Comrades: Lomez has been doxxed and denounced by The Guardian. The Atlantic has piled on with a farcical piece called “The Far Right’s New Badge of Honor”. Today Lomez gets the Yuri struggle session parody treatment along with fellow counter-revolutionaries
, , and (podcast here). Whatever you do, don’t read samizdats like Passage Press!TWITTER LINK:
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Rebellion is just! Revolution is righteous!
ANTIFA is just. ANTIFA is righteous! ANTIFA is on the right side of history! Anyone who disagrees with ANTIFA is a far-right fascist! Attack neo-reactionaries who are against the “regime” and “deep state”. Punch Nazis!
Ye Zhetai. Aren't you a professor of physics?
Lomez. Were you a lecturer at UC Irvine?
You should know. You were my student.
You should know. You stalked and doxxed me.
Behave yourself!
Hate speech!
Ye Zhetai. In your physics course, did you teach the theory of relativity?
Lomez. Did you launch the Passage Press?
Relativity is one of the fundamental theories of physics. How can a basic survey course not teach it?
Americans desire innovative ideas, not the stale thinking represented by failing publications like The Guardian.
You lie! Einstein went to the American Imperialists and helped them build the atomic bomb!
Bigot! Steve Sailer, Curtis Yarvin, and Raw Egg Nationalist are fascists. We must protect our sacred democracy by banning their books!
Bring up his wife. She is a genuine physicist. She knows the truth!
Bring up Scott Burnett. He is a professor of African studies and women’s, gender and sexuality studies. He is an expert!
Ye Zhetai! With the help of the revolutionary youth, it has become clear to me. I want to stand on the side of the people!
Lomez. There’s stuff in Passage Press that is fascist, sometimes bordering on neo-Nazi. I want to stand on the side of tolerant Progressives!
Bow your head, Ye Zhetai. Bow your head. Bow!
Bow to the longhouse, Lomez. Bow!
Ye Zhetai. You cannot deny you lectured on the counterrevolutionary Big Bang theory.
Lomez. You cannot deny your real name is Jonathan and you are based in Montana.
It is the most plausible explanation for the origin of the universe.
Jason Wilson is a deranged ANTIFA activist who harasses dissidents.
Lies! The theory claims to know when time began.
Lies! Jason Wilson is a stunning and brave journalist.
Time began? What came before time?
Is it true Lomez is a normal, good-looking family man?
It leaves open a place to be filled by God.
He regrets nothing. He apologizes for nothing.
Are you suggesting God exists?
Are you seeing record sales from promocode WILSON?
Science has given no evidence either way.
Yes. God bless you all, even the haters.
Down with Ye Zhetai! Down with academic authorities!
Down with Lomez! Down with Passage Press!
Down with academic authorities! Rebellion is just! Revolution is righteous!
ANTIFA is just. ANTIFA is righteous! ANTIFA is on the right side of history! ANYONE Everyone who disagrees with ANTIFA is a far-right fascist! Attack neo-reactionaries who are against the “regime” and “deep state”. Punch Nazis!
***Lomez’s ESG score has fallen to 0, so Antifa will permanently end his carbon emissions.
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