I'm old enough to have watched the West Wing as an original broadcast. My wife and I liked it at first. But it quickly devolved into pure propaganda, and we stopped watching. It's telling that there are people today who celebrate the series as something significant. These are people who live in their own minds, and aren't even aware that there is a real world.

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Reality is undefeated. Theater kids can’t escape it, try as they might.

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I'm afraid you've now triggered arguably worse memories: The Kids From Fame 😱🤮🤮

I'm going to the gym to try and sweat it out

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I think you'll find their minds are a hive of no original thoughts. It is their anuses where they comfortably live.

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We actually really loved watching Designated Survivor with Kiefer Sutherland UNTIL its last season when the woke took over the writing and soiled the presidents character and pushed ridiculous agendas through the script. They just can’t believe anyone could ever remain corrupt free and so they had to corrupt him.

What’s wrong with giving the world an example of what it would look like if one were to remain unsoiled? We used to inspire our country that way, with stories that yes probably used actors that were light years from the characters they portrayed, and characters that might not show the true blemishes in a real man. But when we did that we raised children who had better character because if it.

Designated Survivor showed what could be in its first two seasons, and what it could look like. Then they had to destroy that storyline too.

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Started my day the spicy way. Thanks, Yuri!

FWIW, I recently tried to rewatch 1995’s “The American President;” Aaron Sorkin wrote it & Rob Reiner directed. That film, IMHO, was definitely the soft-launch of subversion we would view/hear from them in the 2000’s. I bailed after less than 30 minutes. So obvious now, but way back then, I liked the movie.

Thankfully, I grew up a lot from ‘95-2001; became a Mom and completed my #walkaway from the Dem Party in which I had been raised. Onward & upward!

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Reiner has one of the worst cases of TDS on the planet, was he ever talented?

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Spinal Tap.

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I lived that movie…🤦🏻‍♂️

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The Princess Bride. Yes, before his brain was colonized by the TDS fungus, he was creative.

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South Park do a great job on him 👌

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As I’ve already posted that the movie, princess bride was the last time I went to a theater. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but I think it’s the only one done by Rob Reiner that I’ve ever watched. i’ve always thought he was the perfect meathead.

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NOPE. Not according to ImDB, which tracks all financials. Reiner had some success, but overall Meathead liked to pretend his successes were on the lower end of the scale of Jerry Bruckheimer.

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09/26/24: As often as the Sahara is replenished with moisture.

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I used to consider it a bit of sweet nothing. I cannot watch it these days. Not at all.

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Agree, he has severe & debilitating TDS. That said, I have always loved “The Princess Bride,” and still quote iconic lines.

Like Kamala pretends to be for the middle class, I’ll just pretend Reiner cared about crafting pure entertainment in the 80’s.

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I used to interview and evaluate sociopathic felons like Donald Trump with rap sheets for prison.

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Congratulations! Sounds like a fulfilling job for you!

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After 34 years of service with the prison industrial complex, I retired several years ago. I now travel the world, enjoying different people and cultures. The coast of West Africa next month.

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I liked the movie until the "president" got all fired up and declared he was going to do this and that and "get the guns". As if it was inarguable that that was a good idea.

Just made me want to reach through the screen and slap the whole production -- except Annette Bening, she was just too pretty to slap.

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Yep, Purdy as a mud fence!

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Hamilton, who hated the proles with a visceral fury, who set up the centralized Fed monstrosity ruling over us, who presaged the central banks. No question, a Dem darling. A black trans baby, lol.

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Little known fact: Revolutionary soldiers were paid with 'scrip', (dollars didn't exist back then). Plus, they were given land after the war. The federal government made them pay taxes on that land. Initially, the ex-soldiers paid in the same scrip they had been issued in the first place. Hamilton came along and insisted on payment in gold, which nobody had. That's right, the government wouldn't accept its own currency as payment of taxes. Since the soldiers couldn't pay in gold, their land was foreclosed on. Even then, the federal government was screwing its citizens over.

