I watched Antifa attack Andy Ngo and asked my husband 'how is this different to the pogroms'? It is, at the moment, a bit less violent but the path is clear and we know where it goes.

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Keep demonstrating the parallels. It should be frightening, but too many lemmings don't think for themselves.

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Another great one, Yuri.

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Keep going no matter what they do. And, if one falls, let the next one stand up. For the Republic!

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Few know of the struggle sessions. This scene interspersed with scenes from woke stalkers and times anti-whites accost whites to make them apologize would be riveting demonstration of where we are at.

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I can't wait til someone starts selling cancellation honor badges on Amazon. Use promo code "WILSON".

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sad, miserable, ILL under masks. Black Lesbian Marxist reborn under masks as black lives matter. Usurpers masked as elected officials. Stooge script readers masked as news reporters. Cons masked as Revs and on and on and on . . . . . "wolves in sheep's clothing" not with sharp fearful fangs but with lying (charismatic) tongues to the (willingly) ignorant of knowledge or even its curiosity. How many have noticed those that resisted, stood up, kept speaking, regardless of attacks are HUGE now?

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A timely post though I’m enjoying it late! Flying into LA this morning, then going into the belly of the California academy Marxist beast: UCLA. Commencement & Commissioning ceremonies for our daughter cannot occur soon enough. Looking forward to celebrating her departure from the Lalaland s#itscape in days.

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Damn, this is hilarious 😂😂😂

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You know you've reached rock bottom when your ESG score plummets to ZERO!

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Bezmenov. My mom was Bezmian too. What a coincidence

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Laugh at them. They can't stand ridicule. Tell them whatever "ism" they accuse you of is natural and good and give examples to support that position. If you're not ready to do this, then you're not ready to win. Ultimately, the problem is you, not them. They win because the majority of "normie" Americans are craven wimps.

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Oh yeah, I'm afraid of the far-right! Oh my God, looki here, the rightwingers in Barcelona!


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