It does feel like the country is swirling the bowl. America was exceptional & the greatest country on earth to date (maybe all the great civilizations that eventually failed thought theirs was, too) but the exceptionality & greatness seem gone or beaten Dow so IDK if we can be the exception to the 225 - 260 years of dominance. In my pessimistic mood & given everything happening & promised to be coming, I doubt it. Is there any reason to hope, Yuri?

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Look in the mirror and to the skies above! The next 2 posts will have more details.

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Thank you, I will look forward to some hope!

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What period in US history are you referring to?

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This essay is great and ties in with my own observations that our civilizational history posits the source material for where it all went wrong. We may indeed be human but our civilizations are anti-human.

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Meh, it's the looting phase of late stage capitalism.

We shouldn't just think of it as "the Decline of the US" because it's much bigger than that. It's a NATO empire driven by NATO wants and needs.

Basically, it's any resource that the empire wants, in any place on the globe. It's all just a coup and some crowd-sourced political violence away. They have been using "social media" to trick enough plebes to believing that there is "revolution" afoot and then injecting money where it's needed to snatch control and keep it.

I'd say that the machine used to do it only abroad but there is ample evidence showing they have been doing it on US soil since they successfully coup'd JFK.

Everything since has been a construct; a lie. All options available during "free and fair" elections closely controlled and decided well ahead of any ballot casting. Even Trump was a staged event.

Look at the result of this: we're on the brink of a nuclear WWIII, the house of cards keeps collapsing and the pantywaste "left" is now the authoritarian right wing. Secular, not religious.

Even more dangerous because there are NO values there aside from motivational poster-type platitudes that never really resonate.

Those can be swapped out at a moment's notice for another equally banal and empty platitude.

The herd is being made to stampede again and again and eventually it's going over a cliff.

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This is a really great piece nice job. No comment really needed. It's obvious and this sums it up. And gosh this poor man Jeff Younger, I don't even know what I would do.

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Hey Yuri -

A quibble with the statement that Texas and California were taken from Mexico. Firstly, Texas was settled almost entirely by Anglo-Americans. Secondly, the territory in dispute was by more than a half smaller than the current state of Texas. Thirdly, after the war, the US paid Mexico a huge sum for damages in the war, and assumed a huge debt that the Mexican government owed to Texans. After Mexico became independent from Spain, they all but abandoned the disputed Texas territory and Alta California. The remaining settlers wanted to be annexed by Britain. Mexico responded by emptying their jails to create and send an army to restore its claim on California. That only made the Californians yearn more intensely for Anglo-American annexation.

In short, "taken", lacks the nuance of the way those territories were acquired. In fact, when you look at how relatively genteel we've been in conquering a mostly empty continent and then how apologetic we've been about it, it isn't much wonder why we've basically just given it away. It would be much more healthy if we would educate people and if that failed say, "Yeah. We conquered this once stone age continent and made everyone here better off. We're proud of it too. Next!" I don't understand why that is so difficult. Well, I do. The Framers explained it when considering the Constitution. It was an experiment doomed to fail under perfect conditions as they said themselves it would.

Another quibble is leaving out the colonial era. I think that was America's most incredible era. Before all of the statuary is removed I encourage you to go to the jewels of the south on the atlantic coast and see what those colonists did. It is amazing, beautiful and retains the beautiful pre-industrial city and town scale. I would discourage you from using tours guided by docents - who are all a bunch of anti-American scolds and traitors.

Considering the colonial era would make the span of our upward trajectory from Jamestown in 1607 to 1964 - a 357 year time frame. I love the colonial era because it took remarkable courage and grit to sail the seas, and to fail and to try again and again. The cooperation between the nobles and the settlers was truly incredible. I argue 1964 is the end. We replaced our Constitution, we signed the demographic death knell with unlimited mass immigration, set the stage for the "Great Society", and literally, on the launch pad of the moon landing, decided to erect a destructive welfare state and turn America into a victim's pity party instead of pursuing our destiny into the atomic and space age.

America is gone. The Revolution of 1964 - 2020 succeeded. The Dark Brandon speech in Philadelphia was their formal announcement. They intentionally desecrated Constitutional Hall and made it a grave. Brandon did his dance of RIP American Republic on it with his belle, Our Democracy(TM). In a few short years the Framers and Revolutionaries will be replaced on the Capital rotunda. The next step for us is to do a great sorting and initiate Operation Asturias. Life goes on. Many hero's journeys lay ahead.

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What is 'jewels of the south on the atlantic coast,' please? (not being lazy, I looked on the Web and found nothing).