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09/26/24: They fought to prevent being scalped by American Indians. Then their own government moved in to do the same.

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Always and forever. Greed.

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Well put.

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“The base of the Democrat party is young, single women whose entire identity is voting blue no matter who and supporting the current thing…” first and foremost, abortion.

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I’d say go with the choice that doesn’t involve an innocent baby losing their life.

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That's a choice between the woman and her doctor and none of your business.

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I fervently support abortion rights. But I can't support Harris or Biden or their pack of fiends masquerading as staff. I'm also fervently pro-gun, so it doesn't leave me much of anywhere to call my own.

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The way I always saw abortion was if someone wants one they can pay for it themselves. Why expect people who are wholly against it for deeply spiritual reasons to use their tax dollars to help you pay for it? That never made logical sense to me. It belongs with the states. Now it is. So … it shouldn’t even be an issue in this campaign …

… but the left has made it the main issue this year! Which means they ONLY care about two things: 1) that we ALL pay for people’s abortions through federal dollars in spite of deeply held religious beliefs that pro-lifers would be aiding murder by letting their tax dollars be used, which is pretty serious and should be respected even if you disagree, and 2) they must ALWAYS have pro-choice to use in order to coerce voters to their side even if all their other issues are horrific. Think about that. If the left TRULY were pro-choice, then why in the past 40 years when they held so much power for so long did they NEVER ratify Roe v Wade? They could have so easily many, many times, they had the power and never did!! The truth is they never wanted to because once it was ratified it would no longer be at risk, and then they lose their most polarizing campaign topic. So they held ratification hostage. THEY did, not the conservatives. If they can do that, then they aren’t serious - and it shouldn’t be such a serious issue for us either.

As for getting behind pro-choice or pro-life, I look at it like this: which is the worst scenario if the other side is wrong? If pro-choice stances are right, then the worst damage is that some people irresponsible with their sexual choices (because less than 1% of all abortions are actually rape or incest,) have to pay for one on their own and experience more inconveniences to navigate a pro-life system (again, only a scant few of all abortions being withheld actually result in some tragic health circumstance to the mother,) or they can’t afford one and have to carry to term but can give it up for adoption. So that’s the worst of it. However, if pro-life stances are right, then the worst that happens is vast and horrific, and a genocide of innocent lives. And there actually IS a high number of late term abortions as well as after delivery terrors. It’s been caught on video. More tragedies exist when it is legal than when it is illegal.

So in looking at the worst scenario of each, I’d rather be safe than sorry. So abortion is no longer one of my campaign issues at all.

Also, the same people fighting for bodily autonomy wrote horrific hate over anti-vaxers and condoned forcing the Covid vaccine on those that did not want it, to the point of approving that they either be strapped down to get it or exiled, shamed, fired, or even killed (for the sake of everyone else’s life.) That’s far too hypocritical for me, shows the lack of seriousness in the pro-choice convictions, and that was the moment I stopped being on the fence or even slightly pro-choice.

I can finally focus on what really matters to our country: our freedoms and our constitution.

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Indeed. They don't care about the economy. Hell, they don't even care about the "democracy" they shout about at every opportunity.

It's just "abortion all day/everyday" (literally the name chosen by one of these 1-track thinkers for her Substack).

They are "Democrat-Defined-Personalities". The entirety of the individual is a written script, never to be deviated from, and if it is, it's seen as a personal character flaw.

There is no internal development.

There is only the Party.


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This is gonna hurt but I will painfully go through it, I used to be a Sorkin fan and a shitlib, until I had an awakening after they knifed Bernie. I am sure it’s full of TDS drivel

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Many such cases. The only way out is through.

