Thank you for highlighting the GOAT Novak (NOVAX) Djokovic!!!❤️

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We cannot highlight the legend enough!

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Novak should be a role model for all boys.

Resilient, smart, strong and never turns to hatred as a response.

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I love that he displayed the cross around his neck and the athlete who signed, the way, the truth, the light. 🥹

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

I consider myself a good intellectual. And I consider myself Christian. In the style of C.S. Lewis.

Christianity has been maligned by scammers and con-artists and controllers using it as their excuse. That was never Christianity. That was just the wrong people manipulating it for their own purposes.

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Aug 14Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

That clip brought me to tears! I didn't watch a single second of the Olympics this year, but thankful to know that several "good guys" prevailed - Novak chief among them.

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Thanks from me as well.

COming from his Serbia, we are so proud of him and his achievement.

And all our sports people.

But for me, our Basketball man team was the highlight: they played the best basketball, almost beat USA (they won hugely with the help of referees) and then they didn't give a shit, got drunk and had the best Olympics medal ceremony ever :)

I really enjoyed reading your atricle, and share your opinion on 95% (the rest is because I didn't watch hence do not have opinion).

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

"Women's Boxing" should be renamed into "Domestic Violence"

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Unfortunately this situation is a logical end point for women's sport.

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Well you’re absolutely right about two things. LA will be horrifically worse, and that 1/2 the country will be choking on Harris’s word salad while the other half happily eats the vomit.

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Hopefully the world will see MAGA instead of demoralized woke copypasta.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Great highlights - thank you.

Sort of tuned out after the opening ceremony.

Politics ruins everything.

The best thing was when the 2nd-place Spanish runner pushed the African guy over the finish line .

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Didn’t watch a minute of the BS!!! If people tune out the crap will end.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Losers: everyone, with Russia banned from the games (reason given: Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine…), the competition loses some of it’s legitimacy with a historic powerhouse in many sports sidelined due to current-thing politics.

How many times has USA been excluded because they invade or bomb another country? That’s what I thought.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

The Olympics is now being used as a wide-ranging tool in global brainwashing.

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I guess Yuri does not see this.

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Finding good within the garbage takes work.

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I did the work, and I don't run a Substack on this topic. Seemed very obvious to me.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting. I thought we were meant to be discussing serious issues here, although it seems to be meant more for entertainment in the end. Ah, well.

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The serious issue is the fact that so many people are being brainwashed.

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Yes, it is. But very few are picking up on that.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This one’s for the archives. Great takes! 👍👍

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Thank you for the round up. I did not watch any part of the olympics. I, of course, heard about men beating up women for sport & medals. As well as Novak.

I am surprised that there were no “died suddenly” events.

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Perhaps no deaths (yet) but a number of medical emergencies.


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If they had not been thoughtless enough to swim in the polluted Seine, or be exposed to that water, they could have avoided some of those. It was a pretty certain thing that many would pick up at least a stomach bug, if not worse. Imagine training all those years for the Olympics, and then purposely taking that health risk.

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Surely there are bodies of water cleaner where they could have run the triathalon...non?

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You would think. They could have picked up any kind of pathogen in the Seine, and been put out of commission for their sport.

Someone did not have a thinking cap on when planning this.

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Thank you for these highlights. I didn't watch anything except the tragic gold medal in narcissism for Raygun the breakdancer.

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deletedAug 13·edited Aug 13
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I don’t recall asking for anyone’s input about the PhD. You can roll your eyes all you want and that says more about your biases borne from whatever mental models guide your choices than anything about me.

You can choose to get to know people or only open to what you think you like because you dislike benign letters after their name. There are plenty of people without credentials who have no problem pulling rank. Or try to.

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deletedAug 13·edited Aug 13
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Self-reflection about your own issues with what you think these letters mean is what’s needed here. Don’t make this about me when it’s a you problem.

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Nathalie, my friend...you don't fool me. I walked amongst this type for too many years.

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Look, stranger. I just love all the attention you’re giving me. If I get any more you’ll be blamed for inflating my ego more than any credentials could ever do. I do hope you have a great day telling other people what to do with that cute superiority complex. The ills of the world pale in comparison to fixating on a woman with 3 wonderful letters beside her name.

I too have walked amongst your type for too many years which is why I dedicated my Substack to helping people see it. You should check it out, you might learn something new.

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For what it's worth, I feel the same. I especially dislike the military rank when someone is retired. Who cares if you're a retired lieutenant colonel (looking at you, Vindman).

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Oh shit! Hide! it’s the Post Nominal police!

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deletedAug 13·edited Aug 13
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Nope. Can I give you some unsolicited advice? Your comments make you seem pretty desperate for attention, which also makes you look foolish for your continued attention seeking comments.

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deletedAug 13
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Oh shit, you found us out! We’ll just huddle up with Dr. Jill, Dr. Obama, and the rest of the Dr. Team to make sure the next global brainwashing venue and event works better on you next time!!

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

South Park 🤣🤣🤣Always on the nail and ahead of the curve.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I won by not watching a single minute of it!

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

I didn't watch the Olympics this year (something about men beating women as millions watched just revolted me), but I caught a few post-highlight clips (women's soccer and distance running) on YouTube. Thank you for this great recap/rundown! I especially lol'ed at "They might be fast in the water, but they are slow in the head."

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

That was great and thank you for honoring Novak a true hero. You could easily have added all of the Israeli athletes but especially the 7 who medaled. In proportion to the population of Israel that is quite incredible and all the hate that was directed at them. Kol haKavod!

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

This piece was so good! I thought the first South Park clip was funnier than Cartman, but agree with all your other Olympics winners and losers.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Canada: it is “Hammertime” 2024.

Fun fact: The two Canadian winners of the hammer throw gold are from two places in British Columbia that I have been a resident of: Nanaimo and Richmond. Ethan Katzberg and Camryn Rogers. Not all Canadians are Woke wimps.

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Also, Canada won the 4 x 100 men’s relay. The team did the X symbol before entering the track. Real Canadian men.

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Aug 13Liked by Yuri Bezmenov

Living in the area, I’m excited for the Olympics in LA in 2028. Will there be nonsense associated with them? Yes. Of course. But I watch for the athletes and enjoy seeing them perform at their best on the world stage. There was much to celebrate about the Paris Olympics and there will be much to celebrate in LA in 4 years.

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