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The cities that go back to the colonial era and that have still been run by the Anglo founding stock. Charleston and Savannah are two fine examples. Charleston I think is going to be overdeveloped in a few years, so get there now. Do not go on tours with the docents though.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if Dark Brandon’s acolytes destroy the Capitol Rotunda just to get rid of the Apotheosis of Washington fresco.

We definitely need a few heroes.

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Thank you! People are so generally uneducated about the Mexican Revolution, Santa Anna, the Texas Rebellion, and the Mexican-American War. Obviously the goal is to miseducate the kids and lie as part of the suffocating “america bad” propaganda but it frustrates me when conservatives dont know the history themselves

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Yuri, this is awesome, as always. And to top it off, we’ve learned the unexpected etymology of the term ‘C[an]uck’ !

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Here is a recent article which posits that the collapse of the financial system is what necessitated the unleashing of the Covid Operation:

COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation


Snippet from article:

"The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.

The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.


What this manufactured crisis conveniently camouflages is that we are in the midst of a planned total economic collapse- a collapse which was inevitable.

The timing of the COVID fraud became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis in Fall of 2019 which popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo Markets, Money Markets and Foreign Exchange Markets.


When US treasury bonds became illiquid due to exponential growth of public, but mostly private, dollar debt, even as the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets all hell broke loose.

The entire House of Cards which was falling for six months could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up to what amounts to $10-15 trillion of FED bailout in cash and stock boosts via Permanent Open Market Operations (POMO)- a fancy way of saying that the Fed is buying Treasuries, pumping money into the financial markets and handing out guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives.

The end game, currently in motion, is for the Central Banks (Fed) to buy up all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. They will then print money to infinity, already fully underway, to service this fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.


The timely arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed."

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The 2008 collapse was a mere taste.

We never got to the bottom of that crisis, (manufactured or otherwise,) and forestalling it with faster printing of money only put off a bigger and more catastrophic collapse.

I think that "world leaders" sorted out that the turning point for whether or not all of this human life was sustainable was passed 20 years ago an the only option was to loot the shit out of it and escape.

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The gender “affirming” trash really disturbs me. It’s so disgusting. Here it Texas we mourned the ruling that allowed the little boy to be destroyed by his vile Karen mother. I cannot even imagine the grief an agony this causes his father.

Regarding Andrew Tate: My husband brought him to my attention some time ago when his persecution began in earnest. It’s my opinion that he is hated because he is helping young men. Do we (my husband & I) agree with everything he says and does? Absolutely not. But I don’t really see anything wrong with what he is doing and saying. Young men -- especially those without a proper father figure in their lives -- can benefit greatly from someone like Tate. Although I (obviously) have zero proof/receipts on this, I seriously doubt he is a human trafficker.

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As a Christian, do you approve of his porn business?

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I’ve not said I approve of him at all, but the attacks on him by the media and official have ZERO to do with sexual grift and porn. There’s something else going on.

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But what interests me is those that leap to defend a pornographer, instead of the women who support him. Aren't they the real victims here?

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Most of those who despise him are grown men -- that I’ve seen AND women, but it’s usually a certain type (present company excluded).

It seems to me as if there’s more to it than this. While it is my prayer and my hope that porn will be outlawed EVERYWHERE, it is sadly not illegal in most western countries and even in Eastern European countries. It’s vile and should be illegal at the very least online, etc.

IF he is a sex trafficker, and there is irrefutable evidence, the authorities should “teach him all the way” as they used to say in The Walking Dead series. But they won’t do this, will they? Why?

I’m not defending him per se -- at least not in the true sense of the word and all that implies. I simply want to know WHY all these people suddenly despise him. Many of his most vocal detractors are those who said nary a peep about the Epstein debacle. I suspect because they are on Maxwell’s lists as “guests” who entertained themselves with boys and girls.

What I want to know is why are they REALLY after him so vehemently. I mean, he’s not even an American. Why aren’t we rounding up OUR own sex traffickers and pedophiles?

No. There is more to this and I don’t think it has to do with Tate’s womanizing or his manifold sexual immoralities. Hopefully, the actual truth will come forth. Did he come across something he should not have come across? Who knows?

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Haha absolutely not.

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And yet you are here to defend him. I can't help but wonder why.

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I think I just answered this in another comment thread you made, but here it is again in case it was a different David, plus an addition at the end:

It seems to me as if there’s more to it than this. While it is my prayer and my hope that porn will be outlawed EVERYWHERE, it is sadly not illegal in most western countries and even in Eastern European countries. It’s vile and should be illegal at the very least online, etc.