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Oh no, you're not going to make him watch the Hamilton Eloi as well. For God's sake don't do it on a full stomach 😂

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nah I'm not going to subject myself to that kind of torture lol

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There are few people who I detest more than Aaron Fcking Sorkin. Well, quite a few but they are in this pantheon of the left

Paul Krugman

Tom Friedman

David Ignatius -totsie totsie moron of the Gray Ladey

Peter Baker

Robert Reich - he’s the modern day Dr Miguelito Loveless from Wild Wild West. Yeah I’m dating myself with the Robert Conrad series but what Robert of the Shire lacks in intellect he makes up in height

Francis Piven - Thomas Sowell destroyed her in a debate with Bill Buckley, every lib should be made to watch Clockwork Orange Style

Malcom Gladwell

Nina Totenberg (who’s name auf Deutsch is literally Dead Mountain)

Zika the Virus Bzrezinski

Lawrence Fugging O’Donell - if there’s ever such thing as a smarmy empty suit, he’s it. Stop. The. Hammering.

But I am proud to say I have never seen an entire episode of West Wing, I saw a few minutes and knew it was a big stroke for the Clintons and it was just the LA Law formula applied by some drug addict ( Sorkin was addicted while writing that show) Hollywood tosser.

And no, I refuse to watch any YouTubes on that stupid musical Hamilton. He was a creature of the banks.

I need more coffe.

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Good list, but it needs to be a lot longer, and it also needs to be memorialized somewhere as a permanent reminder and a reference.

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09/26/24: From my Election research (11/05/24: Who wins; who loses.).

Exposition: G.C. is the former editor of the Newhouse media empire's magazine "Vanity Fair" (booted out in 2017-18).

The magazine and much of the Newhouse m.e. never recovered from the 2008 economic crash, which, ironically, was largely due to the political progressive practice of banks and other lending companies lending billions of dollars to "disenfranchised" citizens, who then bought homes.

Recklessly extending credit in such a way guaranteed the crash; there was simply no possibility that the borrowers could pay these sums back to the lenders.

Carter now runs a spritely Internet site called "Air Mail" ("Vanity Air").

"Greypoupon Carter" refers to his notorious snobbery.

(About 90% of all progressives disdain and even hate their social "inferiors.")

And "D.O.A." is a figurative (not literal) manner of speaking.


--- Graydon Carter (Mega-TDS) D.O.A. Volume 1 A-G

Graydon sweeps the card! ELEVEN consecutive negative transits November 4-8, 2024. Definitely a Ten Worst candidate. And that doesn't include the hypothetical possibility of Saturn Conjuncting his Moon on or about 11/05/24 (but let's not get piggy about it).

Post Note (08/10/24 Mercury Rx): Graypoupon Carter has been a gold mine, alerting me to Trump-TDS-media "names" on an almost daily basis. He is apparently surrounded by Pauline Kael clones; see Andy Borowitz (also DOA).

Who was Pauline Kael?

John Podhoretz (02/27/11; copied 08/10/24): "The clearest example of ... hermetic liberal provincialism was attributed to ... Pauline Kael ...

"It went something like this:

“I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.” ... on the [The New Yorker magazine] website ... Richard Brody offers what may be the first accurate version of the quote I've ever seen ... 'Pauline Kael famously commented, after the 1972 Presidential election, ‘I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.' ”

https://www.commentary.org/john-podhoretz/the-actual-pauline-kael-quote%E2%80%94not-as-bad-and-worse/ [End]


--- Re Graydon Carter (09/25/24): Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"?

Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---

(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---

Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...

Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.

Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)

Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:

"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."

(https://airmail.news/issues/2024-9-21/hide-and-seek. Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)


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This was especially ironic because Will was supposed to be the token Republican on the show, and he clearly delivered an amazing MAGA speech. He even has the anger and rude attitude of the movement. Sorkin and Daniels would never say this, but anyone like Will in real life in 2012 would be about to vote for Trump for the Third time.

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Can’t end it my comment, but I wanted to add, Sorkin probably is aware of this in his heart, and that’s why he stopped writing anything significant. I’m willing to bet Trump watched at least that clip of Newsroom, and was inspired by it, and that is probably what keeps Sorkin up at night.

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Aaron Sorkin stopped writing for awhile due to charges being brought against him. Despite the politics, I loved “West Wing” because it was so well-written and extremely fast-paced that it was one of the few shows that actually kept my attention.

