Puritans established Harvard College in 1636, shortly after arriving in Massachusetts Bay. Harvard's mission statement, given in 1642, was clearly evangelical: “Everyone shall consider as the main end of his life and studies, to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

However......there is also a case to be made that the Puritans may have been an extremist religious cult, which left England of the day when the Anglicans there failed to join the extremism.

Would explain the Puritan witch-hunts in Salem a few generations after they first arrived --- real cult/totalitarian kind of behaviour.

So which was the authentic legacy of Harvard? Christianity....or totalitarianism?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Don't get me wrong. I support and believe in Judeo-Christianity myself.

The issue is that there are and always have been some believers using religious faith to control others, as opposed to being motivated by love and goodwill.

Sometimes difficult to untangle.

I made a point of learning about totalitarianism (not solely a political concept) and how it manifests, in order to have another tool at my disposal.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Seems very diverse . . . or not.

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The intellectual diversity of North Korea, so progressive!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Reverend Moon of the infamous Moonies was from North Korea too....did you know? He received his training in brainwashing at the POW camps of the Korean War. Before transferring his skills to 1970s American youth.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

lol this is great. I went to Harfraud for two years to do my PhD but dropped out (mid 2010s) it was so retarded – intellectually hostile to the max, all departmental politics. Never regretted leaving; so many DEI psychos and wannabe globalist commisar-scions. Nobody did the effing reading either.

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Nobody did the reading either? Hah! I Used to wonder in my undergrad years whether I was the only one killing myself to get the reading done.

There were so many "extra-curricular activities" of all kinds which everyone else seemed to be involved in....it was well nigh impossible for them to do the reading too. So guess which lost out? And then I would see the many "graduated with high distinction" designations at the convocation.....and I became very suspicious.

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

And they call us "weird" 😂

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Considering Dr. Kulldorff was kicked out of Harvard for seeking scientific truth while Claudine Gay remains there, sums up the university. In LA, a social worker led the COVID policies while Harvard-trained Dr. Ladapo was similarly silenced for speaking the truth. The best and brightest are being told to take a knee to dimwitted authoritarians.

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Halloween is coming soon. I wonder if I’ll be able to find woke masked Starbucks student costumes this year?

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With a home-made "Protect unicorn... I mean trans kids" t-shirt?

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Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

“Wow you'se guys is radical!”

Kim Il Sung at Orientation

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This lot of DIE IVY flotsam won’t stand a chance against the middle and lower middle and working poor classes in any situation in which the ground is level. They never do. That’s why it is so important for them to demoralize that large group, so that they feel there is no way to succeed or “win,” but it never ever works the way they think it will. As they lord it over everyone, everyone gets fed up and then there is change, they better hope they just all go broke, the alternatives are largely less peaceful. It is funny for a bright as they all are supposed to be they sure don’t understand numbers and odds. Such as 140 millions Russians against 40 Million Ukrainians, or 1% verses 99%. Even a student who spent his summers retaking high school math can figure out more usually defeats less. There must be a math theory for that, oh I forgot they don’t teach higher math theory at Haaarrvaarrrd!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

"Two-thirds want to ban legacy admissions for their own children, especially the ones that did not have legacy. Most of them won’t have to worry about legacy because they worship abortion."

Yes, it's the most bizarre feature, I find. Their abortion-worship. Not just agreement with it, but downright worship and celebration.

I used to note those "victory parades" of women marching in high glee to celebrate that the law in some Western country or other had just granted them the legal "right" to kill their unborn children. I always found such displays repulsive....as if I was seeing child-sacrifice enthusiasts from some ancient pagan society. Or a Satanist cabal.

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In my opinion, John, when a society endorses and then pushes abortion....they are being taken over by Psychopaths behind the curtain. The pushing of abortion is the breaking-down of both social and personal conscience. To the detriment of all else.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you! Superb clarifying piece of work Comrade! Yes these new Brown Shirts/Red Guard recruits are going to prove to be Wonderfully Useful Idiots... for the Great Reset Nazi's... or some other facsimile there of.. unless they Wake Up.. Which is no small task considering a majority of IVY League professors leaning Commie..

I almost became one back 67/68.. thought Che Guevara was cool, Castro too.. my parents were patient, well educated and tolerant of my rebellion.. gracious open discussion was the order of the day.. most days anyway.. So, I continued to study communism and anything I wanted with their support.. fortunately I realized communism was a complete Dead End street, about a yr later..

Took a little while longer to realize socialism was essentially the same..

Education in its deepest sense never ends.. Parents must light that fire each day, until the child is self igniting daily.. dinner table is the perfect spot... safe to explore any subject.. safe to question any subject.. Its one of the most exciting things in this World when you see them discover what Wholeness in development is.. When you see them grapple with what is right action? What is compassion? What is a truly open mind?

Keep it light, keep it easy, keep it fun... It is possible even today to nurture a Whole Human Being..

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoLiked by Yuri Bezmenov

"A third of students identify as LGBTQ+, which is ~6x greater than the general population": So, 30/6 = 5% which is about the % of students who say they are gay. The rest are pretty much made up categories. Bisexual? Oh, please... Asexual? Just an 18 y.o. who has been too busy studying to get laid. Queer? A heterosexual who wants to get laid without putting in the required effort (such as paying for a date for young men, putting on some makeup for young women) or perhaps with autistic traits that make regular flirting harder.

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"Why not own the mass media and the established, high-prestige universities so that you can twist and manipulate facts and meanings? Why not manage the reality that people are reacting to? If you can do that, you can make them do anything, and they’ll do it willingly. You break the enemy’s resistance, as Sun Tzu advises, without fighting!”


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