IF he is a sex trafficker, and there is irrefutable evidence, the authorities should “teach him all the way” as they used to say in The Walking Dead series. But they won’t do this, will they? Why?

I’m not defending him per se -- at least not in the true sense of the word and all that implies. I simply want to know WHY all these people suddenly despise him. Many of his most vocal detractors are those who said nary a peep about the Epstein debacle. I suspect because they are on Maxwell’s lists as “guests” who entertained themselves with boys and girls.

What I want to know is why are they REALLY after him so vehemently. I mean, he’s not even an American. Why aren’t we rounding up OUR own sex traffickers and pedophiles?

No. There is more to this and I don’t think it has to do with Tate’s womanizing or his manifold sexual immoralities. Hopefully, the actual truth will come forth. Did he come across something he should not have come across? Who knows?

***If and when unequivocal and irrefutable information comes out about him, I will be the FIRST to publicly eat crow here. I encourage you to remind me. I am a woman of my word.***

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I'm sure that Tate loves having so many 'Christians' defending his unchristian beliefs.

Pornography may not be illegal, but it is built on the objectification and victimization of women. And yet many see this pornographer as the victim. Does that seem acceptable to you?

I am aware that we feel a connection to famous people. I would hope that we would give a thought to the woman who's bodies enabled his fame and fortune. Don't you?

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Porn absolutely SHOULD be illegal! I’ve been saying this, David. You are just so bitter and angry you can’t understand what I’m saying. I wouldn’t want the man anywhere near my daughters, but if the powers are going to bring him down, they need to come clean as to what it is they’re getting him for because those people don’t care one whit about objectification of women, rape of children, sex trafficking, etc. They indulge in it THEMSELVES. This needs to play out so we see what the enforcers are so upset about.

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How did they arrive at the Roman empire lasting ~250 years when they made that graphic? The Western empire lasted until 500AD, and the East lasted for perhaps another 1000 years iirc.

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It started to decline after 250 years, not end.

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Hmm, maybe. TBH I like the alagory so I shouldn't question it too much!

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Don't confuse thing with something as trivial as 'facts'...

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Doesn't it seem more like the empire has already passed from the wide spread coordination we saw in recent years? I'm not a Rome expert, but for example there is some dispute of when exactly it "fell".

To me it seems whatever players are involved completed a corporate coup decades ago and had the distractions and patience to solidify it until it became so heavily entrenched it is almost impossible to see it as it's everywhere.

This still make take a very long time, but it is essential to know and act accordingly. We have good past references of what this can look like too.


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The genius and uniqueness of America came from something unique in the history of nations--anyone, regardless of ethnicity and origin, could become an American. Your bloodline could not mark you as forever tainted. The melting pot was real, Shattering it is our doom but repairing it is possible.

Not mentioned in the Jeff Younger story is the absolute worst of it--Jeff's ex-wife is the children's stepmother.

I think you ruined a fine examination here by your baffling--to me--admiration for Andrew Tate. I did not know that an affection for porn impresarios was compatible with Christian values. Aimee Terese's view of Tate (on Twitter) is worth reading for anyone tempted to confuse his posturing with an ideal of masculinity. She gets to the heart of it.

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I don’t believe ANYONE (here at least) is holding Tate up as the ideal of masculinity. He’s deeply flawed, but he does have some interesting things to say to lost young men. I’ve been burned before (years ago) by hating on someone because the media (even certain outlets I trusted) “decided” that I must hate that person.

I don’t really know what’s going on with Tate, but I suspect he’s not the evil villain most make him out to be.

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What positive things has Tate contributed?

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I have no PERSONAL experience, obviously, but have spoken to young men (the majority of whom have no father figures in their lives) who say he has inspired them to take responsibility for their actions, get off their butts, work to learn a trade or skill, and get out in the world. The ones I have spoken to KNOW that not everything he does is to be emulated. It’s just that he has sort of mentored them about not wasting their lives and then complaining about it.

Of course, they think he’s “cool” and all of that, but not all young men are stupid enough to think everything he does is virtuous.

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In all fairness, I forgot to mention that most of the boys we spoke to about this are practicing Christians in varying degrees. Perhaps that’s why they are well adjusted enough to not take EVERYTHING Tate does as something to imitate.

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What does that mean? How many non Christians do you talk to? What fraction of Tate's audience do you estimate non-christians?

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It has nothing directly to do with it. I was simply going for full disclosure. The young men (about 44 of them) happen to be Christians from hard situations. We talk to people who adhere to many religious traditions, including atheists, but in this instance, our access was only with this one group.