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I too loved it for the reasons you listed; I ignored the politics. I also loved Sorkin's show Sports Night; again witty and fast-paced. It's actually sad to see talented people die (figuratively ) from the woke virus.

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I agree! 😊

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09/26/24: Along with Mayor Adams of NYC, who has just been given the Trump's Rush by his own tribe members. I'm looking forward to his revelations about them and what they've done wrong; his credibility about his own party members will wound deeply. Can't slander HIM by calling him a "MAGA," can they now? Oddly, he might turn out to be the most important person in the Northeastern U.S. during what's left of the campaign before 11/05/24. I strongly, strongly suspect that Kookamunga Harris was horrified yesterday when she heard that Adams had been indicted. We shall see.

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Mayor Adams, when faced with the reality of illegal immigrants being bused to his city and the need to live up to all the sanctuary city promises, was not a happy man. He tried (unsuccessfully) to get a law passed that people coming over the southern border had to stay in the state they entered.

I watched a production of Hamilton on PBS and thought it was ridiculous but once Our Betters have declared something high art, that’s all the media needs to hear to declare it a masterpiece. Same with The West Wing and Newsroom — all the characters are essentially the same person. Smug, self-important, holier-than-thou and willing with the slightest encouragement to grandstand.

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[EDIT: never mind I read too fast]

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09/28/24: You and I had the same day, yesterday, apparently. Hope you got re-oriented faster than I did!

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TDS is so strong that most of these people in Hollywood should be under observation not under contract.

What do you expect from a place where they'll pay a million for a kiss and penny for your soul.

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And will expect your arse for free 😁

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Hamilton is if The West Wing and The Newsroom adopted a black trans child:

Thanks for making me click that. I managed around 10 seconds and then 🤮🤮🤮🤮

The fucking Eloi developing as a culture a la H.G.Wells 😱

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When that clip "went viral" years ago I was unable to watch Jeff (tool) Daniels in anything after.

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Woke is a mental disease and attempt at making a secular religion.

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More fireballs from Commissar Bezmenov, first among equals

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Sorry Yuri, but I have freedom in Canada.

The freedom to subscribe to your Substack and write a comment. Until Bill C-63 passes at least. All hail our great leader 25% Trudeau.

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My condolences.

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Each time I read one of your pieces I feel like living in the US would be tiring - dodging, weaving, and resisting propaganda as well as the people who try to force feed it through the entertainment industrial complex.

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09/26/24: Outside of the political circles, one can easily live one's life unmolested, if fortunate enough to have a good (well-paying) job and a residence in one of the "safe zones" that haven't been intentionally destroyed by the career criminals in our government (pushing illegal immigration in order to get on the gravy train of gov't money that is flung in that direction).

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Yeah, good luck keeping a good job. The layoff cycle just keeps shortening in period.

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09/27/24: When I was a lad, the idea of firing an employee simply by sending out an email ("Goodbye") would have shocked and horrified the coldest bosses. And here we are now: the practice is so considered to be "normal," it doesn't even strike people for what it is --- a sadistic practice robbing people of their dignity (while most of the time, the reason for getting laid off had nothing to do with the person's job performance).

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It's also cowardice. So much easier when you don't have to look someone in the eye and witness the consequences of your actions.

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09/29/24: Nailed it you did.

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Atomization’s bitter fruits.

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I wish 'sorority girl' would've steeled and said "Well, YOUR generation gave us our current state, a$$hole."

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“Sorkin placed so much emphasis on esoteric knowledge as a marker of intelligence…” Nailed it. I always remember a scene in which Rob Lowe’s character creams all over himself for knowing the difference between a river and a tidal estuary.

I liked Jeff Daniels in American Rust.

I do recall a strong anti-intellectual sentiment on the Right during the pre-Obama era.

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Check out Daniels in “Fisher King” with Robin Williams.

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Ugh!!! I meant Jeff Bridges, not Daniels! Edited to: “Check out Jeff Bridges in ‘Fisher King’ with Robin Williams.”

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