Don’t get so bitter and angry. That’s the problem with Twitter too. Please don’t make SS over in that image. This is a dialogue, not a fight.

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It is a dialogue

I was curious why you felt that these young Christian men were drawn to Tate, and why you felt that their religious background (unsuccessfully) helped them rejected the pull of men like Tate.

I'm also curious why you think that anger at people's defence of a man who took advantage of young woman is unacceptable.

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He's a seriously fucked-up guy making a living in a seriously fucked-up way. Yuri describing him as "persecuted" is a seriously fucked-up value judgment.

"...interesting things to say to lost young men." Indeed yes. But not advice likely to lead to healthy choices or mature growth.

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Oh so Jesus never hung out with hookers and sinners?

Thanks for clarifying that you are the authority for deciding what "Christianity" endorses or doesn't endorse.

Tate is a piss biter who is riding his fame of outing the others of his "class".

He's just in it for the fame, akin to an Alex Jones with money.

Your bronze age religion will also melt into history along with the country which espoused it for so long before basic human nature took the reigns.


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As best I recall, Jesus didn't hold them up as examples to emulate. The compassion of Jesus wasn't squishy.

The nice thing about the Bible is that anyone can read it and discern for themselves its message. That's why the Scots first funded public education on the village level--to free each Christian man and woman from the tyranny of the official explainers. One notes how Christians were murdered by other Christians for the sin of reading the Bible in English which led to, you know, an individual determination of the meaning of the words.

I don't have a religion. I believe dogma has nothing to do with our capacity to perceive what we may term the natural laws holding the universe together. I dislike what I see as the constant attempts by those who believe in dogmas to make God small and in their own images. Subverts the entire concept, really.

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Jesus told sinners they’re were forgiven and to “go now and sin no more.” He didn’t allow them to wallow in and continue in their sin.

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Defending sex offenders does not seem to conflict with 'christian values', as we have seen repeatedly, as long as they belong to the Right tribe...

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Thank you for this thought provoking piece. Can Yuri (or someone else here) please explain that ANES pilot survey bar chart? I honestly didn't understand it, how or where this survey was done and what it indicates. Also, what is ANES? I looked up their website but was not sure about this source from briefly viewing it.

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America seems very good at repeating our mistakes, while rarely learning from them.

After Dan Bongino, I might be one of your biggest fans. Привет!

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Yuri, if Baby Yulia were 15 yrs. old and physically mature for her age, would you trust Andrew Tate to show her the beauties of Romania as a nice friendly uncle type?

The thing is, nobody needs a celebrity guru. Young men without good fathers are seriously life-handicapped, but bad substitute fatherly advice won't save them. A Kardashian-type for the guys won't save them.

What saves people is learning to think for themselves, and understanding that sometimes an awful person can say something useful but that doesn't make the awful person a figure to emulate.

Question everything. Isn't that the key? If something mentally and intellectually and spiritually satisfies, it still might not be right. It might not be wrong. Why does it satisfy? Does it feel durably true? Everyone should be helped to find the tools that further good inquiry so they can decide for themselves how they feel their life should best be governed.

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The Roman functioned from its inception roughly in the year 0 to roughly 250AD or so. From around 250 onwards there were a series of very serious destabilizing events. You had the crisis of the 3rd century, then in the 4th century the capital was moved and governance of the empire was split among several rulers, there was persistent inflation and economic problems, massive immigration and demographic replacement of Romans in Rome by eastern Mediterranean people, huge wealth inequality, and repressive policies that laid the foundation of feudalism and serfdom. By 410AD the Empire existed in name only, with most provinces doing their own thing. Finally, Rome was sacked in 476 and the last emperor was deposed. Rome went into terminal decline after 250, however. It just took 150-200 years for the vestiges to be wiped out.

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Jan 2, 2023
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I have come to the realization that the only people "misgendering", are the so called transgender themselves, and their misguided advocates.

I too look forward to the day when the mass media stops calling a human male (who may wear women's clothes, or call himself a woman, or even go to the extreme of physical or pharmacological manipulation) a woman.

This inversion of reality is not sustainable.

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Agreed. Maybe we could solve this issue by reclassifying the genders: penis or vagina. It would solve the inclusive bathroom issues, prison issues... Stop wasting time trying to redefine what "woman" means and ask the real question.

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As some commenter said, “pointers or setters”


(Restroom door labels in a hunting motif restaurant - for non- hunters - these are dog breeds😉)

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That's funny!

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